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NFL Offseason Thread |OT4| Fingers Crossed for a Homicide-Free July

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I've always said that players should be able to use whatever they want. Who gives a shit what they do to their own bodies?


Sucks, but I'll wait and see before passing judgment. Seems like a recreational thing rather than a PED, so I think the cheater thing can take a back seat.


I've always said that players should be able to use whatever they want. Who gives a shit what they do to their own bodies?
yeah, I'm all for it if it's legalized and leads to more entertainment

Sucks, but I'll wait and see before passing judgment. Seems like a recreational thing rather than a PED, so I think the cheater thing can take a back seat.
he was taking "recreational" "Adderall"


I am not necessarily for PEDs but it seems like they are all already doing it anyways so at this point I just can't muster enough fake outrage to complain about it (unless it is a real scumbag player from a division rival or the Pats).
Currently, for my money, there's no two teams I'd rather watch go head to head. So for the time being it's definitely one of the best, if not the best. Give it a couple of years and it'll lose its luster.

On paper, sure. They haven't had one game worth getting excited for yet though. This year's probably the year for that, but until then not the best rivalry.


Wasn't Miller suspended for PEDs his rookie year? And PEDs should absolutely be illegal in football. In baseball, bigger stronger faster means you hit a ball better. In football it means you hit humans better. If we want football to survive the wussification of America there needs to be less injuries, and slowing and shrinking these guys down to human levels is a good start


Wasn't Miller suspended for PEDs his rookie year? And PEDs should absolutely be illegal in football. In baseball, bigger stronger faster means you hit a ball better. In football it means you hit humans better. If we want football to survive the wussification of America there needs to be less injuries, and slowing and shrinking these guys down to human levels is a good start

For the life of me I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure he didn't have a violation before. Basically if it's PEDs he gets a suspension first shot. If it's the drug policy fail first time, warning, second drug program and fine, third is suspension.


For the life of me I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure he didn't have a violation before. Basically if it's PEDs he gets a suspension first shot. If it's the drug policy fail first time, warning, second drug program and fine, third is suspension.

Maybe I am thinking of Dumerville. Thought one of those guys got suspended a couple of years ago. Miller is a bit of flake so I'm not shocked he got popped for pot. Wearing a onesie



Fear of a GAF Planet
Firstly. Everyone should be against ped's. It's sounds stupid, and it's a slippery slope argument, but if everyone is fine with ped's in sports, how long until it's prevalent in the workplace? Sure, everyone drinks coffee or energy drinks. But what if there was a drug that made people better at flipping burgers while taking 10 years off of your lifespan? Would you be fine with the option of losing your job or shortening your life? It's already happening with some of these concentration meds.

Need some more steam friends. Never really added anyone on there.
If yall using, same steam ID: brentech

I just made an nfl-gaf group on steam. Everyone join and then we won't have to go through all of this adding friends rigamaroll!



Fear of a GAF Planet
It's legal.
But is it cheap?
Free to choose, chuck. Why do you hate freedom?
The militant poet in once again, check it
It's set up like a deck of cards
They're sending us to early graves
For all the diamonds
They'll use a pair of clubs to beat the spades
With poetry I paint the pictures that hit
More like the murals that fit
Don't turn away
Get in front of it

Anger is a gift


Played basketball yesterday for the first time in a while.

I may not be able to dunk like Greg, but I still got that sweet asian shooting stroke.

Hunter S.

Under NFL policy, testing positive for a performance enhancing drug is met with a immedidate suspension. Testing positive for a recreational drug lands the player in a testing program, and a second positive test triggers a suspension.

I hope Miller's suspension is for Marijuana as I would rather see a ton of MJ jokes than cheater jokes. Remember guys Denver people are nice pot heads.

Hunter S.

It is. What the second drug is, is unknown at this point. It is recreational though.

Just saw Aa rumor it is mollly aka MDMA. Seems like he is a partier. Better than cheating. My source is questionable still. wait and see for curiosity..

@ Eznark You so funny Terrel Davis got a MVP on your asses with a Migrain in the game.


Just saw Aa rumor it is mollly aka MDMA. Seems like he is a partier. Better than cheating. My source is wait and see.

@ Eznark You so funny Terrel Davis got a MVP on your asses with a Migrain in the game.

Barely winning the super bowl while cheating. Congratulations on being the OG Patriots.
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