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NFL Offseason Thread |OT4| Fingers Crossed for a Homicide-Free July

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Broncos open against the Ravens, Giants, Raiders, and Eagles. That looks like 2-2 to me, even if Miller were available. That'd be a rough suspension. Still, the Broncos could start 0-4 and still probably win the division with ease.


Played basketball yesterday for the first time in a while.

I may not be able to dunk like Greg, but I still got that sweet asian shooting stroke.
I am pretty sure that is not an actual thing.

Redskins smart to rush RG3 back again. If I hated black people and wanted my qb's knee to explode I would do exactly the same thing. And I just assume they are racist motherfuckers based on their logo.


Barely winning the super bowl while cheating. Congratulations on being the OG Patriots.

A for effort. The real reason you lost is Josh Freeman's idol (Gilbert Brown), couldn't peel his fatass off the ground and stop TD.

Broncos open against the Ravens, Giants, Raiders, and Eagles. That looks like 2-2 to me, even if Miller were available. That'd be a rough suspension. Still, the Broncos could start 0-4 and still probably win the division with ease.

I've got it at 3-1. Loss happening to either Ravens or Giants. Without Miller even.
Broncos open against the Ravens, Giants, Raiders, and Eagles. That looks like 2-2 to me, even if Miller were available. That'd be a rough suspension. Still, the Broncos could start 0-4 and still probably win the division with ease.

Yeah, good luck stopping HoFlynn with no Miller.


I am pretty sure that is not an actual thing.

Redskins smart to rush RG3 back again. If I hated black people and wanted my qb's knee to explode I would do exactly the same thing. And I just assume they are racist motherfuckers based on their logo.
I was going to :jnc based just on the first part, but it applies to the whole post

Hunter S.

For the record, losing Miller sucks. But, the Broncos are dominant on both sides of the ball. I love how it is a team sport. I am still confident they will start strong.

Edit:The NFL has not commented. The speed of the internet is hilarious sometimes.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. You always brandish that quilt. Good for the Pack. Can't hate on that.

Really the point is, when you play in soooooooooooo many championship games you are bound to lose every now and then. Consistent, decades long dominance has its price friend.



Barnwell has his trade value chart out. Part one today, with Freeman coming in at 50

I'm inclined to think the offensive line or some sort of hidden injury were most of Freeman's problem, but then again, the organization basically sold Freeman out this offseason. Greg Schiano actually suggested that Mike Glennon would compete with Freeman for the starting job, and GM Mark Dominik didn't even begin negotiations on a long-term deal with Freeman's agents. That's damning in and of itself. In any case, Freeman won't be in this spot again next year. He'll either be up in the mid-twenties after a big season or nowhere near the list at all, having failed to live up to the lofty promises of 2010

Hunter S.

Really the point is, when you play in soooooooooooo many championship games you are bound to lose every now and then. Consistent, decades long dominance has its price friend.

Eznark is 90 years old and remembers every Packers championship. Congrats you old Goat.
For the record, losing Miller sucks. But, the Broncos are dominant on both sides of the ball. I love how it is a team sport. I am still confident they will start strong.

Edit:The NFL has not commented. The speed of the internet is hilarious sometimes.

Phillips is actually a competent backup. Doubt it will affect the team that much for just 4 games. They will still lose to Oakland, but that was inevitable.


It's always Dragon. Is he banned? Surprised he hasn't started chirping. This time I think I will c/p it for later use.

It's an idiotic argument to deny the championships way back when for any team. The league obviously changes, but those championships are just as relevant as the ones happening today. What happens 30 years from now? Are the championships happening today worthless in the future? I don't think so.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Second interview went well, now I'm waiting on a joint interview with their client company.

Tell me about your ambitions.


I wanna be big. So, so big. And a movie star.



This is a pretty well done write up on ways RG3 needs to get better, and not just healthier

Overall it's, as you said, a pretty well done write-up.

The Redskins hope they have a multipronged tight end weapon in third-round rookie Jordan Reed, who may push for playing time right away if Fred Davis can’t regain his form after last October’s Achilles surgery.

This is my sleeper player for the Skins this year.

The Redskins will occasionally align a tight end in the backfield, but they might be better off using fullback Darrel Young to make their running game more multidimensional. If not Young, then pass-catching backup tailbacks Roy Helu, Evan Royster or Chris Thompson could be used alongside Morris in full-house sets.

I'd put my money on Jawan Jamison, our 7th round pick also contributing this year. Chris Thompson is a speedster but Jawan IMHO is a true change of pace back that would be complimentary to Morris. If you watch his youtube clips, you'll see that he has the one trait that all Shanahan backs MUST have... That's vision. His lack of speed is compensated with his quickness, anything 50 yards and closer makes his lack of top end speed less of an issue.

Up front, the men doing the zone blocking don’t quite have the chemistry or athleticism that, say, Houston’s line has, but at least the group has now played together for two full seasons. Light-footed left tackle Trent Williams is the headliner. Center Will Montgomery is an overachiever who has found his niche in this system. Left guard Kory Lichtensteiger is on thin ice, given that Washington drafted Josh LeRibeus in the third round. Right guard Chris Chester is the solid veteran entering his eighth season. Right tackle Tyler Polumbus is the guy who coaches hope won’t crumble in pass protection. If he does, the Redskins will probably try their luck with clumsy-footed ex-Buc Jeremy Trueblood.

I have no idea why the writer believes that Lichtensteiger. There has been nothing said to indicate that. The only person on this ice is Polumbus. I think at this point, you start to see that the writer isn't really uniquely intimate with the state of the team.

Don’t be surprised if Robert Griffin III experiences a sophomore slump in 2013. He has the makeup to be great, but defenses will be more prepared for his style of play. The rest of Washington’s modestly gifted offense could have trouble making the necessary adjustments. The defense, though well-coached, is not quite equipped to pick up the slack.

A sophmore slump by what measure? Less rushing yards? He won't finish with a 100+ QB rating again? I think RGIII's mental makeup and maturity won't allow for the "slump" that we all think of when we hear the word.

Washington's modestly gifted offense survived without RGIII in two critical moments last season. I think that showed that they can still operate without him.

The defense was massacred by injury last year. Both starting safeties, Orakpo, Carriker... Yet, they were highly ranked in regards to turnovers. Top 5 I believe...? I think it's a much to say that they can't pick up the slack. They picked it up last year during the win streak. Now they're healthier and have improved in some positions.

Of course, only time will tell.


Fear of a GAF Planet
So the first and second offenses aren't publicized?

No. And the only thing the NFL will say about the third is that it happened and he's suspended. They won't say what it's for. That's for the player and his representatives to lie about.
Normally I'd begrudge Pats fans and make some kind of snide remark about choking in the Super Bowl, but after the NBA Finals, I have no room to talk except to say I can relate now.


No. And the only thing the NFL will say about the third is that it happened and he's suspended. They won't say what it's for. That's for the player and his representatives to lie about.

Maybe for PEDs. It sounds like drug and alcohol policy is different.
This wouldn't have happened if Tebow was still here! He would have showed Von how to lead a clean lifestyle. Peyton is out there giving these guys high quality drugs and unlimited pizza.


I really think its dumb for a player to be suspended over Molly and weed. It's not helping him on the field in any way. They could care less about 75% of their players drunk off their asses the whole off season.

But if it helps my ravens win so be it lol
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