If the official NFL-Gaf league led by a German living in Europe, who is a devout Pats fan, thinks Tom Brady is sexy and masculine. Who can come visit the States and criticize our transportation, our living conditions and our food while claiming how elite and special his Fantasy League is suits you, by all means be my guest.
Last I knew this was America, where we can't stand Germans, love the flag, love our broken transportation systems, console wars, love freedom, give Nintendo second and third chances, love our quarterback controversies, like beautiful women, adore cute gray kitties,hate terrorism, and support Super Sized Meals because dammit if someone wants to be fat like Roethlisberger than you let that person be! Then you join any other league and let them be happy and free.
But If you like oppression and elitism then you join the shirtless league and make sure to tell everyone how much cooler you are. And don't forget to wear one of these before the start of the season. That's how it starts.