Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:
NFL-GAF Prison part 1.
NFL-GAF Prison part 2.
NFL-GAF Prison part 3.
NFL-GAF Prison part 4.
NFL-GAF Prison part 5.
NFL-GAF Prison part 6.
NFL-GAF Prison part 7.
NFL-GAF Prison part 8.
NFL-GAF Prison part 9.
As always, click on any image to get the full res screenshot.
The cell block search continues. Nothing is found in SpinDasher's cell, but
Greg is busted! Cloudy takes a shower in the meantime, oblivious to what's going on.
Not only did he fashion a shiv out of a fork stolen from the canteen, but like DM he also had a spoon to be used as a digging tool.
A bottle of booze is discovered in Futurevoid's cell. Another shiv is found in Batman's bed in the neighboring cell.
Greg figures he may as well sleep while in lockdown. He has a 2 hour stint in solitary afterwards, which is a problem since we don't have any of that built yet. A
guard finds another digging tool, this one hidden in Batman's toilet. Buckethead's and JABEE's cell appear to be clean.
As Batman returns to the cell block, he's cuffed and escorted back to his cell for his lockdown penalty. He also has a 2 hour penalty in solitary, but until we build out the solitary confinment cells he has to wait in his own cell indefinitely.
The other guard meanwhile finds Futurevoid relaxing in the Canteen and also cuffs him, escorting him back. He also has a 2 hours in solitary penalty and will have to wait for it to be built.
Kave's cell is searched while he sleeps. He is also found to have a shiv and the shovel-spoon, and is cuffed while asleep.
As the guard prepares to leave Kave's cell and take his contraband,
a guard finds yet another shiv - this time in Frankman's cell. He also gets 2 hours of solitary.
Tom Penny's room is searched and the guard finds a stash of pills!
Still asleep like Kave was, Penny is cuffed and given time in solitary.
Midnight rolls around and we get more money. As we get more prisoners, we get a higher amount of daily funds. We prep 5 more rooms in the cell block, this should give us enough capacity to fulfill the Block A contract and earn that final $10k which we can put towards building out the solitary confinement cells. The guards also wrap up their cell block search, going through DM's cell one more time and Doomsayer's cell. Nothing else is found. With all this activity in the main cell block, I have no idea what happened in the holding cell in the meantime. Given 10 prisoners in there and only 3 beds, I assume shenanigans were inevitable.
DM has finished his lockdown penalty and is back among the general population. Shower time the next morning, workers continue to build out the rooms as the guys stuck waiting for solitary stay in their cells. That means no shower for Kave again, Day 7 and counting!
The other shower is much more crowded. Only Dutch and Fox feel comfortable enough to shower.
Everyone heads out to breakfast. At least, those not sitting in their cells waiting for solitary.
At breakfast, DM chooses to sit right in the very middle next to RBH. Probably wants to get in a good spot where he could possibly hear every other conversation, wanting to get a clue on who snitched.
I had forgotten to remove the AM Free Time block from the schedule, so it still happens for today. DM and Buckethead head off to have a discussion while playing some pool. Perhaps Bucket has a lead on the snitch.
We reach 15 furnished cells and earn our $10k grant!
We go ahead and outfit the rest of the cell block. We should then have enough capacity for all the prisoners we currently have.
We also go ahead and cue up the solitary confinement cells next to the shower.
Around noon, Cloudy's family shows up for a visit. He'll drop by later on at the next Free Time session to talk with them.
A worker gets going on the solitary rooms.
As yard time approaches,
BlackGhost snaps and tries to escape. He literally is trying to tear through the jail door with his bare hands. His punches appear to be ineffectual.
The solitary rooms are done, the worker just needs to clean up the mess and the guards can escort the guys waiting to serve their penalty.
But first, they need to bring the pain.
BlackGhost attacks the guard, but is beaten back with a baton.
BlackGhost is subdued and cuffed after taking a serious beating, though he did get some licks in on the guard. The guard leaves him on the ground to collect later as he heads off to the cell block to escort the other prisoners to solitary.
As yard time ends the prisoners all head back to their cells. Those heading to the holding cell pass by BlackGhost, trying to ignore his beaten body lying on the ground.
BlackGhost is eventually escorted back to the holding cell to recover from his injuries, as we don't have a medical wing yet.
In the meantime Penny, Kave, Batman, and Frankman serve their solitary time. Futurevoid and Greg have to wait their turn.
Sitting on one of the holding cell beds, BlackGhost has recovered a bit from his injuries. Once his lockdown penalty is over, he'll also need to head to solitary. Everyone else in the holding cell do their best to ignore him in case he loses it again.
The mood is subdued and tense at dinner time. Only Rorschach appears to have an appetite, everyone else would end up skipping the meal.
Everyone is let out of solitary and escorted to new cells as cell assignments are switched around as a precautionary measure. Greg, Futurevoid, and Blackghost get their turn in solitary.
With all the rooms in the cell block now furnished, everyone in the holding cell moves over to the cell block. Midnight also rolls around, giving us new daily funds.
The new cell assignments. Godslay is at the very top corner, above RBH. And apparently, a crate of pipes has been accidentally left in Dutch's cell by a worker. Or was it really an accident?
With the cell block complete, we hire a security chief and put his office next to the warden.
We cue up Deployment and Maintainance in the research queue.
Having a security chief also gives us access to a security status check.
Choice A (complete cell block to earn $10k grant) from before is now complete. We're now in the middle of choice C having hired the security chief and started up some research. Once we get deployment I'll move on to choice B and get more security guards and set some patrol sectors.
Once that's out of the way, we need more direction. Meaning,
decision time once again! How should we prioritize our next moves?
A - Given the recent injuries, build out the medical wing. Build a ward, hire doctors, build a psychologist office. Note that this will also complete the Health & Well Being Grant and earn us another $10,000.
B - With more prisoners around, beef up security. Continue hiring guard staff, unlock and hire dog patrols, look into more security systems like metal detectors and CCTV cameras.
C - Build out infrastructure. Research and unlock cleaning crew, grounds keepers, and prison labor. Hire an accountant to remove the daily spending limit. Build out pavement in outside areas to decrease traveling time so prisoners and staff can get to different rooms much faster. Clean up the filthy mess that is our prison facility.
Please vote the order you'd like to see: i.e. B-A-C. Once we get through this block of work the next decision point after this down the road will be about expanding our prison to accomodate even more inmates, and whether to start building out max or min security cell blocks.
Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game, who needs more in-depth prison bios, and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:
And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: