Ok guys need serious advice here.
Wasn't planning on getting a PS4 or X1 anytime soon since I already have a NEXT GEN ! system with the WiiU plus with the baby coming I wanted to save some money.
Of course my wife saw this as some heroic effort on my behalf and for Valentines day decided to buy me a PS4. FUCK. I only got her flowers. Anyway that's another story.
i haven't kept up with the gaming side of things in the longest. What's the better system to have right now. Or are they both about the same with X1 getting Titanfall? Is it really worth it? I am leaning towards telling her to switch out the PS4 for X1 only because everyone I know who I would play with online for multiplayer games seems to have the X1.
Last gen I had the PS3 and realized more and more I mostly play sports games and online multiplayer so I rather have the system that most others have. But is there any big advantage or disadvantage? Is the X1 a blu ray player too? How much is the xbox live service? Do I have to get connect?
Also considering telling her to return it completely and hold off on buying me a console until this fall when far better games are out and our finances are sorted out with the baby and stuff.
The Xbox One currently has a stronger first party slate in the way of Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct. (and Forza I suppose but fuck sim racers so yeah)
The Playstation 4 is home to better versions of the multiplatform titles available at the moment (higher resolution, framerates, etc.) and is generally regarded as the more powerful console of the two.
The Playstation 4 is designed as primarily a games console and using it is generally a simple and intuitive affair.
The Xbox One is designed to act as a media hub for your living room and generally does more including the whole TV integration affair that was touted from the start. There's also Kinect to contend with.
My personal opinion being an owner of both consoles:
I love to actually use the PS4. It's simple but effective. I pop in a new game, it installs quickly and I'm playing in a relatively short amount of time. I can share easily, get to what I want easily (friends, store, trophies, etc.) and there's little fuss involved. It's also damned fast.
I find the Xbox One to be a chore by comparison. Voice commands work 85-90% of the time and frankly I avoid using them whenever I can. The UI is clumsy and while you generally get used to it, I feel as though a lot of streamlining could happen to better showcase the things the One can offer (Upload studio for instance is great and offers greater options than the PS4's share button).
The TV Integration is a subjective issue but the lack of DVR capability/control is a complete killer for me as its how I primarily watch television. It adds nothing of value for my household and I'll likely unplug it from my set top box in the next few weeks (I've had it plugged in since I bought it specifically because I wanted to give it a chance).
All of that said, I *LOVE* Killer Instinct and really enjoyed the time I put into Dead Rising 3. I just finished it a few days ago in fact.
Oh and despite the push for the Xbox One being the "all-in-one media hub" I'll take the PS4 Netlix and Amazon apps any day of the week. Better interfaces for both, IMO.
Do what you will with the info above.