I haven't seen an ass kicked this hard since Peyton.
It's basically the same shit as sports. People get infatuated with companies that couldn't give a shit about them and enjoy it when they beat other companies that also don't give a shit about people.
Only its even more pathetic because its not even a sport.
Its far more pathetic. When you root for a team the direct enjoyment comes from the team winning. Rooting for a corporation to be #1 is like rooting for the owner of your team to make more billions. I root for the Eagles to win games, not for Lurie to line his pockets.
Still I guess I root for Nintendo to succeed only to the point that I hope they keep making games that I enjoy. I enjoy Nintendo first party titles and sports/fps online multiplayer games mainly. And even then I find myself playing videogames less and less with varied interests and very little time between work, wife, soon to come baby, gym, and hanging out with friends and family.
I own a WiiU. I don't care if Nintendo is #1 or #3 but I do want them to survive. Going to keep a PS4/X1 mainly for the sports, shooters, and maybe an AAA game here and there.
Get a Wii U
Fuck you snes
I own a Wii U
Then again I don't buy a game or two every month. Even back when I had all the time in the world to play videogames, I would only buy a 2-3 games every 6 months. I guess the droughts don't affect me but it does kill their business. Pathetic that games they showed over a year ago aren't out yet especially after no showing at the launch.