
Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:
NFL-GAF Prison part 1.
NFL-GAF Prison part 2.
NFL-GAF Prison part 3.
NFL-GAF Prison part 4.
NFL-GAF Prison part 5.
NFL-GAF Prison part 6.
NFL-GAF Prison part 7.
NFL-GAF Prison part 8.
NFL-GAF Prison part 9.
NFL-GAF Prison part 10.
NFL-GAF Prison part 11.
As always, click on any image to get the full res screenshot.
Another day, another missed shower by Kave. 9 days and counting!

Everyone opts for bacon this breakfast session.

Rorschach's family shows up for a visit.

Fox318's family is here as well!

The prison's first work shift arrives, and Wedge and JABEE are assigned to cleaning duty. I think they'll just stand around not doing anything though until we research Cleaning.

I rearrange the kitchen a bit to make it easier for more people to move in. I also install another sink. Assigned to Kitchen duty today are Frankman, Batman, SpinDasher, RBH, and Cloudy.

The inmates collect the dirty trays, clean the serving tables, wash dishes, and put clean trays back on the serving tables.

Work shift over, everyone heads out for Free Time.

As usual, Kave goes for his daily weightlifting session.

I make an adjustment to the schedule, putting the early Free Time session in the middle of the work shift. I may consider removing the other Free Time section since Work Time is considered Free Time for most of the other inmates, at least until we can get enough jobs queued up for the rest of the population.

Nothing big happens during Yard Time, despite the guard who put the beating down on BlackGhost being the one on duty for the area. He gets suspicious from some of the talk going around for some reason.

Dinner and Free Time pass without incident, but the guard's suspicions move up to the security chief and warden. They order another cell block inspection.

DM is searched and found to have another shovel-spoon on him. He's cuffed and the guard moves on to his cell. The other guards start moving to the cell block to search everyone else.

Doomsayer is busted for also having stolen a spoon. And once again a tunnel is discovered in DM's cell.

Coldplay is busted and cuffed.

Guards find contraband all over the cell block.

Fox is cuffed for smuggling in a cell phone, as well as having a shiv.

Prisoners are escorted to solitary as more and more contraband is discovered.

You can't really tell from the angle, but those doors are solid with no windows. Those are pretty much small dark closets with no light.

During this time, midnight had come and gone and we hire our first doctor. She starts treating BlackGhost right away.

Having been cooped up in the medical ward for almost 24 hours he ends up pissing on himself and the doc. Guards have also found contraband in his cell.

The injured guard that subdued BlackGhost originally comes in, gets healed, and then escorts BlackGhost away as the doctor cleans herself up.

In total, 12 inmates are busted for contraband: DM, Kave_Man, Doomsayer, Coldplay, Frankman, Slo, SpinDasher, Dutch Patriot, WedgeX, Fox318, RBH, and BlackGhost. 6 of them gets stints in solitary.

As the first batch of solitary punishments are completed, guards escort them back to their cells and bring in BlackGhost and Fox to serve their penalties.

Next post we'll see if there's any fallout from the cell block search.
Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game, who needs more in-depth prison bios, and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:
And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: https://xianaphryz.imgur.com