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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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come in my shame circle
Shit's real now


No fuck that!

They said that at the start of the Women's game now they want to push it back again.

It's too late the bitch is your's now.


Gordon's been on the best of behavior and seems to really get it now. On the weather thing I hate how ppl try and make a argument on what Qb we should draft based on weather here. A good Qb is a good Qb, let's not rule a guy out based off of 2 cold weather games during the whole season. Also remember Farmer was the guy at all the A&m games so don't rule JFF out so quickly, but I'm starting to lean towards Teddy being the guy. Farmers excited to sit down with JFF though.
Edit: also wouldn't be surprised if we went with TE early in draft instead of WR

I am not super-opposed to it. I like the direction CLE is going and I like Pettine. Kyle is a good coach for him. Or for Teddy. I do like the idea that teams get aggressive w/QBs in the first round. I think a big part of the problem is not giving up on busted QBs sooner. CLE is in a spot where they need a QB. This is the last time they should be picking this high. It doesn't matter if they like Winston; they won't have a chance to draft him


This draft feels eerily like '99. Couch, McNabb, and Akili Smith the top 3 QB's. 3 men enter, 1 man leaves.

--Seth Payne Twitter




Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:

NFL-GAF Prison part 1.
NFL-GAF Prison part 2.
NFL-GAF Prison part 3.
NFL-GAF Prison part 4.
NFL-GAF Prison part 5.
NFL-GAF Prison part 6.
NFL-GAF Prison part 7.
NFL-GAF Prison part 8.
NFL-GAF Prison part 9.
NFL-GAF Prison part 10.
NFL-GAF Prison part 11.
NFL-GAF Prison part 12.
NFL-GAF Prison part 13.
NFL-GAF Prison part 14.
NFL-GAF Prison part 15.

As always, click on any image to get the full res screenshot.


As midnight passes, we hire an accountant and place her in the admin wing.

Having an accountant on staff gives us a quick daily cashflow status up top.

It also gives us access to a more detailed finance report.

As a suggestion to improve cashflow, we reduce meal quantity to low. This cuts our daily food expenses by 50%!

As Rors is about to be escorted back to his cell from solitary, unable to hold it any longer he pees his pants.


And so begins the walk of shame.

He relieves himself properly once he gets to his cell.

14 days now for Kave. 2 weeks straight of no showers! But at least he can change to a new uniform now due to laundry.


To try and boost our income, as well as make use of our empty holding cell, we take in 5 new prisoners.

Doom and Spin head to the cleaning closet to get supplies as they're on cleaning duty.

As the new inmates arrive we also have two visitor groups. Spin's family are at the front gate, and Kave's ex-wife and parents are also here. Let's take a closer look at our new arrivals.

yankeehater has just started his sentence for assault. Which shouldn't be surprising for a Philadelphia fan!


Fantomex beat an arson rap when evidence proved he wasn't anywhere near Dolphins training camp at the alleged incident. He is serving time for getting caught with methamphetamine.


MechDX has a long history of violent offenses and is starting a new sentence following a rage outburst inspired by a record string of pick-sixes in consecutive games by one Matt Schaub.


cajunator has quite the...young wife there!


Not much is known about squicken as he seems to jump from group to group constantly. He's currently serving a sentence for arson - he mistakenly tried to set a baseball stadium on fire thinking he was at the Edward Jones Dome.


On cooking duty this morning are RBH, BlackGhost, Tom Penny, Godslay, and WedgeX.

The laundry crew delivers clean clothes and collects dirty ones.

Our visitors are a bit perturbed as the janitor, Doomsayer, and Spindasher all clean in the visitation room. It appears Buckethead only cleaned half the room the day before.

Meanwhile, our new arrivals are escorted into the prison.

The first thing yankeehater does upon arrival is to take a dump.

In the laundry room, Slo complains about being hungry. Still another hour and 45 minutes until lunch.

Once in, squicken heads to the yard and hits the weight bench.

Mech meanwhile decides to take a shower as Fox takes a load of dirty laundry back for cleaning.

As people arrive to eat lunch, the reduced meal size is immediately apparent to everyone.

Of the new arrivals, cajunator is picked on during the meal. Too scared to eat, the constant harrasmment causes him to piss his pants.


Everyone else runs away at the sight. The janitor sighs and moves over to clean up.

Things are a bit more calm during the PM work shift as the kitchen crew starts cleaning up.

To try and improve cleaning crew coverage, we build a fence around the delivery area.

This allows us to mark the rest of the admin wing open with no fear of escape attempts. Inmates would still need a guard or staff member to open doors in this area for them if they need to clean any of these rooms.

MechDX and Buckethead start cleaning the admin wing.

The kitchen crew wrap up their work shift.

squicken finds himself on laundry duty. After his previous embarrassing moment at lunch, cajunator has stayed to himself in the holding cell the rest of the day.

DM meanwhile conspires with Batman, Godslay, and Slo. Perhaps he's trying to form up his own crew in case Greg starts something again?

At Yard Time, Kave goes for his daily weight lifting session once again and of course everyone stays away. Greg stays on the opposite side of the yard from DM. Meanwhile it seems chuckddd, Fox, Tom Penny, and Frankman are also conspiring off to the side. Clique number 3 forming up perhaps?

RBH and SpinDasher take showers once Free Time hits.

In the holding cell, MechDX, Fantomex, and squicken go to sleep early in order to claim beds. yankeehater takes another dump.


Things get very very...interesting...next update!


Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game, who needs more in-depth prison bios, and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:


And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: https://xianaphryz.imgur.com


Bionic is back! Hooray! Our forces are strengthening! The Patriots scourge almost consumed this entire board in your absence. We need as much firepower as we can get!

Welcome back, friend.


Do you guys live in small towns or something? I'm not against online dating or anything it's just living in LA it's so easy to meet girls.

i travel back and forth between 3 cities.

ocala, florida is one of those places, and was listed as one of the worse places for singles in the us.

oddly enough, i've met more women there lol (even though half the population are racist).
ye because cats fucking suck, kill them. get dogs. dumbass.

I can't stand dogs, loud needy and smelly, no thanks.

i travel back and forth between 3 cities.

ocala, florida is one of those places, and was listed as one of the worse places for singles in the us.

oddly enough, i've met more women there lol (even though half the population are racist).

Even the ignorant need some loving lol
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