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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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true detective titties tonight aint TOO shabby but its no daddario. what i dont understand is howcome the guy and girl both cum at the same time in movies/shows?

Sometimes you just pretend for effect

Can't believe they wasted an hour, though. Weakest episode yet, worryingly after the narrative shift


Watching the Louie scene where he's talking to the heckler in the audience. He isn't exactly going soft on her lol. "You know who I'd like to sue? Everybody who works in the hospital that you were born in for not responsibly pulling off your head after you were born".
jak knew what the deal was with how moderation was watching Sports-GAFs much closer and he still chose to throw that inflammatory post out. I can't foster up that much sympathy for him, I'm afraid.

Streets are too hot right now to be talking reckless and acting out.


Jayson Braddock ‏@JaysonBraddock · 30m
Chris Mortensen reports that Bill O'Brien told him that the media is focusing on the top 3 QBs, but they dont have to draft 1 in the 1st.

Smokescreens EVERYWHERE!
That sounds disgusting.

I do not approve of this.



Smokescreens EVERYWHERE!

Problem for the Texans is they have the young OT and pass rusher already. Dre is getting old but Hopkins going one just doesn't seem logical. Their need is QB. Maybe if Mack is everything people say he is then him?

Teams may not draft for need but they sure do hope like hell that value and need intersect


Problem for the Texans is they have the young OT and pass rusher already. Dre is getting old but Hopkins going one just doesn't seem logical. Their need is QB. Maybe if Mack is everything people say he is then him?

Teams may not draft for need but they sure do hope like hell that value and need intersect




Phil Savage ‏@SeniorBowlPhil
Anticipate @HoustonTexans looking into @Patriots Ryan Mallett (size, arm, familiar with system), would free them up to take a non-QB.

Watt for Mallett, Gronk and one non-German


Mallet to Texans, tehehe

Schaub to Cleveland. BTW have I mentioned that Kyle and Matt got along VERY well when he was here? Enjoy!

Wouldn't Texans not taking a QB dramatically raise the price of the Rams pick? Trade with us and get whichever QB you want.

Whoever the Texans pick raises the value of the Rams pick. Im hoping some just must have Clowney/Manziel and want to guarantee getting him



Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:

NFL-GAF Prison part 1.
NFL-GAF Prison part 2.
NFL-GAF Prison part 3.
NFL-GAF Prison part 4.
NFL-GAF Prison part 5.
NFL-GAF Prison part 6.
NFL-GAF Prison part 7.
NFL-GAF Prison part 8.
NFL-GAF Prison part 9.
NFL-GAF Prison part 10.
NFL-GAF Prison part 11.
NFL-GAF Prison part 12.
NFL-GAF Prison part 13.
NFL-GAF Prison part 14.
NFL-GAF Prison part 15.
NFL-GAF Prison part 16.
NFL-GAF Prison part 17.
NFL-GAF Prison part 18.

As always, click on any image to get the full res screenshot.


As the guard in the laundry puts down Cloudy, Fantomex and JABEE start breaking equipment in the Workshop as the rest of the crowd stays away from the crazy guy with a power drill.

The guard leaves the laundry towards the workshop, unaware that he's going to need to call backup on this one. In the meantime, the doctor takes care of Slo's injuries before he gets escorted to solitary. BlackGhost has been placed in the medical ward as well.

A guard drags the unconscious Dutch from the kitchen towards solitary. I guess the guard decided to screw the Medical Ward, the doctor can go to him.

In the workshop squicken has joined Fantomex and JABEE on the rampage as the guard heads inside.

The guard goes for the unarmed guys first.

The guard is quickly mobbed and after a few attacks from Fantomex and his drill he falls to fhe floor, dropping his keys.


Seeing an opportunity, Greg grabs the fallen guard's keys and calls out to his crew to make a break for it.


Some of DM's crew are in the room though, and start fighting Greg's crew to try and get the keys. JABEE rushes the door to clear a path while WedgeX pulls out a screwdriver he took earlier to also try and clear a way for Greg's team. Meanwhile, during the fight with the guard squicken had accidentally hit Fantomex a few times. Fantomex turns his attention to squicken, who finds himself cornered.


yankeehater takes out his own shiv to try and take the keys from Greg. cajunator in fear for his life is forced to try and defend himself. squicken lies bleeding and unconscious, Fantomex turns around and realizes what is happening. Realizing he'll have no shot against the power drill, Greg offers Fantomex a shot at freedom and he agrees.


The guard bleeds out and dies. He is out, D-E-A-D! Our first murder victim. MechDX and yankeehater fall to Greg's crew. Buckethead gets the hell out of there and SpinDasher, also having grabbed a screwdriver, jumps into the fray.


The warden calls in the riot police.


yankeehater regains consciousness and distracts Greg. Amid the chaos Futurevoid sneaks in and knocks Greg out, grabs the keys, and makes a break for it.
SpinDasher and cajunator have been forced further into the workshop, and Fantomex attacks an unconscious MechDX.


Futurevoid and yankeehater run past an unconscious JABEE with the keys as WedgeX gives chase.

Somehow during this mess, Tom Penny managed to get his parole approved and heads out as the riot police come in. Cloudy apparently also had parole approved, but given the earlier attack in the laundry there's a good chance that's going to get overturned.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, a fight between chuckddd's crew and Greg's crew breaks out. Coldplay, having instigated the fight with Slo earlier in the laundry, somehow made it to the canteen and has been knocked unconscious and cuffed earlier before things got out of hand here.


Frankman is taken down, but RBH knocks out the guard and he drops his keys! Doomsayer and Fox meanwhile try to stay out of the way in the corner until he can get some backup. Speaking of, here comes DM!


Back in the workshop, Futurevoid was knocked out by WedgeX but another guard had come in and took care of him. yankeehater drove the guard further into the workshop, where Fantomex ends up knocking him out.

yankeehater grabs the fallen guard's keys and makes a break for it with Fantomex
, who had earlier knocked out cajunator and SpinDasher. Another guard and the riot police are also approaching.


yankeehater is quickly subdued. Fantomex is the only one left, and even with a power drill he'll be facing 6 on 1 odds, 5 of them heavily armored in riot gear. He would quickly be forced down.


DM arrives in the kitchen with Buckethead and tries to get his crew out as a prison-wide lockdown is finally called. Doom makes his way, but Fox is trapped. He panics and grabs a fork to try and defend himself.

Meanwhile, the riot police had arrived and takes out Kave, Rorschach, and RBH. The guard RBH shanked bleeds out, our second murder victim. A cook has also been knocked out, and chuckddd retreats.


Unable to get to Fox, DM takes his crew back to the cell block. Fox quickly comes to his senses, drops his weapon, and goes down without a fight. The riot police meanwhile move in on chuckddd.


chuckddd is subdued, and our first major prison riot comes to an end.


The next update we'll go into the aftermath of our first major prison riot.


Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game, who needs more in-depth prison bios, and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:


And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: https://xianaphryz.imgur.com


INDIANAPOLIS -- Things are not getting better behind the scenes for the San Francisco 49ers. There was a persistent rumble throughout the combine about the extent of the rift between coach Jim Harbaugh and the team's front office. It doesn't seem like it will go away, and there is increasing buzz that the team might have to decide between Harbaugh or GM Trent Baalke.

The men are barely speaking, I'm told, and almost all communication is through email. Harbaugh also has a strained relationship with team president Paraag Marathe, sources said, and he has clashed with many within the organization. It could prove untenable. If anything, the impression I got this week was that the situation there is actually much worse than how it has been portrayed in the media, and helps explain the delay in giving a new deal to the coach, who has two years left on a contract he has outperformed.

Harbaugh has done nothing but reach, at least, the NFC championship game since coming to San Francisco three years ago, and the longer this goes on, the worse it might get. To almost anyone I posited the question to, the response was pretty much the same -- there is no way they can't extend Harbaugh. But then again, in the NFL, you never know.



As a JFF fan, the further he falls the better it is long-term. The best thing for a young QB is to go somewhere he doesn't have to win the games himself

Wouldn't Texans not taking a QB dramatically raise the price of the Rams pick? Trade with us and get whichever QB you want.

It all depends on how these QBs are valued. I think most people, being objective, would have 5 non-QBs as their top players. The best thing for the Rams is for some player to separate himself from the pack and the Texans pass on him

My dream was Sammy/Lewan or Robinson/Evans. Doubt Lewan or Evans is there at 13


Stay strong 49ers brothers. but fear not. If you should fall, the Rams will stand in to fight against Chickens' tyranny
Personally I'd like to see either Watkins, Matthews, or Robinson with our first pick and then I'm guessing we trade back and maybe get a safety later. I'm also curious about who and when we draft a back-up QB. This draft should be fascinating though, such a ridiculous number of options available to us.


rip to those poor guards, and i'm so sorry mech. once i get caught for all of those houses i burned down i'll get your back in prison.


Damn, just got there and I might already be dead

Personally I'd like to see either Watkins, Matthews, or Robinson with our first pick and then I'm guessing we trade back and maybe get a safety later. I'm also curious about who and when we draft a back-up QB. This draft should be fascinating though, such a ridiculous number of options available to us.

If the Browns, Jags and/or Texans pass on a QB, then it makes them more likely to grab one of the developmental guys the Rams would be targeting. I don't want them doing that until the 3rd round at the earliest


Damn, just got there and I might already be dead

If the Browns, Jags and/or Texans pass on a QB, then it makes them more likely to grab one of the developmental guys the Rams would be targeting. I don't want them doing that until the 3rd round at the earliest

Wouldn't it be funny if all 3 of those teams passed on QB's? I don't see it happening
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