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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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Setec Astronomer
He's the guy I struggled with the most to keep Bennett in the salary cap thing Mech linked. Not too surprised since we're paying way too much for Bryant and Mebane with how meh our run defense was a lot of the season.
It tightened up nicely over second half of the season, though.

Anyway, supposedly players like Bryant aren't that hard to find, so it makes sense in the interest of retaining players who are.


It tightened up nicely over second half of the season, though.

Anyway, supposedly players like Bryant aren't that hard to find, so it makes sense in the interest of retaining players who are.

He played 19 snaps in the SB and had a big cap number. They cut him early so he could have the best chance to find a new team and get paid


Here’s (The Real) Johnny?

An executive of one team who met with Manziel over the weekend said, “Has there been one killer incident for him? If there is, we haven’t found it.” [Manziel and his agent, Erik Burkhardt, declined to discuss how many teams he met with this weekend or which they are, and the executive of the team I just referred to didn’t want to identify his team because it has an established quarterback and didn’t want to drum up controversy in that market. {omg plz Rams} But it’s known from reports in various places that Manziel met with Houston, Jacksonville, Cleveland, Dallas, Tampa Bay and Philadelphia coaches and team officials, and very likely Oakland, this weekend before flying back to Texas late Sunday afternoon.]

“We’ve found nothing that’s come across as a fatal flaw to us,” Caldwell said.

Three players I found universal love for at the combine: Clemson wideout Sammy Watkins, Auburn tackle Greg Robinson and Buffalo linebacker Khalil Mack.

8. I think this is all I could think to say when I ran into Rob Chudzinski quite late Saturday night here at the combine: “Whoa! Rob! How the heck are you doing?” Or words close to that. Chudzinski, now a Colts offensive assistant, has been invisible to the public since suffering the most ignominious job fate in recent NFL history—he learned he likely was getting whacked after 50 weeks as Browns head coach (his dream job) while on a bus ride back from Pittsburgh after the final game of his rookie season. It was just a sight I didn’t expect to see, sitting there having a drink with good friend Terry Robiskie at the JW Marriott. We spoke for a few minutes, and all I can say is this: In words and facial expression, he is not over the Cleveland nightmare.
Lee may not have timed well but he plays really fast, getting open deep was not a problem. His first couple of years he looked like a top 5 pick but he hasn't improved his route running. It's go routes or shallow crosses for the most part, go route is what he does best. Drops a lot of balls too. A ton of potential with him, everyone loved this kid a couple of years ago, he was always open deep. Just needs to round out the rest of his game. Bunch of injuries too.

Benjamin attacks the ball better than most WRs, he's freakish going up for the ball. Not sure he's going to give you any yards after catch. Will be a big weapon in the redzone. His teammate Green is no slouch, overlooked player if you ask me and may be the better overall receiver, not in this draft though. He'll make his money in the redzone. Not a bad route runner but needs work.

Evans I think I like a bit more because I think he's shown an ability to get yards after the catch, at worst he's a better Colston. Good hands too, strong. He doesn't really get off the line with quickness, no real moves, relies on his length, might give him some trouble against physical corners. Does a good job gaining hip control, giving his QB room to fade the deep ball. Always works back to the ball, had to with Manziel. I like WRs that come back for it and don't just stand in an area, think its something that offensive school teaches, you see it at a&m, Baylor, and with Leach.

I think I know what Evans is, not sure with Benjamin. I like Benjamin's freakish ability to go up and get it, but he has some rough spots, didn't work the ball underneath very much, very little yac.

Thanks brother.

I remember you mentioned Benjamin's lack of YAC before. Speed issue? Or do you think he just dogs it? Benjamin has the bad habit of being totally uninterested in any play that's not drawn up for him.


venison crêpe
Hoping Clowney, Mack and Barr have great days in the field drills today (in the hopes either someone picks one of them before us or wants to trade up with us for one them).

I'll be interested in seeing how CJ Mosley does too. Read a little about him and I'd like for us to figure out a way to get him on our team.



The Browns’ official statement conspicuously failed to deny the report. And then on Sunday, USA Today reported Browns owner Jimmy Haslam saying, “There was an opportunity there, and it didn’t materialize.”

The story creates the impression that Haslam would do anything at any cost to secure one of the top coaches in the NFL and reverse the fortunes of the Browns.

I see the story from another angle, however. I see it as a desperate attempt by former GM Mike Lombardi to seize power and execute a palace coup of former CEO Joe Banner.

Lombardi saw that Banner was under fire. He may have told Haslam that he could deliver friend Harbaugh as coach – but only if Banner were ousted as CEO. If Harbaugh would have come to the Browns, Lombardi’s place at his right hand would have been secured.

When Lombardi couldn’t deliver Harbaugh, Haslam fired Lombardi – perhaps realizing the true motive behind his actions – and Banner.



Thanks brother.

I remember you mentioned Benjamin's lack of YAC before. Speed issue? Or do you think he just dogs it? Benjamin has the bad habit of being totally uninterested in any play that's not drawn up for him.

Not sure to be honest, lots of short throws in that offense so he had opportunities, his teammate was much better at getting yards after catch. He did disappear at times, but they blew out a lot of teams, not making excuses just stating facts. I'm interested in going back and watching him some more. Just haven't had time to go back and rewatch some of theses guys.

I too am looking forward to watching what Mosley does today.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Not sure to be honest, lots of short throws in that offense so he had opportunities, his teammate was much better at getting yards after catch. He did disappear at times, but they blew out a lot of teams, not making excuses just stating facts. I'm interested in going back and watching him some more. Just haven't had time to go back and rewatch some of theses guys.

I too am looking forward to watching what Mosley does today.

Who's on your wishlist for Buffalo, based on your analysis? Also, why the fuck don't you work for SI or NFL Network or something?


Not sure WW, havent really thought about it. I think they need a big WR/TE for the redzone. Matthews I think is the guy they'll draft to be honest. Won't be a bust and fills a need.

My knowledge is cursory, I just watch too much football, though I didn't watch as much this year and probably never will again. As a kid I was basically forced into Basketball, even though I loved hockey, played quite a bit, and love football, I just played way more basketball. Some of my friend and acquaintances coach BBall, none are into football, so I road with the herd all my life. Spent summers in Europe so I never played varsity football, easy to make team too, not as much interest at my school. Should have been born in the South!

Donte Moncrief is a guy we don't mention around here but it's because none of us can sit through a Ole Miss game, hahaha. I know the old billsdraft website guy loves him, did so last year too, hyped him up quite a bit but he hasn't received much attention.



Profile of Greg Robinson

He has been known to do a standing backflip. A video exists.The last time he tried it was his freshman year, when he weighed 315 pounds.He also can kip-up from a prone position. His offensive line coach at Auburn, J.B. Grimes, said he has seen Robinson reach down, pick up a football and fire it 70 yards in the air.


On Friday night, it was back to the team interview area. He had 10 formal interviews Friday, and 15 over the course of the combine. Additionally, he had eight informal interviews. Some teams, like the Bucs, talked to him twice.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Not sure WW, havent really thought about it. I think they need a big WR/TE for the redzone. Matthews I think is the guy they'll draft to be honest. Won't be a bust and fills a need.

My knowledge is cursory, I just watch too much football, though I didn't watch as much this year and probably never will again. As a kid I was basically forced into Basketball, even though I loved hockey, played quite a bit, and love football, I just played way more basketball. Some of my friend and acquaintances coach BBall, none are into football, so I road with the herd all my life. Spent summers in Europe so I never played varsity football, easy to make team too, not as much interest at my school. Should have been born in the South!

Donte Moncrief is a guy we don't mention around here but it's because none of us can sit through a Ole Miss game, hahaha. I know the old billsdraft website guy loves him, did so last year too, hyped him up quite a bit but he hasn't received much attention.

Well, your in depth coverage is easily on par with most of the analysis at the big sites. Don't sell yourself short. What do you mean you probably never will again though? As in you won't miss as many games this year, or you're never watching football again?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
This is like, god told me to kill a bunch of people crazy, not sure I would want him on my team.

Reddit's top comment made me think about this a bit. What if God tells him to quit and go into ministry in the middle of the season? A guy that volatile throws up more red flags for me than a college kid who went to parties while in college, personally.


Maybe this guy will be the breakout star:


Welp.....Seahawks win next years Superbowl confirmed

What a weirdo. The guy already updated his Twitter account to say he's on the Seahawks and assigned himself a number (he wasn't #8 on SDSU).



Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein
The truth in NFL circles is that elite traits gets you drafted at top. Bortles has the size, Clowney has everything. Likely targets at #1

Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein
I’m a huge fan of Manziel and think he will be a good pro QB, but teams just won’t draft a sub 6’ QB over a freak like Clowney

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Sounds like season after season of almost winning the Super Bowl is taxing the Niners. Everyone has a different opinion of what it's going to take to push them over the top.


venison crêpe
So do we think it'll be between Clowney or Bortles for #1 at the moment? Maybe include Bridgewater too after his pro day.


So do we think it'll be between Clowney or Bortles for #1 at the moment? Maybe include Bridgewater too after his pro day.

I've seen enough people tepid on Teddy to think he isn't a real option to go first. Doubt it is Manziel, either. I do think you have to ask youself, if you are Houston, why you went 2-14 last year. It wasn't b/c of the DL

Why were the Browns bad? What's the glaring need. You can talk about the Seahawks but they also had a dominant run game


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Think this is my favorite:

"a'ight, ya'll just kill each other, Imma take these keys and leave"

apparently, combined happened, and I totally ignored it.

Nothing stupid happened this weekend, right? No Coaches being traded to the great unknown (i.e. Browns), right?
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