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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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So let Bennett go in order to trade a first away and give a ton of money to Revis for one year, then trade Revis to go after a pass rusher?

These are the kinds of things that get looked at when the staff gets completely overhauled. Besides, this draft is very deep in a lot of what the Bucs need, so the more picks they can get in it, the better.
Stop it!


hmm we know Lombardi loved JFF, and he went after Harbaugh


A great line I heard from an AFC assistant coach was that the real reason the 49ers are building a new stadium is that Harbaugh’s ego doesn’t fit into Candlestick Park. He won at Stanford, in San Francisco, and famously made the franchise draft Colin Kaepernick. But like Bill Parcells, who wore out his welcome after four prickly years in New England, three with the Jets and four in Dallas, San Francisco has had it with Harbaugh’s antics.

Prepare for Harbaugh Watch all season in 2014. Assuming Harbaugh doesn’t win the Super Bowl, NFL people repeatedly say Dallas is the most likely landing spot because, well, Jerry Jones.

Good read btw. A sort of what happens at all the bars and restaurants in Indy after-hours w/NFL people


Aaron Hernandez attacks inmate in jail

Sources tell us the former New England Patriots tight end -- who is usually segregated from the general population -- was allowed to take a walk in an isolated hallway ... but somehow came into contact with another inmate.

We're told Hernandez recognized the other inmate and launched into an attack -- beating the other man up pretty badly.

Sources tell us ... Hernandez and the other man had been beefing all day long. One source says the other guy had been harassing Aaron nonstop. Clearly, Hernandez was pissed.

I'm sick and tired of these people framing Gata's boy!! :mad:


Setec Astronomer
"Do you like to cook at all?
God, no. My cooking consists of the microwave oven. I never really understood cooking. You put so much time, energy, and expense into it, and then you eat it, and it’s gone."

It's called not being at the mercy of establishments! Roll your own meal! Do what suits your fancy! And then you eat it, and then you enjoy it.

Typical cheese pizza fan.


Tough talk from Raiders Owner


Most people didn't enjoy the Super Bowl blowout, but Raiders owner Mark Davis said he was riveted.

"People who said it was boring, they're crazy," Davis said. "It was a scientific dismantling of Peyton Manning. They're showing how to do it. I was intensely interested.

"The Seahawks looked like the old Raiders on defense. Tough. Confident. Four-man rush. Not a lot of blitzing. Just beat them up."


Q: Is this a put-up-or-shut-up season?

A: It's not put-up-or-shut-up, but there are no excuses. Alright? When I said there was a deconstruction and a reconstruction period, that was to give an idea of what's actually been happening, but it's no excuse. In my mind.

It was a description. But at the same time, even though we've been deconstructing, that didn't mean we couldn't have been adding players over these last two years that could be part of the foundation of this franchise. And I am not so sure that we've done that yet.

Q: Is it safe to say you were disappointed in last season?

A: Absolutely. Yeah. I have been disappointed the last two years. I want to win.

Q: But given the roster cuts, you must have been braced for a little bit of a rocky road?

A: Absolutely. The deconstruction part has been done very well. I am just not sure that we put pieces in place. Like I said, I am still looking for the identity of this franchise.

Q: You've said that Reggie is your guy, from day one. What are your thoughts on the job that Dennis has done? Has he grown in your eyes a little bit?

A: He's Reggie's guy. Reggie is my guy. Reggie made a statement that I don't particularly agree with. I went to school in Chico, and 4-12 last year and 4-12 this year are the same thing to me. I don't find one better than the other. (Laughing) We do math differently at Chico State than they do in Tennessee.

Losing those last games last year was not good. And the way we lost them was terrible. But ... looking at the whole thing, this is where we are, and these guys have an opportunity to show what they can do. There are no built-in excuses anymore.

Not a big endorsement of Reggie
lol this made me laugh,

Jones proceeded to tell a story about getting off his plane and entering a Ford Bronco at the airport. After a reporter asked why Jones did not own a more expensive vehicle, he explained.

“Well, in order to have a plane, you have to drive a five-year-old Bronco. You can’t have it all,” Jones said (via The Dallas Morning News). “We’ve got those kinds of decisions to make, which is a part of what makes it so exciting in the NFL.”

Yes Jerry I'm sure you had to sacrifice a nicer car so you could afford an airplane lol


Tough talk from Raiders Owner

Not a big endorsement of Reggie

I still think McKenzie deserves the benefit of the doubt at the moment, but there is no way to spin the fact that he's been a disastrous talent evaluator so far. I still think DJ Hayden was a fine pick, but the rest of his 2013 class was mediocre to awful, the worst obviously being the Tyler Wilson selection. Perhaps no incoming General Manager had as awful a cap situation as he did and he has done a good job of extricating the team from it, but the pieces he has put into place have been largely terrible even with that acknowledgement. I've been very surprised by how patient Mark Davis has been, but if McKenzie whiffs once again on this draft and free agency class with his ridiculous amount of cap space, I think he's gone next year for sure.


I still think McKenzie deserves the benefit of the doubt at the moment, but there is no way to spin the fact that he's been a disastrous talent evaluator so far. I still think DJ Hayden was a fine pick, but the rest of his 2013 class was mediocre to awful, the worst obviously being the Tyler Wilson selection. Perhaps no incoming General Manager had as awful a cap situation as he did and he has done a good job of extricating the team from it, but the pieces he has put into place have been largely terrible even with that acknowledgement. I've been very surprised by how patient Mark Davis has been, but if McKenzie whiffs once again on this draft and free agency class with his ridiculous amount of cap space, I think he's gone next year for sure.

Sio Moore had a better year than DJ Hayden. Just sayin'. A 4th round pick isn't gonna break you either.


I free agency class with his ridiculous amount of cap space, I think he's gone next year for sure.

Problem is true cornerstone players don't hit free agency. The Palmer trade plus the bad cap, missing in the draft leaves them with no true foundation pieces. They play the NFCW and then the 3 playoff teams from the AFCW this year. They are a team that needs to not bother drafting a QB

Who do they sign to a big contract? Branden Albert? There's not even a Mike Wallace or Greg Jennings to sign, unless you really like Eric Decker. Verner from TEN is a good CB, but if he was elite he wouldn't be on the market.


Problem is true cornerstone players don't hit free agency. The Palmer trade plus the bad cap, missing in the draft leaves them with no true foundation pieces. They play the NFCW and then the 3 playoff teams from the AFCW this year. They are a team that needs to not bother drafting a QB

Who do they sign to a big contract? Branden Albert? There's not even a Mike Wallace or Greg Jennings to sign, unless you really like Eric Decker. Verner from TEN is a good CB, but if he was elite he wouldn't be on the market.

You don't need to sign the cornerstone players to have a successful free agent haul. Seattle did that last season with top of the line players like Michael Bennett and Cliff Avril, who took less so they could look better as part of a dominant defensive line and cash in again when the cap has risen. But look at the Broncos- DRC, Welker, Phillips, Vasquez, and Knighton- those weren't necessarily top of the line players, besides Welker and Vasquez, I suppose.

Having said that, it must be said that free agency is different for a team like the Raiders as compared to teams like the Seahawks and Broncos. It's easy to convince a free agent to go to Seattle or Denver and compete for a Super Bowl, while players seem to only want to go to Oakland if there's no better alternative.

As for some free agent options for the Raiders- they could sign Anthony Collins, Travelle Wharton, Chris Clemons, Andre Roberts, Ryan Wendell, Mike Neal, and Walter Thurmond and still have tons of cap space left over. None are top of the line or should be outrageously expensive, but they could all improve the team.
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