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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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I'll buy you a hawaiian pizza to make up for it.
LOL. Sorry man I am going to log into warframe for the daliy bonus and then get ready for bed. It takes for ever to take care of all the animals. Man I suck so much at KI anyways. Like holy shit that was bad. I cant play spinal at all, and you are crazy good. We need to play some TF together when it comes out. Do you not have a headset?

didn't the xbone come with a headset? i bought it new so if so then its still in the box. i'll probably unwrap it when TF comes out


So far I figure the following guys are guaranteed top ten - No particular order:


I'd put Matthews in there too. Lewan and Barr are the other two that could round out the top 10. It's not going to be a big shock who goes, it's just the order. Though I have seen some things that Teddy may not be a top 10 guy. Maybe Carr sneaks in if there is a run on QBs. but little drama outside of the QBs

e: BG what don't you like about Evans?
I'd put Matthews in there too. Lewan and Barr are the other two that could round out the top 10. It's not going to be a big shock who goes, it's just the order. Though I have seen some things that Teddy may not be a top 10 guy. Maybe Carr sneaks in if there is a run on QBs. but little drama outside of the QBs

Agree on Matthews. Lewan i'm not sure of considering his character issues. Barr could go either side of 10 i'm thinking, along with Donald, though Donald could be this year's Poe snd rocket up the board.


Agree on Matthews. Lewan i'm not sure of considering his character issues. Barr could go either side of 10 i'm thinking, along with Donald, though Donald could be this year's Poe snd rocket up the board.

Donald is very intriguing. Doesn't fit every team but his Senior Bowl and Combine were very impressive. I don't know a lot about him and why he wasn't a bigger name during the season, but long way to go
Donald is very intriguing. Doesn't fit every team but his Senior Bowl and Combine were very impressive. I don't know a lot about him and why he wasn't a bigger name during the season, but long way to go

I hope he shoots up there since he doesn't fit the Steelers scheme.

Are you sour on cornerbacks in the first too? Unless it's a slam dunk pick like Revis i'd rather not waste the high pick.
the only thing im disappointed at with xbone is how awful XBL is on xbone compared to 360. i mean what the fuck happened?

The move to making everything an app caused them to change the way they did a lot of thing. XBL on the XB1 actually works much better in that the is much less lag and it is faster getting into matches, but stuff like the FR and party chat is a bit more complicated to use. The march update fixes a lot of people complaints though.
Having seen how the Xbox 360 UI and Xbox Live evolved from launch until the end I've got faith that Microsoft will sort everything out but holy shit some of the teething problems for the first few weeks were a real pain in the arse


I hope he shoots up there since he doesn't fit the Steelers scheme.

Are you sour on cornerbacks in the first too? Unless it's a slam dunk pick like Revis i'd rather not waste the high pick.

I am a big believer in the "planet theory" where you prioritize large men that are very athletic *and QB if you need one). So unless there's an exceptional player at
another spot, in the top 10-15 I'm really looking at OL/DL/pass rusher

After that I'd hope need and value intersect. Someone made a good point on Twitter about how much faster the WRs are than the similarly sized DBs. Kids in HS want to play offense and the best ones do. Does that increase the draft value of a good corner or decrease it since they all need so much coaching?

I guess I'd never take a CB top 10 but definitely would a WR, so I agree with you, but I wonder if it might change?

e: I thought the CBs in this draft were poor. I think Dennard is Kareem Jackson. Barely enough speed and not a super athlete for the position. I don't see one, yet, that I like enough for the first round. Same for the safeties. Don't love HHCD but could see it in the late first
:p Not the word I would've chosen!

Just that the draft and combine are what some teams futures could be, and there's a lot of hope in that, so a lot more attention will get put on that time frame. It's all good in either case.

Does make me want to read a book or two on draft day process/prospects/gm and coach perspective, etc etc etc.

Yeah I just ordered Collison Low Crossers and The G.M. Looking forward to diving into them.

I still think McKenzie deserves the benefit of the doubt at the moment, but there is no way to spin the fact that he's been a disastrous talent evaluator so far. I still think DJ Hayden was a fine pick, but the rest of his 2013 class was mediocre to awful, the worst obviously being the Tyler Wilson selection. Perhaps no incoming General Manager had as awful a cap situation as he did and he has done a good job of extricating the team from it, but the pieces he has put into place have been largely terrible even with that acknowledgement. I've been very surprised by how patient Mark Davis has been, but if McKenzie whiffs once again on this draft and free agency class with his ridiculous amount of cap space, I think he's gone next year for sure.

You can't really judge a draft class from their rookie year, but I certainly wouldn't call Watson, Moore or Rivera and McGee medicore to awful picks. And his FA class was pretty good last year considering the money he spent. Really can't say any signing was a bad one, they all produced.

Tough talk from Raiders Owner

Not a big endorsement of Reggie

Eh, I wouldn't read too much into it. He's not a fan of Allen, but Reggie isn't going anywhere. Madden and Ron Wolf both have his ear and are huge supporters of Reggie and the job he's doing.
Eh, I wouldn't read too much into it. He's not a fan of Allen, but Reggie isn't going anywhere. Madden and Ron Wolf both have his ear and are huge supporters of Reggie and the job he's doing.

All he really said is, I wanna win now and 4 wins is still not impressive no matter how it goes down. I hate it when people make a bigger deal of this than it is.

I do like what he said about forming a new Identity for the Raiders, and how the #1 pick is going to play a big role in that. (Which makes me think we go Defense as oppose to Offense)


All he really said is, I wanna win now and 4 wins is still not impressive no matter how it goes down. I hate it when people make a bigger deal of this than it is.

I do like what he said about forming a new Identity for the Raiders, and how the #1 pick is going to play a big role in that. (Which makes me think we go Defense as oppose to Offense)

Pretty rare for an owner to say he's not happy that no pieces have come out of the last two drafts. I'm glad he is patient with the GM, though
All he really said is, I wanna win now and 4 wins is still not impressive no matter how it goes down. I hate it when people make a bigger deal of this than it is.

I do like what he said about forming a new Identity for the Raiders, and how the #1 pick is going to play a big role in that. (Which makes me think we go Defense as oppose to Offense)

Pretty much. Also glad he wouldn't be too crazy about drafting a WR with the no. 5 pick.




"They couldn't pin a lot of stuff on him (at Florida)," said one AFC college scouting director, whose team had Hernandez off the board. "But people at the school would tell you, 'Every time there's an issue, he's around it.' If there was trouble, Hernandez's name would come up. ... He was a con guy. Very believable. Spoke well. A lot of things inside of you hoped you'd turn him around, but people that I talked to said they didn't trust him, that he'd burn you."

Those who were at Florida, working under Urban Meyer, confirm that much: Hernandez had a way of beating the system. Said one ex-Gator staffer, "He was really intelligent, and that's why he was such a pain in the ass. He knew how to beat the system on everything."

If only Florida and Urbz could have stopped him


I am a big believer in the "planet theory" where you prioritize large men that are very athletic *and QB if you need one). So unless there's an exceptional player at
another spot, in the top 10-15 I'm really looking at OL/DL/pass rusher

After that I'd hope need and value intersect. Someone made a good point on Twitter about how much faster the WRs are than the similarly sized DBs. Kids in HS want to play offense and the best ones do. Does that increase the draft value of a good corner or decrease it since they all need so much coaching?

I guess I'd never take a CB top 10 but definitely would a WR, so I agree with you, but I wonder if it might change?

e: I thought the CBs in this draft were poor. I think Dennard is Kareem Jackson. Barely enough speed and not a super athlete for the position. I don't see one, yet, that I like enough for the first round. Same for the safeties. Don't love HHCD but could see it in the late first

I like Fuller and Exum quite a bit, impressed me when I watched Va Tech, especially Fuller. Haven't watched Verrette but you hear good things about him from everyone, size is what they bring up but I think nickell robey showed that smaller DBs can still be productive. I should watch him play.

Bills in the top ten can go so many ways.

They have one DE signed past 2014, they have no proven safety that's signed after 2014, they need G and RT, no TE on the roster (Moeaki and Gragg only pass catchers, and they both have ? marks), only DTs are Branch/Dareus/Willams need to add a player inside, need another LB because there's no one behind Alonso and Lawson....

Free agency should clear up a bunch of things for some teams, not the Bills though, they should fucking trade down if you ask me. Need more players.


Free agency should clear up a bunch of things for some teams, not the Bills though, they should fucking trade down if you ask me. Need more players.

I read a mock draft that had Fuller close to top 10. I really haven't paid much attention to the defense yet being so far away. Combine was the first I saw of a lot of those guys. But the ones Mayock was gushing over, I didn't see it. No one talks to more NFL people than he does, so I always figure there's fire with his smoke

Seems to be a feeling this draft will be tougher to trade down in b/c teams want their picks in a good draft. But the top 10 seems really strong. If the Bills can trade down for a team that needs an OL, that could be prime

More cap room I think players are going to think it is their pay day, even marginal FAs.


ok. i think i'm ok with the colts not taking a wr this draft.

lets get at least one guard and a center that show promise. then cross our fingers and go all out defense. if we can fix the interior of the line, that should be enough for Luck to carry the offense. we don't need anything amazing the front 5, just some consistency.

landry, toler, satele, bethea, and dhb are overpaid as shit.

EDIT: anyone have more mock drafts that go past the 1st round?


EDIT: anyone have more mock drafts that go past the 1st round?


I just know of Walter Football. I think the Bleacher Report guy does one as well, but it's hard to navigate b/c of the list setup

Problem with mock drafts is after round two teams' boards get more and more different. Jerry Angelo, ex-GM of the Bears, wrote up a cool Draft 101 guide on how teams go through the process



Yeah I just ordered Collison Low Crossers and The G.M. Looking forward to diving into them.

I've got CLC queued up to read sometime, but The GM sounds interesting as well and I know you pointed that out before. Will wait for your impressions on that before picking that up.


I am going to buy a PS4 later in March.

What is the best place to find one these days? Are they still hard to find?

I don't want to get raped by some Pats fan on Craigslist in the parking lot of a Starbucks over a PS4.


I am going to buy a PS4 later in March.

What is the best place to find one these days? Are they still hard to find?

I don't want to get raped by some Pats fan on Craigslist in the parking lot of a Starbucks over a PS4.

Don't worry I don't like Steelers fans.

They go in and out of stock on Amazon.
I am going to buy a PS4 later in March.

What is the best place to find one these days? Are they still hard to find?

I don't want to get raped by some Pats fan on Craigslist in the parking lot of a Starbucks over a PS4.
Sony has said it will be hard to find on store shelves until at least April. Your best bet is checking with local stores and finding out when they are getting more stock, and maybe keeping an eye on Amazon as well.

Please don't get stabbed/raped.
Ok so I'm a little farther into the essential smart football, so far I really like it, it goes into various defenses and offenses, how they came about and their philosophy, but it's a little disjointed. It starts off talking about the spread offense then moves onto the 3-3-5, then back to offense with the 4 vertical etc still it's a good read and gives you a clearer picture of what those schemes are trying to do. I also wish it had more diagrams,
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