Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:
NFL-GAF Prison part 1.
NFL-GAF Prison part 2.
NFL-GAF Prison part 3.
NFL-GAF Prison part 4.
NFL-GAF Prison part 5.
NFL-GAF Prison part 6.
NFL-GAF Prison part 7.
NFL-GAF Prison part 8.
NFL-GAF Prison part 9.
NFL-GAF Prison part 10.
NFL-GAF Prison part 11.
NFL-GAF Prison part 12.
NFL-GAF Prison part 13.
NFL-GAF Prison part 14.
NFL-GAF Prison part 15.
NFL-GAF Prison part 16.
NFL-GAF Prison part 17.
NFL-GAF Prison part 18.
NFL-GAF Prison part 19.
As always, click on any image to get the full res screenshot.
The riot finally over, the riot police head out via the admin wing.
The hearse shows up to pick up the dead guards. A workman fixes a staff door that got busted when the riot police arrived, a guard escorts one of the unconscious inmates to the holding cell, and a lawyer shows up trying to arrange Slo's parole release. Tom Penny meanwhile chose to celebrate his early parole release by jumping on the roof of the garbage truck. One of the riot police tries to get him down.
One by one the inmates are brought back to their cells.
Amidst the carnage in the canteen, Frankman makes a quip about how he's bored now. RBH meanwhile chills by the guard he killed.
After cleaning the laundry room, the janitor arrives in the workshop to clean up the mess left in there.
The prison's only doctor starts making the rounds to heal the injured. With funds down to $2, the warden is unable to call in paramedics. Fox laments how this whole mess meant he missed lunch.
After getting patched up by the doc, the exhausted cook heads to the staff room to relax with one of the guards.
The doctor has moved on to the workshop and starts reviving people there. A guard escorts cajunator back to the cell block as WedgeX also mentions he missed lunch due to this debacle.
As more prisoners end up back in the cell block, the doctor starts making the rounds there and...wait, why is Batman in the same cell with Rorschach and what are know what, never mind.
RBH's penalty for murder so far? 8 hours in solitary. Yeah, I'm sure that will stick down the road. Having been stuck in the kitchen or canteen all day, he ends up pissing his pants on the way back to his cell.
The doctor makes her way to the holding cell and starts treating injuries there.
Fantomex...looks like murder isn't the main contributor to his 480 hour solitary penalty. I guess smacking people in the face with a power drill resulted in multiple HOLY SHIT WEAPON type of penalties.
RBH meanwhile chills on his bed as he apparently is going to get away with murder. The staff can't be too happy with that.
Greg is taken to the medical ward and healed up.
The guards take their fallen to the morgue.
Some time later, they are taken to the hearse. /bagpipesalute
After getting out of solitary, Slo's lawyer somehow manages his release. He heads out to freedom!
As the new day rolls in, our funds are immediately spent on repairs. A workman starts fixing the workshop equipment.
Other workers start fixing up the canteen and kitchen areas. Also, as the prison staff check on all the inmates now that everyone has been returned to their cells, they discover they are one person short. Somehow during all the chaos, Godslay has managed to escape! They send out a warning to local law enforcement to be on the lookout for him.
All our raw materials were damaged enough that they wouldn't be of any use. They still had some value though, so they were all sold. The funds gained immediately went to cover repair costs.
Unable to sleep, BlackGhost again starts up a ruckus, bitching about missing the previous day's meal.
As the next day arrives, lockdown is finally lifted and...what's this, Kave_Man is the first one in the shower?!?
Not that it means anything of course. He stands around as usual while everyone ELSE showers (everyone who isn't still serving penalties anyway). 17 days and counting. More people are escorted to the medical ward for further treatment. BlackGhost's short fuse is about to go again though, as he bitches about how hungry he is.
After finishing up his shower, BlackGhost starts trying to pick a fight with Frankman and Dutch.
Frankman takes the bait and fights back. A guard quickly goes in to try and calm things down.
BlackGhost his cornered and beat unconscious yet AGAIN.
Frankman is quickly cuffed.
As BlackGhost and Frankman are escorted back to their cells, now yankeehater starts trying to stir up shit. Meanwhile in the Medical Ward, one of our other dead guards is stuck on the floor of the infirmary. I'm guessing it was dropped there as a guard was going to transport the corpse to the hearse but had to respond to the fight in the shower.
yankeehater accuses Futurevoid of screwing things up the previous day and how they could have escape. Meanwhile Kave_Man also gets caught up in the rising tensions and also starts to get heated.
yankeehater draws Futurevoid into a fist fight as Kave angrily starts breaking shower nozzles and drains.
A guard tries to break up the fight as Kave continues his rampage. If the shower doesn't work, NOONE can get clean! Meanwhile, all the other inmates try to stay as far away as possible. Will more inmates get caught up in the moment and spark another riot?
We'll see if things quiet down or another riot gets sparked next update.
Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game, who needs more in-depth prison bios, and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:
And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: