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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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W I have absolutely zero problem with him getting an extension.

edit, also, it's a 2 year extension, not 3 year.

Yeah I have been reading about that. Pretty incredible. I have thought for awhile he lacked the speed to be a coverage safety anymore, but playing as LB on 3rd downs, he's actually really well suited for that. It's all instincts. Urlacher did it long after his speed was gone b/c he played so smart

I guess I had thought the Ravens' window had closed a couple of years before they won their SB, so who knows? No reason they can't win the division with a solid 10 win year



Tha fuck is this?
As much as I would like to think DangeRuss is a nice guy and would take less for the team, there's no doubt he'll end up around 20 million or so depending on how next season turns out.

I would think so too but they all seem to show their true colors when it's contract time or time to take a pay cut. I think the fact that you guys won a SB with this time might help, you would think a decent guy would appreciate the fact that you can win more if you don't strap your team but the greedy ones will convince themselves that money matters more now since they already have a ring. I don't think Russle is that guy and I think he'll ask for less than Kap, but we'll see. I'm just hatin' as a Cards fan.

Fitz has been as exemplary as they come for a stand up guy and great teammate on and off the field, with the community, does charity in Africa, etc etc yet he hasn't taken a pay cut. As I said in another post, he'll be put to an ultimatum next off season because there's no way we're paying that money. We'll find out just how much of a team player he truly is when that time rolls around. That's why I especially hope we make a solid playoff push this year, to show him we're close and give him incentive to sacrifice some of his ridiculous contract to ensure the team is held back from making the tweaks it needs to go all the way.

On another note, god ham does Arkham Knight sound amazing. Can't wait. I need to start South Park tonight, already downloaded it on Steam but didn't get a chance to play last night.


Myself, Bread and Dutch are going to drive a 1960's convertible Cadillac with bull horns on the front around the south and eat chicken fried steak. Our groups should meet up.

Disgusting, literally a Pats bandwagon. You guys are insular.

My group has two lowly Dolphins fans, a mighty Raiders fan, and a pathetic Lions fan. We are clearly the superior group. That being said, lets meet up and have a beer drinking competition. I guess we can give Fantomex a Capri Son since he doesn't drink.


Myself, Bread and Dutch are going to drive a 1960's convertible Cadillac with bull horns on the front around the south and eat chicken fried steak. Our groups should meet up.
i've never had chicken fried steak, it sounds pretty gross but i would probably love it anyways.


Where is fantomex? When the Lions dont draft a WR at #10 I need him to give kas an avatar.

I dunno, we were supposed to meet up and exchange games. He was looking for another job as he was dreading the commute to work everyday.

Where ever you are Fantomessy, I will always be your friend.
Yeah I have been reading about that. Pretty incredible. I have thought for awhile he lacked the speed to be a coverage safety anymore, but playing as LB on 3rd downs, he's actually really well suited for that. It's all instincts. Urlacher did it long after his speed was gone b/c he played so smart

I guess I had thought the Ravens' window had closed a couple of years before they won their SB, so who knows? No reason they can't win the division with a solid 10 win year

Eh. Steelers D still has a ton of problems, namely that ILB position. Foote will be 34 when the season starts and even assuming he can start day one after rehabbing his bicep tear he lost what little speed he had years ago. The rookie I mentioned, Vince Williams, has shown flashes but Lebeau's defense takes forever to learn - Foote is considered one of the smartest guys on the team and it took him 3 years to get it down. Williams is reportedly bookish too but even on a trial by fire he's still got 2 seasons to go and he's not terribly athletic - he was also replaced almost entirely by Troy as the season wore on.


Chicken fried steak is pretty delicious. Its about the heaviest meal I can think of. Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and IPA to wash it all down. You go into coma for awhile.


I can't wait until the new Bucs jerseys go on sale. I'm gonna get the red ones , I wanna be apart of the evolution of the football uniform.


So I realized something, because of that daylight savings thing. I'm basically swindling an hour of work on Saturday. Yay.



Tha fuck is this?

mech's truck. after years of losing to the indianapolis manning's, mech couldn't help but build up a strong admiration for the guy deep down inside. his seemingly innocuous jokes about luck going to houston aren't coincidence either. now here he is, taking pics of his truck, blatantly showing off his allegiance. while expecting us to not pick up on any of his nuances, or clues. i know who you are mech.

How far are you from Miami Gardens?

im like 20mins from there right now, lol. it's fucking pouring.

Chik fil a is overrated

get out.


This'll make it easier for the Raiders to nab Alterraun Verner

You know, I'm not the biggest fan of Verner. He's not very versatile and with him demanding basically elite money, I'd pass on him. I'd rather spend that money on Byrd, resign Tracy Porter (he's pretty damn good in the slot) and find another CB.


The Eagles would be stupid not to sign Byrd.

He said we are "going in the right direction."

Close the deal, Howie! Close the deal!


1) Does Browner get a SB Ring?
2) How overpaid do you think he'll be?

Browner got a ring.

He won't be overpaid, he'll get a prove it deal most likely as he'll probably get caught with PEDs again.

I'd roll with Hayden, Browner, Porter, Chekwa, draftee at DB.

As for safeties; resign Woodson FS, Branch SS, resign Young and we're stuck with that bum Ross. It'd be awesome to sign Byrd and resign Woodson as a relief safety.


As many as 7 teams have inquired about #Texans TE Garrett Graham prior to FA starting. Graham had 49 rec. for 545 yards and 5 TDs in 2013.

Also can confirm their are active discussions between Graham and Houston. Graham wants to be back with the #Texans.

--Twitter PDS

Wonder who the 7 teams are


1) yep
2) Doubt he'll get overpaid, given the multiple strikes, and he'll be starting the year suspended

He also got killed by TY Hilton. He can't cover speed WRs

e: Eagles or Broncos. White Texans TEs end up there. Patriots get their TEs from the Rams


As many as 7 teams have inquired about #Texans TE Garrett Graham prior to FA starting. Graham had 49 rec. for 545 yards and 5 TDs in 2013.

Also can confirm their are active discussions between Graham and Houston. Graham wants to be back with the #Texans.

--Twitter PDS

Wonder who the 7 teams are

Can he block?
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