How is Wayne's recovery going anyways? I should look up how the Colts are doing with cap space and expiring contracts. Colts are probably stuck with Trent and relying on Donald Brown to produce at RB. Not too excited about the draft. Damn it, Trent.
Everything I've heard about Reggie so far has been pretty encouraging. He says he'll try his best to comeback better than ever and if there's a player you can trust to live up to that it's Reggie. Although if he get real for a sec, he's not getting any younger, so I'm still unsure of how much productivity is left in him.
Trent Truck has an off-season to get acclimated with everything, and prove that he isn't entirely worthless. I think we're letting Brown go :-(, which I don't agree with. But I guess it happens when you only step it up in a contract year. Thing is though- I don't think it would even cost that much to bring him back..
Our draft will probably suck anyway, we're getting back Allen which is good. Luck could've probably used two TE's later last season. But like always with this team, my biggest concern are the injuries. I try not to even think about the defense cause I've come to the conclusion that it's a lost cause at this point. Poor Mathis :-(
Still think Sherman had HIlton if he hadn't let up and let Earl Thomas miss the tackle.
Proabably, that was mainly to highlight Luck making that throw with all that shit in his face. These gifs help me forget the 7INTs in the playoffs.
Colts problem is that by the time the have a legit roster that can win a SB, Luck will cost $20m/yr. Blew their cap space and wasted their 2014 first. He's like latte-era Colts Peyton where he's dragging idiot coaching along for the ride
I give Grigson another shot b/c he nailed the 2012 draft. Even taking away Luck, he got more out of it than the Rams did with all those extra picks
Grigson did fine in 2012, Fleener pick was too high for my liking. But if him and Allen can stay healthy I'm not complaining.
I feel like we need one other WR, and a complete revaluation at the Offensive Linemen position which makes quiet changes throughout the year but never really improves. We'll be fine at RB, and the defense will just continue to be a Colts defense sans 2006 playoffs I suppose.