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NFL Playoffs 2018 - Super Bowl LIII


Gold Member
Where’s all the LA fans?

I am torn....I hate new England, but I dont think the Rams deserve to even be here.... but I also love football and this is it for awhile. So basically, I hope the commercials are good... but they suck also. At least I have some good video games to play
I just saw that Lebowski shit on Youtube. Wow, that teaser from a week or so ago was all for this? The fuck
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Welp. Now you just run 3 times and kick the FG. LA gets ball back with like 40 seconds down 2 scores


You’ll never see this kind of thing again in the NFL


I really want Bellichick to retire and write a book about strategy.

You can keep your salty posts about cheating, please.


I’m not a Pats fan in any way, but I’m glad they won after being written off early in the season.


are in a big trouble
The discussion is over as to who is the greatest of all time simple as



are in a big trouble
Frankly I think it was over years ago but I honestly won’t even entertain arguments now

Oh but they will next year because they want just to be right once.

Every sports show there's always one that says it and that day may come and that dumbass will say told you so. Even though he was wrong so many times before
Most boring Superbowl I've watched from what I remember.

Can't remember a worse one in the past....... 30 years?

For me personally I prefer that over blowouts. I mean I guess with a blowout at least one team is scoring so there’s exciting plays but the games over early. Recently I can think of Broncos - Seahawks and Broncos - Panthers

Thosen games were clear blowouts with exciting big plays.

This game wasn’t decided until final 2 minute, so there was tension, but also lacked many big plays to speak of, offensivelyZ great defensive coverage and special teams though

And just like that, Terry Bradshaw is deprived of 4 super bowl rings, because the talent around him won those rings. Montana gets to keep his, because he was actually a great quarterback. 50/50. It's all mercy yo. Or is it truth....definitely truth.
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I did wind up watching it because eh, there's not a great reason to not watch a once a year event.

But dang, what a game, an entire Super Bowl and only a single touch down was scored? The Rams got their asses kicked, I actually came close to falling asleep at one point.

As for the ads, nothing too memorable as usual, but I was surprised at the lack of political ones, there were a few but not as many as years pass, could this be a sign that two years into Trump things are starting to mellow out a bit? (I can dream at least, can't I?)
Is there official word on what was going on with Gurley? All week long everyone in LA swore he was fine but clearly he wasn’t 200 percent against NO and NE.


Is there official word on what was going on with Gurley? All week long everyone in LA swore he was fine but clearly he wasn’t 200 percent against NO and NE.

At this point it’s impossible to believe that he was healthy. You don’t take your best weapon out of the game at the most important time of the season. Hopefully we’ll hear something about it in the offseason, but the fact he wasn’t on the injury report at all might make the Rams liable for withholding info. I bet we don’t get the full story for years (if ever).
At this point it’s impossible to believe that he was healthy. You don’t take your best weapon out of the game at the most important time of the season. Hopefully we’ll hear something about it in the offseason, but the fact he wasn’t on the injury report at all might make the Rams liable for withholding info. I bet we don’t get the full story for years (if ever).


He was a big factor in their passing game, not just the running game. That offense stutters without him
Goff didn´t deliver in this game but I don´t think there is a QB in the league who could deliver with that kind of protection. Rams O-line looked like fucking mall security. The right team won but I legitimately believe that Ryan Allen should have won MVP. It´ll never happen because special teams isn´t sexy enough, but those were some tremendous punts.


Boring game, but another ring for the GOAT Brady. Heard he might sign an extension, I think he may win his 7th ring at some point.

Take it in we won't see something like this for a very long time. 6 out of 9 SB's is insanity in this day and age of sports.
Boring game, but another ring for the GOAT Brady. Heard he might sign an extension, I think he may win his 7th ring at some point.

Take it in we won't see something like this for a very long time. 6 out of 9 SB's is insanity in this day and age of sports.

Last night I was going to write that I think his is his last ring and how I see the roster breaking apart a bit.

Then I realized I say that every year. So I stopped.

Hell man, maybe he will. He’s already in completely uncharted territory.

Lot of rumors around Gronk’s health, and future. That’s a big factor.


Last night I was going to write that I think his is his last ring and how I see the roster breaking apart a bit.

Then I realized I say that every year. So I stopped.

Hell man, maybe he will. He’s already in completely uncharted territory.

Lot of rumors around Gronk’s health, and future. That’s a big factor.

LOL people have been saying that about Brady since what his 6th or 7th SB apperance. I won't count out Brady and Bellichek. As long as those 2 are there the Pats can continue to make SB's. I mean if Brady comes back next year they are my fav's to go back again and then when in an SB its hard to bet against them.

All though I was thinking it would be funny if Brady went to be a back up somewhere and won his 7th as the back up at 44 years old or something.



Super Bowl ratings at a 10 year low - more rule changes to nerf defenses incoming. Also LOL at national ratings being higher than the local ratings in LA.
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I was gonna post about this, but forgot.

I don’t think it’s “Patriots Fatigue” as people suggest. I think Saints - Pats would have done bigger ratings

I wonder what the ratings for the championship games were compared to years past.
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