Houston is a nice city.
Its just a little sprawling.
Houston has become a shithole. I so want to leave
Come to Atlanta! We'll welcome you with open arms!
Houston has become a shithole. I so want to leave
Houston has become a shithole. I so want to leave
Houston has become a shithole. I so want to leave
Either Idaho or Ohio.
Greg vs. potatoes
Im sure HOA nazis are helping
whats wrong with it?
Traffic, dumbass drivers, heat, growing everywhere.
He's almost back to normal, friends. I believe we can #RestoreTheMech2K15
lol even houston natives hate houstonback stabber!
lol even houston natives hate houston
lol even houston natives hate houston
If you hate growth why would you buy a home in a metro area not named Detroit,Cleveland?
5 years ago I wasn't in a metro area.....
Now? lol fuck these people. Houston is great but the idiots and heat can fuck right off.
Ok so now either Wisconsin, Ohio or Idaho.
Jak pls, Cleveland is wonderful aspiring place, filled with prosperity and models. Only ignorant sluts don't know thisIf you hate growth why would you buy a home in a metro area not named Detroit,Cleveland?
You cant fool me ive been there its a dump
Jak pls, Cleveland is wonderful aspiring place, filled with prosperity and models. Only ignorant sluts don't know this
At least Houston aint Dallas in terms of crazy growth.
I think you're a bit mixed up mate. Houston is way bigger and more sprawled out. It also has much worse traffic, terrible humidity and a lack of identity
I tried a dragonfruit today. Was pretty good.
What liver?
I could only live in big cities.
Why is ohio on the list lol
Greg. Duh.
Maybe I'll have to start sharing my stream links when I start playing Madden 08 pc soon!
I dont understand it, post a nfl thread in the OT and you get 85% new posters. Why dont they post in here?
I dont understand it, post a nfl thread in the OT and you get 85% new posters. Why dont they post in here?
Houston has become a shithole. I so want to leave
Come to Austin we got a Texans bar here. It chillllll.
Because you and MRSA are too intimidating or because there is too much bullshit anime.
Ive seen quarterbacks like Drew Brees come back with 25 staples in his shoulder and everybody said he would never play again, Kelly said. Ask the Miami Dolphins what their franchise would be like if their doctors hadnt failed him on the medical [exam]. You dont know. Maybe Nick Saban is still coaching in the NFL.
Because you and MRSA are too intimidating or because there is too much bullshit anime.
blame the anime im like john belushi in animal house everyone wants to be my friend
do it fight the anime movement
I tried a dragonfruit today. Was pretty good.
mech cries more than a pregnant woman who doesnt have pickles and ice cream
nick saban is nearly bobby petrino coward status fuck that guy
Because you and MRSA are too intimidating or because there is too much bullshit anime.
I tried a dragonfruit today. Was pretty good.
Maybe I'll move to upstate NY and whoop your ass?