Just pay the man dammit! Needs to get his money then get back with Ashton
I'd say fuck the Texans, but they're STD-filled
That don't make any sense. Especially coming from a pats fan. lol
They should have shown some foresight and filled half the seats with mannequins. At least that way they'd be able to get the stadium 75% filled or so.New grass being put down!!
Just pay the man dammit! Needs to get his money then get back with Ashton
How dare you
I'm a Ravens fan, I know pain, and I don't want none of that shit
They should have shown some foresight and filled half the seats with mannequins. At least that way they'd be able to get the stadium 75% filled or so.
Ranking NFL Mascots by Creepiness
Most creepy:
Least creepy:
Staley is so depressed. ); poor guy.
Stafford is still available, Seattle fans. Take the trade, please.
3. Steely McBeam
The blue-collar version of Pat Patriot. Steely looks like a dad who just randomly snapped and murdered his whole family with a steel pylon. He buries the bodies in the foundations of his buildings. You can run from him and try to escape in the abandoned steel mill, but THIS IS HIS TERRITORY. Thats when you get lost in the maze of production lines and you end up next to the smelter and you see the bones of his previous victims around you, and you know he just led you right where he wanted you
How is the raiders one not number 1?
6. Miles
What the hell? Look at that head. Its almost xenomorph-esque in shape and size. Why is it angry? Why does it not have individual teeth? Stop looking at me like that! Stop it! Get away, get away now! HORSES ARENT SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE SEXUAL PREDATORS.
Cause no one knows what the fuck it is even supposed to be?
The real mascot is Blucifier. Miles is merely a family friendly version.
Not scary at all. Nope.
2. Pat Patriot
Hes required by law to tell you hes a registered sex offender, but its likely he wont even get that far because, if you open your door to him, its already too late. Your body will be found, deflated, floating in the river missing several vital organs the following week.
Dan Graziano ‏@DanGrazianoESPN 29m29 minutes ago
Sources tell @caplannfl & me that Giants, Osi Umenyiora are discussing a ceremonial one-day contract so he can retire a Giant.
NFL FilmsVerified account
‏@NFLFilms #Hardknocks was up early to shoot sunrise @nrgparkfan today. We are ready for houstontexans… https://instagram.com/p/5pmSwKHDsu/
This 9 hour drive blows
From one end of Houston to the other.Holy shit, where're you going?
Apparently, Martavis Bryant now weighs 225 with 4% body fat.
Still don't know if I love this or hate it. Mixed feelings
Holy shit, where're you going?
From one end of Houston to the other.
From one end of Houston to the other.
I'm jealous man t what a great insight into your team
Nate Ulrich ‏@NateUlrichABJ · 3m3 minutes ago
Told nobody is picking #Browns to finish better than 4th in AFC North, HC Mike Pettine quipped, "Call the league. Cancel the season."
I'd like it if they kept him further away. Too easy to have him suit up if someone gets hurt.You see Ike is interning
I'd like it if they kept him further away. Too easy to have him suit up if someone gets hurt.
I want to thank based Pizza turtle God sanjuro for my free Dominos pizza tonight, but not the MLB.
That's my guy Pettine :")
That gif gonna be handy when he is traded to the browns.
That just makes your comment make even less sense.