Why does this exist and why am I seeing it all the time on this site?
Are you racist?
Why does this exist and why am I seeing it all the time on this site?
Are you racist?
Californians unite against animu and Pats fans.
This is all cajun's fault.
...Well there's one I know of...but you guys probably wouldn't want him here.*waits for California AnimeGAF to appear*
So Kawaiii~~~<3
ninjascooter lobby
Ninja is now a part-time Pats fan. He only lobbies for evil. He used to be a good guy.
Taylor Swift is all right in my books.
There's way too many results when you search for NFL teams on Deviantart
Was kinda sad not being able to listen to pre season on XM radio. How did Sammy Look?
Oh ok thx. It's that time to be scouting rookies since this fantasy football league i'm in we need to start a rookie player that is not a QB every week.
The league has been using that option for over 10 years. It's an auction, keeper league.Interesting twist for a fantasy league, never heard of that one before.
When did Jamarcus Russell start playing cricket?
Artist on Deviantart:
Another of my pregnant cheerleader series!
Looks like an Xbox One Price Cut is coming, at least in Europe. The Xbox mobile in Europe is showing the price as 50 less. GamesCom is next week. I think August 12th.
This thread is forever unclean. Burn it to the ground.