Spicy chicken from Wendy's. Omnonom
Shoulda just got 50 spicy nuggets!
Spicy chicken from Wendy's. Omnonom
I hate tequila. Did jak die yet?
http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/13486052/supermarket-chain-pay-michael-jordan-89-million-use-nameThe owner of a supermarket chain must pay Michael Jordan $8.9 million for using his name and promoting a product in an ad without his permission.
A jury deliberated for six hours before handing down the verdict Friday night in federal court in Chicago, where Jordan won six NBA titles with the Bulls.
Lawyers for Safeway, owner of now-defunct Chicago-based chain Dominick's, said Jordan should be paid $126,900 for the use of his name in a 2009 ad Dominick's placed in a commemorative issue Sports Illustrated published for Jordan's induction into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. But Jordan's lawyers and Jordan himself testified that his endorsement history suggests he would not have taken that deal.
Jordan's legal representatives brought in sports economist Andrew Zimbalist, who testified that Jordan's fair market value for the ad was $10 million.
"I'm pleased with today's verdict," Jordan said in a statement. "No one -- whether or not they're a public figure -- should have to worry about their identity being used without their permission. The case was not about the money as I plan to donate the proceeds to charity. It was about honesty and integrity. I hope this case sends a clear message, both here in the United States and around the world, that I will continue to be vigilant about protecting my name and identity. I also hope the size of the monetary reward will deter others from using someone else's identity and believe they will only pay a small penalty."
In calculating the amount owed to Jordan, jurors sent a note to the judge, saying: "We need a calculator."
During the trial, Jordan's legal team disclosed for the first time some of his endorsement income, including $480 million that was paid to him by Nike from 2000 to 2012. Jordan also revealed he turned down an $80 million offer to endorse headphones.
While Jordan was fighting to uphold the value of his name, Safeway was in a tougher position. The company bought Dominick's in 1998 for $1.2 billion but closed all stores by the end of 2013. The Jordan lawsuit was the bitter end of a huge money-losing venture.
In addition, the ad itself was of little benefit to the company. Since the ad was in a commemorative Sports Illustrated issue, those who bought the magazine were hesitant to tear out the ad. Only two people were found to have redeemed the $2 steak coupon.
Jordan hugged his lawyers after the decision was read.
"I'm so used to playing on a different court," a visibly delighted Jordan told reporters outside the courthouse.
Stepping back into the courthouse, two jurors asked him for a photograph, and he obliged by throwing his arms around them and smiling for a cellphone camera.
Jordan's fame loomed over the case, with one would-be juror struck from the pool during jury selection after describing Jordan as his idol. During closings earlier Friday, Jordan attorney Frederick Sperling appealed to city pride in trying to persuade jurors to side with Jordan.
"He gave us six championships," he told jurors, Jordan sitting nearby.
Three weeks ago, Jordan lost a legal battle to stop a company in China called Qiaodan Sports, even though the name means "Jordan," it has a similar silhouette to the Jumpman logo and it uses the number 23.
For $8.9 million.Only two people were found to have redeemed the $2 steak coupon.
Shoulda just got 50 spicy nuggets!
Get fucked you greedy old man.Michael Jordan wins again:
"Hello Bionic!"
I saw that earlier. Amazing.This is my favorite performance of Superstition:
Didn't get the chance to watch the Falcons/Jets game, but looks like Matt Ryan and the first-teamers were whooping some ass again.
If I ever get access to a time machine this is one of the moments I am going back to see:
Today is Kitty day!
How am I supposed to be a "best man" when I'm neither?
Also, name her Tammy.
I am going to sleep but I was surfing youtube and found an old clip of Soul Train of Stevie Wonder performing Superstitious.
Just forward to when the song starts. You all know this feels right. This is the way things are supposed to be.
If I ever get access to a time machine this is one of the moments I am going back to see:
Last one I promise.
This one is you FMT!
I am going to sleep but I was surfing youtube and found an old clip of Soul Train of Stevie Wonder performing Superstitious.
Just forward to when the song starts. You all know this feels right. This is the way things are supposed to be.
If I ever get access to a time machine this is one of the moments I am going back to see:
Last one I promise.
This one is you FMT!
You let it slip to the second page....I'll let you all off this time.
Is colin taking pics of other people's cars now?q
If we're still going oldskool a clip I found a few years ago:
James Brown concert at the end when James gets Michael Jackson to come up and sing and dance for a bit AND THEN motherfucking Prince was in the audience so he called him up and magic is all you see from there on out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy9L4ft7EGk
If we're still going oldskool a clip I found a few years ago:
James Brown concert at the end when James gets Michael Jackson to come up and sing and dance for a bit AND THEN motherfucking Prince was in the audience so he called him up and magic is all you see from there on out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy9L4ft7EGk
I think maybe all this football is curing you off your weabooitis
I think maybe all this football is curing you off your weabooitis
Nflgaf in a nutshell
Nglgaf in a nutshell
You should participate in a sword fightGonna be spending all day at a renaissance festival. A day of mead, mutton, turkey legs, and women dressed up as wenches and slutty faeries. Should be good times.
Gonna be spending all day at a renaissance festival. A day of mead, mutton, turkey legs, and women dressed up as wenches and slutty faeries. Should be good times.
If the festival doesn't have a pickle man, it isn't a good Renaissance Faire.
Sure...I have been cured.....*goes back to play Persona 4: Dancing All Night*.