Without even seeing the hit I can agree with this and would be ok if they made it longer.Suggs should have a 5 season suspension.
Without even seeing the hit I can agree with this and would be ok if they made it longer.Suggs should have a 5 season suspension.
Obviously detecting a bit of sarcasm isn't your strong suit. He isn't going to draw a season long suspension, but a fine or some type of punishment I'm sure will come.
He hit a stationary QB on his lower body. That is the Brady rule. He will get some type of punishment because it's obviously that the hit was intentional. It's pointless to have a discussion if you can't agree on that premise. It most certainly should have drawn a flag, and it did, immediately.
The other hit is a hit Bradford just has to deal with when you play QB in the NFL. The problem with the Suggs hit is he went low. In every instance of a read option QB getting blasted like that, it's always been high
The game in which Bradford got hurt against CAR, there was a play where Robert Quinn nearly took the handoff and leveled Newton, who had just handed off. It lead to a brawl b/c the Panthers thought it was dirty. The difference between the two plays was that Quinn was much closer to Newton when he handed off, and hit him in the chest
You can't separate the hit and Bradford's injury history b/c those injuries were on Suggs mind, give his postgame comments. It's also not a good idea to ever give Suggs the benefit of the doubt
Crazy how people can look at that play and not see that it was intentional.
The other hit is a hit Bradford just has to deal with when you play QB in the NFL. The problem with the Suggs hit is he went low. In every instance of a read option QB getting blasted like that, it's always been high
The game in which Bradford got hurt against CAR, there was a play where Robert Quinn nearly took the handoff and leveled Newton, who had just handed off. It lead to a brawl b/c the Panthers thought it was dirty. The difference between the two plays was that Quinn was much closer to Newton when he handed off, and hit him in the chest
You can't separate the hit and Bradford's injury history b/c those injuries were on Suggs mind, give his postgame comments. It's also not a good idea to ever give Suggs the benefit of the doubt
Mark Berman ‏@MarkBermanFox26 · 10h10 hours ago  Dallas, TX
#Texans CB Charles James spoke to Peyton Manning pregame:"Hey man you're a hell of a player,Hall of Famer, &I just want to shake your(more)
Mark Berman ‏@MarkBermanFox26 · 10h10 hours ago  Dallas, TX
More #Texans CB Charles James spoke 2Peyton Manning pregame: "..hand b/c I never got that introduction when I was a rookie b/c I was scared"
Mark Berman Dallas, TX
#Texans CB Charles James says Peyton Manning thanked him for his compliments:"He don't really know me from a can of paint.So it's all good"
You absolute must separate a player's injury history. Do we start to fine players for hitting glass kiddies hard? Bradford has been injured a bunch. Nobody is ignorant of that fact. But what does that have to do with anything here? If his safety is of the utmost importance to the league, to the Eagles and to the fans, then all of the above should be calling for him to be forced out of the league. He got fucking tackled. It's football. It's going to happen.
There was a play in last nights Den vs Hou game where a Houston DB went straight at Demaryius Thomas' knees. Who also has had an ACL injury.
Why wasn't holy hell raised about that?
Simply because it's a legal tackle, the intention was to tackle at the waist (as it is with most tackles), and that's it.
You guys are blowing it out of proportion simply because you are paranoid of Bradford blowing out another knee, and Sugg being a thug in the past.
Nobody has to pull up short on a tackle on the QB on a read option play. Which your team runs all the time mind you. If you are telling me you haven't seen that play time and time again then you either don't watch your team or are being intentionally dense. Go and look at Foles running identical plays last year, and Tebow and Sanchez running it too.
Is this a dirty hit?
Or this?
Looks oddly like this
Yes!tips coffee mug towards Greg
Fuck Hoyer and Munn.
I have the Holy Water extension for Waterfox - page won't load!Hey Greg, check out this neat article on the Packers that I found!
Totally agree, well said.Without even seeing the hit I can agree with this and would be ok if they made it longer.
I have the Holy Water extension for Waterfox - page won't load!
Without even seeing the hit I can agree with this and would be ok if they made it longer.
Totally agree, well said.
Nate Ulrich @NateUlrichABJ
#Browns using Phil Taylor at NT and Danny Shelton at 3-technique at same time during inside run drill.
To top it off, regardless of how people try to frame the Suggs hit, it came late. He went after Bradford the first chance he got, and it just happened to be at his knee?There is a clear difference between those first two photos and the last one. In the first two, the tackled player has the ball. Bradford had handed the ball off before Suggs went low on him. Now yes, the rules technically state on a read-option play the QB is considered a runner. But this still doesn't give a defender carte blanche to dive at a defenseless player's knees. Suggs' comment makes it clear to me that he was intentionally headhunting and trying to use the rule as an excuse for why it is legal. He was going to dive at Bradford's knees the first chance he got and it's no shock to me he got flagged for it and will probably face a fine, as well.
I thought we were cool!
There is a clear difference between those first two photos and the last one. In the first two, the tackled player has the ball. Bradford had handed the ball off before Suggs went low on him. Now yes, the rules technically state on a read-option play the QB is considered a runner. But this still doesn't give a defender carte blanche to dive at a defenseless player's knees. Suggs' comment makes it clear to me that he was intentionally headhunting and trying to use the rule as an excuse for why it is legal. He was going to dive at Bradford's knees the first chance he got and it's no shock to me he got flagged for it and will probably face a fine, as well.
To top it off, regardless of how people try to frame the Suggs hit, it came late. He went after Bradford the first chance he got, and it just happened to be at his knee?
I get wanting to take out the star QB, but it's the damn pre-season.
I like my soul too muchYou should let Olivia Munn into your heart!
If she's good enough for Aaron, then she should be good enough for you!
It wasn't late, rewatch the gif.
Kas isn't this delusional.
a man can dreamOne day I'll be able to say "Greg, a game of Socom before the football games?"
Choose your side, NFL-GAF!
a man can dream
I played the CoD beta and it offends me how much aim assist is in the game
Choose your side, NFL-GAF!
Choose your side, NFL-GAF!
Pizza Hut ‏@pizzahut Jul 30
Ranch-flavored crust. Are you ready, ranch lovers?
go review it sanjuro
You and I had this same disagreement on Joe Mays' hit on Schaub. Suggs takes two steps after the handoff and aims for his knees. Mays took two steps after Schaub threw the ball and aimed at Schaub's head
Mays got suspended
It's an absolute disgrace. Just to think that a Socom installment had more people online than all Xbox games at one point in history. And now we don't even have a proper tactical 3rd person shooter anymore for the PS. Like at all.
Choose your side, NFL-GAF!
over priced hipster coffee or mud water. hmm. i chose death
Choose your side, NFL-GAF!
I don't need coffee![]()
Choose your side, NFL-GAF!
Ghost Recon?
As a hipster, calling Starbucks hipster coffee offends me.
Are we talking just regular coffee? I think it depends on the specific store, can't make a general statement. I'd say the bottom for Dunkin's is much lower and the ceiling for Starbucks much higher. On average, they are probably about the same.
I'd pick Starbucks every time just because free wi-fi and bathrooms.