One more time: maybe he isn't but he does have some unknown about him. We all know what Hoyer is.
I get that, but he can't beat Hoyer in practice....
you're dead to me trejo!
It'll be ok Wienke....Once Romo gets his ring I'll be 100% on the Dolphins again, I promise.
you guy aren't listening. I don't think there ever was a QB competition. I don't think Mallet ever had a chance to get the job outside of injury or Hoyer was downright awful.
I think Hoyer was the starter the second he was signed.
That could be true, but if Mallet was playing better don't you think Bob would make the change?
What are you in that dropped 8%? I was down 2.5 this morning. The dow was down 1000 points earlier and bounced back for now. I almost want to exchange into money market.
I have it spread out through a bunch of different things 25% of which is in emerging Markets, so thank you china. I'm being aggressive right now since I'm young and can afford it. I also have investment elsewhere though so I'm not sweating it.