What was your text? Did it end with Squeeeeeeeeee
Watching Anime is a gateway drug for pillow humping.
Unless your Cajun, then you just huggle them? I guess?
They are pretty popular with most of the NFL and America so people must find the positives outweigh the negatives.Drugs have bad side effects, yo.
Inside Scoot's closet:
Me! Steam ID is DeaconKnowledge.Oh look, I got free games for prepurchasing the steam controller. Anyone want a copy of Portal 2?
RG3 cleared for game, RIP
Stop mentioning him and move on
Slay seems to think I have those pillows when I don't and I refuse to buy those pieces of shit. I only collect complete thinpaks.
@RapSheet: #Steelers WR Martavis Bryants looming 4-game suspension is for multiple failed marijuana tests, source said. Appeal is in the latter stages
Me! Steam ID is DeaconKnowledge.
Civ 4! Steam is Malalaw. PlsLog on and accept the friend invite. I'll take it from there.
I also have gifting copies of Civ4, Defense Grid:Awakening, BioShock, HL2 and Awesomenauts. Want any of those?
This is what Bryant suspension is for
@RapSheet: #Steelers WR Martavis Bryant’s looming 4-game suspension is for multiple failed marijuana tests, source said. Appeal is in the latter stages
You have to fail 4 or 5 tests before you're suspended right?
I don't know why I started running this month. It's boring as fuck unless nice female asses are in front of you as motivation.
But what about the fresh air and nature? or you guys surrounded by concrete?That's why you run at the gym
What are you surrounded by?But what about the fresh air and nature? or you guys surrounded by concrete?
Any link? I thought it was more and am looking but can't find anything
Marijuana discipline: The punishment for a positive test is also changing. As is the case now, a first-time offense lands the player in the substance abuse program without a suspension. The primary difference is the punishment for a second positive test: simply a two-game fine. Each additional violation receives the following progressive discipline: four-game fine, four-game suspension, 10-game suspension. A player can therefore test positive for marijuana three times without getting suspended.
That's why you run at the gym
grass and treesWhat are you surrounded by?
grass and trees
Stupid Bryant, weed is BAD, m'KAY?
are there animalsgrass and trees
Actually, it used to be 2, now it's 4. Don't know if he tested positive before or after the new rules, which went into effect this offseason.
Could probably find a you few female gators if thats what you're after.are there animals
BG and Kave gonna open the shame circle early
Perfect opportunity to send Mallet to Cleveland for JFF.
please please pleasssssssssse make this happen football godsPerfect opportunity to send Mallet to Cleveland for JFF.
No thank you.Could probably find a you few female gators if thats what you're after.
how do you fail 4 drug tests? what a fucking idiot.
Squeeee back to you chuck! Thanks.
At least he's still wants to play football, unlike every person in a certain other organization.
Its been great just to be in his presence. Hes one of the greatest of all-time, Hayne said. I watched one of his passes, and the finesse on it was unbelievable. And the way he can read a defense its great.
All your game belong to me.I have a handful of extra steam games I don't need from Humble let me look through and make a list....
Ryan Mallett missed practice cause he overslept but showed up later for meetings. Will b at practice Friday, business as usual.