Do not want. Nothing O'Brien has done so far shows that he is even a half way decent coach. Had one of the most vanilla schemes when he was here. Mazz is a hack on anything that isn't baseball.Massarotti: When Bill Belichick Retires, Bill OBriens Name Should Be On List Of Replacements « CBS Boston
Keep your hands off my fucking coach
seahawks/steelers 2.0
steelers 38 seahawks 3
seahawks fans once again cry foul
I don't take kindly to that, friend. You probably put rice in your burritos.
1. The wide receiver battle
Could this be Ryan Broyles' swan song with the Lions? Does Greg Salas have anything left in the tank to fight as a dark-horse candidate to make the roster? Will Jeremy Ross ever show any signs of being a good return specialist again, or will TJ Jones emerge as team's returner? The receiver race is tight, and Friday's game may decide who makes the cut and who will be searching for a new team in just over a week.
2. Can Ameer Abdullah do it again?
Word is that Abdullah will get some "consistent" playing time against the Jaguars. After his brilliant performance in the opening preseason game, fans have been chomping at the bit to get another taste of those sweet, sweet jump cuts. It sounds like Abdullah will get his shot to impress again, but will he really be able to top his performance against the Jets?
3. Laken Tomlinson's first start
With Larry Warford likely sitting the game out while he nurses an injury, Tomlinson will be pushed into the starting lineup against the Jaguars. Tomlinson has had his fair share of snaps during the preseason, but this will be his first career start. How the first-round draft pick responds to that pressure will be exciting to see.
4. Who will step up on the defensive line?
After Caraun Reid went down early in the Lions' preseason game against the Redskins last week, Detroit was thoroughly gashed by the Washington run game. This week, the Lions' defensive line depth will be challenged again, but will anyone rise to the occasion? Gabe Wright? Jermelle Cudjo? Devin Taylor? Bueller?
5. Zach Zenner vs. George Winn
Perhaps the most contentious camp battle has been for the fourth running back position. Winn brings a year of experience and superior special team skills, while Zenner, the hot new thing in town, has performed much better as a running back this preseason. Zenner still likely has an uphill battle, considering the Lions likely value special teams contributions highly for their fourth-string back. However, there's no doubt Zenner has threatened Winn's job security over the past two weeks.
Katrina anniversary bowl Sunday.
Everyone watching?
Do not want. Nothing O'Brien has done so far shows that he is even a half way decent coach. Had one of the most vanilla schemes when he was here. Mazz is a hack on anything that isn't baseball.
LOL That's what happened when Amendola is the number one receiver and you play three rookies on the oline. Hilarious someone would even post something like that.
Jaguars on national TV!
Cajun says y'all are boring and ain't shit.
I still need to watch and catch up with the show, so I have no idea of the significance of these people.
Gata will have to cheer for the Jags in my place, I will be writing for most of the game with it going on in the background.
Cajun says y'all are boring and ain't shit.
I still need to watch and catch up with the show, so I have no idea of the significance of these people.
Born of water and havent scared anyone in decades. What is Dead May Never Die is also the Dolphins' motto after about week 5.
reporting back to duty to posting under the influence
I believe they're going to sit Calvin out which I don't have a problem withLooking forward to it. I wonder if Megatron will play; even if no plays are called for him I just want to get a glimpse of how things will look this year. He's had an amazing training camp and is 100% healthy for the first time in two years.
What a terrible fanGata will have to cheer for the Jags in my place, I will be writing for most of the game with it going on in the background.
Why can't you trust the king of the jungle?I think Dutch would be happy with a pun. Do you have a pun to make him feel better?
Why can't you trust the king of the jungle?
Because he is always lion![]()
RIP Dirtbag.I am. Usually the 3rd Preseason game is the most intersting one.
This would be more fun if someone were here...![]()
Looking forward to it. I wonder if Megatron will play; even if no plays are called for him I just want to get a glimpse of how things will look this year. He's had an amazing training camp and is 100% healthy for the first time in two years.
What a terrible fan
Where can I see your reviews? I'm kind of interested.![]()
Im not from Jacksonville and there are no swamps here and the Patriots are on the same side of the country and fuck you you ignorant junior bag of fuck.I know. What's worse than a guy from a swamps of Jacksonville turn his back on his home and cheer for a team on the other side of the country? I mean who does that?
I'm getting ads on mobile to buy Jags season tickets.
Im not from Jacksonville and there are no swamps here and the Patriots are on the same side of the country and fuck you you ignorant junior bag of fuck.
LOL That's what happened when Amendola is the number one receiver and you play three rookies on the oline. Hilarious someone would even post something like that.
I'm getting ads on mobile to buy Jags season tickets.
That's how they got Printer.
He meant north and south.
Well the do have Bort at QB . He is better than Hoyer
Katrina anniversary bowl Sunday.
Everyone watching?
What if Hoyer does well enough and stays the starter for years?
Jak says that Hack a Shit, therefore we should not draft him.
Do you always do what drunks tell you?
Jak says that Hack a Shit, therefore we should not draft him.
Katrina anniversary bowl Sunday.
Everyone watching?
No, I don't. But I believe he was sober when he said that.
i said he needs to develop you inbred texan sister fucking flatlander watching your daddy pull oil while fucking the passing immigrant.
Well, that's a new one... :You
i said he needs to develop you inbred texan sister fucking flatlander watching your daddy pull oil while fucking the passing immigrant.