That post is stupid, it ignores the fact that when other teams got caught jacking their balls they were fined 25k.
Love how you guys hate gooddell and think he sucks, but this time he got it right. Yea, sure. Dude is a clown, and I ain't no patriots fan or apologist.
Those things don't have to be mutually exclusive.
Goodell is a joke, an oaf and a simpleton. The Patriots are also cheaters. Nothing that has been said or done by Goodell erases that.
That thread is a farce. Pats fan shitting on Goodell for acting under a CBA that their team's idiot players gleefully signed off on and the NFLPA rolled over for. Now because Goodell is using it to hang the Pats for cheating (AGAIN.) Everybody else is supposed to cry tears for them? Then in the same breath they wonder aloud why everyone hates the Patriots.
It's really fucking ironic that anybody would go after a Steelers fan for supporting Goodell, since it was the Steelers that Goodell originally singled out for the first of his many witch hunts.