NFL Preseason/Training Camp Thread |OT| - Make America Great For Once

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I just realized something.

In a season where we lost to the Packers in Super Bowl XLV, the loss that angers me the most that season was against the Asterisks.

Hatred is a powerful thing.
We were always weak against cheaters and murderers.

It is one of the downsides to being the good guys.
I just realized something.

In a season where we lost to the Packers in Super Bowl XLV, the loss that angers me the most that season was against the Asterisks.

Hatred is a powerful thing.

Losing to the Falcons was way worse than losing to the Broncos last year.

Nah, I'm bullshittin. But only because the Panthers went out like punks in the SB. Had they played a good, clean game and lost I definitely would have made my peace with it.


The average age over the past decade of National Football League and Major League Baseball viewers has increased by four and seven years, respectively, to 47 and 53, according to Ben Thompson, founder of the blog Stratechery.
Holy hell. NFL GAF is young again.
The MaddenGAF guys that have played so far have had good things to say about it and PastaPadre (who is often critical of the franchise when it deserves it) was extremely positive in his review.

I'm getting seriously tempted but I'm concerned about the kind of thing that isn't apparent until you're a few seasons into franchise mode.

I can overlook a few gameplay flaws if they've fixed draft classes and regression

i only got one game in before my 10 hour trial decided to end but i really enjoyed it.

the running game is great, man to man seems to work well on defense, and i guess they added lots of features to the franchise mode.

One game takes ten hours? Fuck that

Ballers is like entourage without the charm...wait...

entourage without the...uhhhh...what did entourage have again?

Ballers looks terrible

Entourage had Emmanuelle Chriqui.

And Jeremy Piven.

But mostly Emmanuelle Chriqui.
Pretty much this.

We were always weak against cheaters and murderers.

It is one of the downsides to being the good guys.

Ok I'm done with football, see y'all later.
This is why I have college ball friend..

Hunter S.

I'll still be surprised if Siemian is the week one starter.


All the QBs had turnovers. Siemian just seems safe. Kyle Orton style. I mean if Mark was on any other team the fans would be shitting on him for being buttfumble. thos turnovers, dude.

I am predicting Siemian will start day one.

All the QBs had turnovers. Siemian just seems safe. Kyle Orton style. I mean if Mark was on any other team the fans would be shitting on him for being buttfumble. thos turnovers, dude.

I am predicting Siemian will start day one.

We'll see. I just don't like pinning any hopes to a second year player out of Northwestern. Hopefully Lynch is good and can take the job next year.



Fun fact:4 years ago on this day Malcolm Hero Butler was visited by a specter, this ghoul told him he would be a hero someday. Thank you ghost for our 4th legitimate super bowl victory win celebration parade.


Man I am finally getting into football mode but have to say this is the least excited and optimistic I have been for an Eagles team since forever.

Doug Pederson. That is who my HC is.

Feels bad man :(
I actually feel better now about Pederson than I did a few months ago. He's doing fine.

Tom Penny

Get a cart.

Unless you are in high school or play competitively you should always play in a cart. Its the American way.

Wasn't really on purpose. I hit a spot with my brother yesterday in the afternoon and they said play till whenever and we got 18 in and payed for 9 holes. Then played today. I'm certainly not used to walking 7-8 miles in hot weather. At least sucking at golf was fun. The game seems impossible but you hit some good shots and sucks you in. For the record walking 9 isn't so bad.


Wasn't really on purpose. I hit a spot with my brother yesterday in the afternoon and they said play till whenever and we got 18 in and payed for 9 holes. Then played today. I'm certainly not used to walking 7-8 miles in hot weather. At least sucking at golf was fun. The game seems impossible but you hit some good shots and sucks you in.
Were you chugging beers the whole time?
I feel bad for even posting something like this. But are we doing it?
Ross Tucker
Ross Tucker – Verified account ‏@RossTuckerNFL

Browns might have most physically gifted starting WRs in NFL beginning in Week 5 just like we all thought a month ago.
Replace God with 8-8 in this gif
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