Revis is signed for just 1 more season though, he also wants huge money and is coming off an injury. I dont think they will be able to trade him but they are in horrible situation with the cap, and are really lacking in talent. If they have a piece that could help fix some of their problems they should use it. You are right that they should have fired Rex though. Jets are in a worse situation now then when he took over the team.
The Jets were fucked once Sanchize didn't pan out. You couldn't miss on a top-10 QB pick under the old CBA or you were fucked for years. See: Bradford, Sam.
I really thought that after thi year Reed would retire and maybe become a defensive assistant or something like that. I hope the Pats sign him for real money.
Now we can drink beer in name of the king instead of a Queen.
Reed is an attention whore. He'll retire next year after Lewis' shine has worn off.
Only reason the cap is shit right now is because of uncertainty at QB.
Take that out of the equation and the team has enough cap space to make a few moves but they can't miss on their draft picks.
They knew that the Revis contract was a band aid and now they have to live with it.
Ride it out this year and franchise tag him next year and work out a longer deal with him then to see how his knee is.
Jets fucked up with the extension. The contract that he originally signed was great because it was so front loaded.
Ian Rapoport of the NFL Network reports that the league is considering its options for the future of the game, but that the consensus was that the on-field product was much improved. Game quality, timing and location are topics they reportedly want to discuss with players, including the possibility of playing the game at the site of the Super Bowl after swaths of empty seats greeted this years game.
Revis trade makes sense. The Jets aren't a CB away from a Super Bowl or even a playoff push. Well they are if the savior is still on the roster but he's on the bench.
Fraudgers for Wilson
Who wins in that trade?
That was the Ravens' rally, not the Niners'.
Lol. That show was so awful. Only part I remember is the one skinny Brooklyn dude whining that he was hungry and was going to go ask someone at Burger King for food even if it cost them some sort of penalty or something.You are the problem
Brady to the Raiders? Karma would get involved if that happened.
Fuck that. That bum would fail anywhere else. Graduated system QB who can't even make a proper sideline throw.
or a picture of a camcorder instead
When do we get to the point where football is played with robots?
No salary
No injuries
As much head hunting as possible
Bring back banned formations
No draft busts
• $10 ($50 value) for an online course on how to watch an American football game
• Taught by a former Boston College athletic director and a networking expert
• 3 hours of content and 8 video lectures provide step-by-step instruction on demand
• Score networking tips, like which events to attend and how to strike up a conversation
• Learn the fundamentals of football, and you'll soon be cheering at all the right moments -- touchdown!
Fuck that. That bum would fail anywhere else. Graduated system QB who can't even make a proper sideline throw.
[–]Loate 887 points 1 hour ago
Dear Commissioner. I was curious about what you thought on the role of traumatic injury in the NFL, and the dichotomy between making the game safer versus giving the fans the hard hits and satiated bloodlust they so clearly desire. It seems to me that a lot of the popularity of the game boils down to the fact that there is that risk of injury, so I guess what I'm essentially asking is how are you going to balance that going forward without people feeling like you're never going to give them up, or never going to let them down?
[–]NFL_Commish171 points 34 minutes ago
The game of football has always been tough and always will be. Even before the NFL was founded, President Teddy Roosevelt called the college presidents in to make sure that the safety issues of the game were addressed since there had been 17 deaths in 1905 alone. From there came the first and ten, forward pass and the inception of the NCAA. Since then, the game has flourished while sticking to the fundamentals of fair and competitive football. Our football coaches and executives wanted to bring the game back to the fundamentals of tackling and blocking. We have seen some of the best NFL football in our history during this season's playoffs. Hope we finish with another great one on Sunday.
[–]douche_bigalo 423 points 1 hour ago
Did you practice this handshake for many hours? How has your street cred improved since said handshake?
[–]NFL_Commish877 points 41 minutes ago
When I met with the players the day before the draft, Melvin asked if I would give him a special handshake. He showed it to me and then we practiced one time. It was fun, glad I didn't screw it up for Melvin.
[–]Siffilis 313 points 1 hour ago
Would you consider allowing more extensive touchdown celebrations again?
[–]NFL_Commish341 points 54 minutes ago
This rule gets reconsidered by our Competition Committee every year. We think we have a good balance between sportsmanship and natural enthusiasm. We want the players to be able to celebrate without taunting the opponents and casuing a retaliation.
I'd be interested to see how other fans feel: do we want more?
[–]vinnyv18 270 points 1 hour ago
Any chance the Saints get back their 2nd round pick for this years draft?
[–]NFL_Commish328 points 59 minutes ago
No, the penalty will continue to include the 2nd round draft choice in 2013.
[–]ThaddeusJP 401 points 1 hour ago*
Hello Mr. Goodell – welcome to Reddit.
To start things off, there is a HUGE NFL following on reddit (/r/nfl <--- click here to see the main section) and pages for every team with their own dedicated followers. We are extremely passionate about the game and are constantly talking about all things NFL. You’re going to get insightful and hard-hitting questions about EVERY aspect of the game itself, the league, and how things have been/will be done. We look forward to your answers!
My question:
In regards to expansion: There is clearly a huge market in Europe, South America, and many other parts of the world. People are talking about overseas expansion. Is there a long term plan to bring new NFL teams to the rest of the world?
Thank you for your time! - Thad, A Browns fan
[–]NFL_Commish352 points 56 minutes ago
Thad, glad to hear that Reddit is so passionate about NFL football. Hope you all have enjoyed the season as much as I have.
We expanded our regular season series in London to two games this year. So far, we've seen the same passionate support for the NFL in London, based on ticket sales to date. If our game continues to grow in London, it would not surprise me if we had an NFL team in London someday.
[–]NFL_Commish470 points 1 hour ago
I notice there are a lot of questions on socks. This is a matter initially judged by a former player at the game called the Uniform Inspector. It is part of our effort to look and act professional at all times. There is a standard fine for violations that our Football Operations department issues on a routine basis. This is a system that was put in place in the 60s and has served us well.
[–]jdi_nit 349 points 1 hour ago
Thanks so much for stopping by here. I wanted to know:
Just how important is Rich Eisen to the NFL Network and shouldn't he get a raise?
[–]NFL_Commish722 points 1 hour ago
Thanks for your question, Mrs. Eisen!
We are proud of the work Rich does on the NFL Network. It has been gratifying to see the growth and success of the Network, which he is a big part of.
[–]Pixelpaws 74 points 1 hour ago
What's a rule currently in place in the NFL that you expect to change within the next couple of years?
What's a rule NOT in place that you think needs to be implemented?
[–]NFL_Commish80 points 48 minutes ago
We're reevaluating all low blocks on defenders. I would anticipate that there will be changes in this area. These rules are studied very carefully by the Competition Committee, which is made up of GMs, owners and coaches, including with input from the players, and then voted on by the full membership. The reason they get such careful analysis is to make sure we understand the unintended consequences of any rule changes, and that they can be officiated with consistency.
For more on the history of our rules changes,
Former niner great kwame "the game" Harris charged with assaulting his boyfriend
jesus lol those commentsazarkhan says:
Jan 28, 2013 3:03 PM
Brendon Ayanbadejo is smiling.
I wonder if that BC AD is DeFelippo, one of the worst snakes in the business. A guys which pretty much every fan hates.
I wonder if that BC AD is DeFelippo, one of the worst snakes in the business. A guys which pretty much every fan hates.
DISCLOSURE - This event was filmed in front of a live audience at the British Consulate in Boston, MA on January 8, 2013 at the chapter meeting of the Greater Boston ASTD .
With Super Bowl is around the corner, I decided to upload the class so you can enjoy right away rather than spend hours perfecting the video.
CBS Sunday Morning with Bill Geist filmed this event. There are times when there are multiple cameras angles but it's not too distracting.
There were ~ 100 in attendance from 7 countries.
Welcome to Water Cooler Football - where football and networking meet to have fun!
Youre at a party with a football game on, people cheer and you have no idea what happened do you feel left out?
At a meeting someone says, lets do an end run do you feel lost?
When you hear football do you think people mean soccer?
If you don't know how to watch a football, you maybe left out. This can have a negative impact on your career and perhaps social life.
Join former Boston College Athletic Director, Gene DeFillippo, and published author and networking expert Diane Darling as they talk about football and how to watch it.
You'll also learn some best practices for networking. How to pick your events (aka "whether report"), how to get into a conversation, and .... how to get out of one. What are some best ways to follow up?
Learn how to be a part of the game with tips and from Gene and Diane. (And wait until you hear how they met!)
Through 7 video lessons, we share with you all the fundamentals you need to know about American football...Simply watch, take notes and have fun!
You can fast forward and repeat as you need.
BONUS - You'll also get excellent tips on networking. You'll learn
How to pick events
How to get into (and out of) a conversation
Best ways to follow up
What to do when you fumble in networking (eg don't follow up)
Team in London? Fuck that!
I kinda want to see it, so we can see 40k crowds at Wembley and hear all the damage control from NFL pr
I kinda want to see it, so we can see 40k crowds at Wembley and hear all the damage control from NFL pr
They are gonna love the commercial breaks over there.
[]NFL_Commish80 points 48 minutes ago
We're reevaluating all low blocks on defenders. I would anticipate that there will be changes in this area. These rules are studied very carefully by the Competition Committee, which is made up of GMs, owners and coaches, including with input from the players, and then voted on by the full membership. The reason they get such careful analysis is to make sure we understand the unintended consequences of any rule changes, and that they can be officiated with consistency.
They should leave the real NFL alone, set up a 2nd 32 team league, have it all be international teams, then have the Flaccos of the world curbstomp those posers in the World Bowl or whatever they would call it.
The San Salvador Salvadorians would destroy the Monterrey Vaqueros 19-10 on ESPN deportes
They should leave the real NFL alone, set up a 2nd 32 team league, have it all be international teams, then have the Flaccos of the world curbstomp those posers in the World Bowl or whatever they would call it.
The San Salvador San Salvadorians would destroy the Monterrey Vaqueros 19-10 on ESPN deportes
Best Jets QB ever.
What did you fix? It's the exact same post...
What did you fix? It's the exact same post...
LolWhat did you fix? It's the exact same post...