Bros Kaep's girlfriend is fucking hot.
Bros Kaep's girlfriend is fucking hot.
I dont like those shoes
I dont like those shoes
This just in: Brady will not become a farmer. He is opening his own meat packing plant.
Better than Uggs!
Didn't they break up or is this a new girl?
I'm not saying all black people look the same
Didn't they break up or is this a new girl?
I'm not saying all black people look the same
Acutally, you are correct.
His old girl was way hotter
Fastest way I know of to get mocked and ridiculed out of this thread.
Guys like squicken, futurevoid or ez usually post the biggest legit news first because they've got twitter feed filters or whatever.
Its my birthday today.
Happy Birthday, Gator Friend!
I totally wouldn't let those girls give me STDs.
Second one has a much better body, the first ain't bad though. Face wise both are decent, black girl has that nice girl next door look while the other has that pornstar I just wanna fuck look.
I agree.Second one has a much better body, the first ain't bad though. Face wise both are decent, black girl has that nice girl next door look while the other has that pornstar I just wanna fuck look.
False! Beyonce can give me all kinds of STDs. Big ones, small ones, themed ones, fancy ones, cheap ones and even one in Buffalo.
This girl has a droopy mouth
You disgust me.
Judging by how she sings through her nose (heard her sing for the first time last week. Ugh.), you'd probably catch some sort of strange sinus-crossover infection..I shudder to think what kind of wonderful STDs I could catch from Rhianna. But it's fun to imagine.
Judging by how she sings through her nose (heard her sing for the first time last week. Ugh.), you'd probably catch some sort of strange sinus-crossover infection..
Not sure if this was posted but apparently Amani Toomer decided to have at Ray Lewis:
LOL, story behind it was I was 14 liked the logo back in NHL '95 and have been a fan ever since(oh the innocence of childhood lol)
LOL, story behind it was I was 14 liked the logo back in NHL '95 and have been a fan ever since(oh the innocence of childhood lol)
NBA live 96 and NHL 95 on Sega were the pinnacle of sports games.
After great deliberation with myself, and great soul searching, I have chosen a Team for Super Bowl rooting:
Bandwagon Up!
Ugh WTF did they do to the Unis?
Stick with the classic 9ers Unis for gods sakes!!!
NBA live 96 and NHL 95 on Sega were the pinnacle of sports games.
Madden 2005 was the best Madden. No question.