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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(





This is worse than your Jordan rants. Yes the Ewoks were dumb, but overall that film is a classic. Batman 3 will just be another movie that everyone forgets in a few years. The second one is the classic b/c of Ledger
Never said ROTJ wasn't great (huge original SW fan). If it were not for Lucas repeated attempts to ruin the franchise I would agree with you. But man all the edits and prequels left me bitter as fuck. Still waiting for a bluray unedited release of the movies (fuck the prequels they were garbage). I want to show the original versions to my kids. At worst I will just bust out the VCR and show them Star Wars the way nature intended it to be.

And speaking of batman I guess I liked it more than you did. I think you underrate it. I thought it was a really cool direction to take the series and kept the last movie fresh.
Return of the King

Eh. The danger felt over with after TTT.

This is worse than your Jordan rants. Yes the Ewoks were dumb, but overall that film is a classic. Batman 3 will just be another movie that everyone forgets in a few years. The second one is the classic b/c of Ledger

Reused plot device (Second Death Star)
Han becomes a caricature
Rebel climax is a repeat of original Sans Luke.

Honestly if it weren't for Luke, Vader, and the Emperor the movie would be a waste.


Never said ROTJ wasn't great (huge original SW fan). If it were not for Lucas repeated attempts to ruin the franchise I would agree with you. But man all the edits and prequels left me bitter as fuck. Still waiting for a bluray unedited release of the movies (fuck the prequels they were garbage). I want to show the original versions to my kids. At worst I will just bust out the VCR and show them Star Wars the way nature intended it to be.


There are fan edits out there of the blurays that get really close to the originals, but I understand your sentiment


We're all going to say horrible shit to each other over the next 5.5 months and many of us will be banned in the process. But football season is upon us god damnit! The blood spilled will be righteous blood.



tolzien for starter!

i joke about it but he really does look great. i predict he is our QB of the future, not crapernick!

Just caught his highlight run and saw his stats, didn't seem bad at all. Last year he had no right being on a professional field, seems like he is competent now.


Bengals coach Marvin Lewis called Ryan on Thursday to say he didn't want to see the Wildcat make its debut against his defense, Brian Costello of the New York Post reported after the game.

Not an unusual move in the preseason, when coaches are willing -- and seem to expect -- these types of requests from their peers.

Last preseason, New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton anticipated a call from Jim Harbaugh before his San Francisco 49ers debut. That conversation would presumably lead to an agreement on how the game would be played. When Harbaugh failed to pick up the phone, Payton gave (the now infamous) Gregg Williams the green light to 'let the dogs out,' according to Saints radio broadcaster Jim Henderson, via ProFootballTalk.com. The upshot: New Orleans piled up six sacks on the 49ers.

At some point this preseason, we'll catch a hint of Tebow's Wildcat act. Marvin Lewis wanted nothing to do with it tonight and got his wish.



Jason Smith was with third string unit today. He can't play guard. There's a real chance they cut him. 2009 #2 overall and he's on the roster bubble. Barry Richardson is likely the starter at RT

So two more years of Bradford. Next year fix the line. 2014 draft Bradford's replacement. Develop him the right way with talent already in place around him. 2015 contention
It was too bad it was terrible, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were so good.

They can't seem to crack the three's with superhero movies.
Jason Smith was with third string unit today. He can't play guard. There's a real chance they cut him. 2009 #2 overall and he's on the roster bubble. Barry Richardson is likely the starter at RT

So two more years of Bradford. Next year fix the line. 2014 draft Bradford's replacement. Develop him the right way with talent already in place around him. 2015 contention

Just in time for them to get a fresh start in LA. Did you see the stltoday article about how the rams aren't sweating not having a star receiver? The rationalization has started already. Hearing too many things about dropped passes already
I haven't changed teams. I just have a huge Harboner. Great coach. Best in the biz right now. I mean Alex fucking Smith almost played in a Super Bowl because of this guy!

Harbaugh is pretty awesome. I mean, he is the fourth best Chicago Bears quarterback in history for a reason.


Just catching up a bit, poor Bengals with those injuries.

Also, WTH Buckethead. I can see why some people would like it a bit less than I do, but calling it terrible?
I like it better than TDK, which really drags at the end when you watch it more than once, and I still think the Twoface part felt half-assed.
It is "well made" but uninspired and stupid.

That's unfortunate because BB and TDK were so sharp, had a lot to say, and did such a great job of grounding the more absurd aspects of the genre in reality.
I thought Rises was just OK. I wouldn't call it horrible though, I save that for stuff like the last two Spiderman flicks. Rises had it tough right out of the gate cause there was no way it was going to live up to the monstrosity that TDK became.
Haven't watched Spiderman 2 in awhile but I remember it fondly.
First movie I remember seeing in IMAX.

Has it's flaws though.
Train stopping scene and the on the nose Jesus symbology.

First two are campy and fun. I enjoy them.


Fear of a GAF Planet
You guys will hate on anything. Next thing you know, I'll be seeing people take shots at the perfect human being, Timmy Tebow.


I remember thinking Spiderman 2 and X-Men 2 were pretty good. But it could be I was just blinded by Doc Ock and Wolverine stabbing folks in the school.


I remember thinking Spiderman 2 and X-Men 2 were pretty good. But it could be I was just blinded by Doc Ock and Wolverine stabbing folks in the school.

I thought the XMEN movies were good. But I agreed with Ebert when he said Spiderman 2 was the best superhero movie ever made, and he's still right
The Dark Knight Rises was a steaming piece of shit.
Wrong about Brandon Jackson, wrong about TDKR.

TDKR didn't really impress me in the theater (apart from the ending, which was awesome), but after letting it settle for a while I decided it might actually be really good and saw it again. I was right, it's better than Begins.

I liked Brandon Jackson.
You threatened to become a Bears fan if we let him go!
Avengers was a more fun and entertaining movie than TDKR. If you disagree you are probably a filthy Bucs fan.
I liked Avengers, but TDKR is just a better movie.

I can't recall another superhero movie that hit the emotional lows (beatdown) and highs (the climb) to the extent that TDKR did.
If you aren't old enough to have seen RotJ in theaters, then I can see this point

Except I am old enough to have seen Empire in the theaters and I was very disappointed by RotJ when I saw it in theaters. RotJ isnt even cin the same class as TDKR. Lucas is a fucking hack who will never be 1/100th of the director or man that Nolan is.
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