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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(

If this is the quality of football that they have to consistently put up with, I can't blame the patrons of the Black Hole for being heathens, delinquents, and menaces to society.

I'd rage too if this was my football team.


Best play of the week.. That Harbs' magic



ESPN showing the only two plays where Mike Vick ran a QB read/run out of shotgun as a Falcon and pretending like it's all we did.


Which only reminds me of the time that the Panthers ran the Wildcat all game long and beat us with it. :(
That was the worst game of all time. They literally threw, what, 4 passes that entire game? Ed Zonatell was just content sitting back, while slow ass Keith Brooking ran around in circles.

I think that was also the season that Warrick Dunn coughed up the ball against the Bucs after Todd McClure completely whiffed on Brooks. They got the ball and went 8 yards and kicked a FG to win it. The silly thing is those two games took us out of the playoffs. Was Ashley Lelie on that team?
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