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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(

Redman injured. Dwyer future!!

I feel like I'm in a third world country. Goddamit Canada I have HBO! Why am I not able to see Hard Knocks? If I want to see it on TV I have to wait for when NFL Network gets the rights!

All the US networks relicense everything by country so HBO relicenses to HBO Canada and so on. Therefore if HBO Canada doesn't want to pay for it, we don't get it. :(


Well they already had A Football Life with Belichick, it was alright. My expectations were too high I suppose.

I not sure Sherman isn't playing a role, as FV noted he is very much the fire and brimstone guy there. Didn't get that vibe from Campbell. Wouldn't think position coaches would be that confrontational. The OL coach was salty but didn't go off like Sherman.

Still glad A&M fired him


intangibles, motherfucker
Just watched last nights Hard Knocks. That show without Chad Johnson is not a show i want to watch. There are no entertaining storylines, players, or coaches on that team.
The only storyline left is "Which white guy will make the team, and which white guy will get cut and then get picked up by the Pats and be used to destroy the Dolphins twice a year."


Well they already had A Football Life with Belichick, it was alright. My expectations were too high I suppose.

Sherman was pretty entertaining. John Tortorella is hard to beat as far as coaching + entertainment. Liked Bylsma and Laviolette as well, it's hockey so none of you give a shit, but the Winter Classic is good stuff. Love Torts.

By far the best of these shows.

I don't think Philbin deserves the shit you guys are giving him. That's pretty much how most of those discussions I have had have gone. Also, he knows the cameras are on him and he knows he is probably ending the guys career. I'm as big an asshole as there is and even I would try to soft touch that situation.


I'm just imagining me firing somebody. HAHAHAHA, I'd be so useless. Kinda glad I won't be in that situation for a long time, if ever.
Milchjon said:
I'm just imagining me firing somebody.
I've done it more often than I care to. It's not fun and the reactions can vary so greatly, that it's impossible to prepare for. I've had calm and collective folks just say thanks and leave and I've had others yell every profanity in the book at me...


I've done it more often than I care to. It's not fun and the reactions can vary so greatly, that it's impossible to prepare for. I've had calm and collective folks just say thanks and leave and I've had others yell every profanity in the book at me...

I much, much prefer the people who get fired up and yell at me to the polite, calm and nice people.


I've done it more often than I care to. It's not fun and the reactions can vary so greatly, that it's impossible to prepare for. I've had calm and collective folks just say thanks and leave and I've had others yell every profanity in the book at me...

Did you ever had to make decisions about whether to fire someone or who to fire yourself?
FrenchMovieTheme said:
What about the animals you've murdered in the name of sport? Do you prefer a struggle and bleeding to death slowly or a quick kill?
For some reason that entire question reminded me of the end of the "The Grey".


I have, yes.

How do you do that? Was it for misbehavior, or did your company's situation make it necessary? Do you have any rules of your own that help you decide? I think I'd have a harder time deciding than actually go through with it.

I think it's testament to my middle class, mostly non corporate upbringing that I'm not sure I know anyone who actually ever got fired. Maybe apart from my one holiday job working in drivetrain assembly that was supposed to go a few weeks longer, but started right at the beginning of the economic meltdown a few years ago, so I was among the most expendable.
I need that avatar sized. :jnc


I hope you use it so Eli stops staring at me like that.
Milchjon said:
How do you do that? Was it for misbehavior, or did your company's situation make it necessary? Do you have any rules of your own that help you decide? I think I'd have a harder time deciding than actually go through with it.
Most recently (and by recent I mean in the last 2 years), I fired one of my employees for being consistently late. It had been ongoing for six months. They were written up three times. The third time I had a long conversation with him asking if there was something I could do to help facilitate his coming to work on time. Did he need a schedule change? What was preventing him from getting in? He asked to move his schedule back an hour. I went ahead and made that change for him. The next week after the change he was late two out of the next 5 days he worked. The last day he came in, I let him go.

IMO, a firing should never come as a shock. If you've done your job as a manager - the employee should not be surprised.

EDIT: Thanks, Dutch!
Giants sign DT Oren Wilson and DT Carlton Powell.

Powell played 3 games for the Falcons last season. Wilson came in for a rookie tryout with the Giants in the summer. DT Martin Parker was waived/injured due to a herniated disc. The other spot was still open from releasing S Jenzen Jackson.


I just fired an employee a few weeks ago. No 'uhms' at any time.

You are the future Dolphins coach. Wait...

Do you guys remember how Wade Phillips almost teared up when he canned a guy in camp? Having to fire people is never easy. "Uhms" are irrelevant, unless you are holding a speech when you wanna sell something. Maybe if you fire a kid from McD it doesn't matter, but other than that you have to choose your words wisely, no matter how much you think the person deserves it. I would use "uhms" intentionally to even appear a bit hesitant, although I was not. Just don't want to rub it you know.

It's clearly not Philbin's strength, surprised it's not just Ireland doing it (he'd probably ask if his mom is a prostitute) or some position coach. I don't remember Ryan firing anyone last year on Hard Knocks, it was usually Tannanbaum iirc.


The hardest part of firing someone is the answer to why they are getting fired. If it is a money thing that is easy, but most of the times they are gone because they are a fuck up. A lot of them are nice people who need the money too. Only had to fire one person where I enjoyed it. But that dude was a huge sack of shit who literally did nothing for the 3 months he was my paralegal. Made my life hell. Gave him so many chances and I was relieved when I fired him. He just left but did not make a scene and then he got arrested 6 months later for preying on young girls online. Fuck that guy.


lol listening to people that dont know what the talk is painful. couple dudes were talking about TO. Dude was yeh he played in CFL for 50k . Another dude spouted about Chad Johnson possibly going to Chickens or something and he like hell they should than can give a 100k contract. So much dumb. fucking ohio
EDIT: Thanks, Dutch!

You're more than welcome.

I had to fire somebody once! I was 17, working at a bakery, after a year of working there they named me team manager (because I was the only half competent fool there next to a bunch of incompetent fools). One day whilst checking TE storage we've found out that we were missing a lot of donuts. We kept an eye on it and after 2 weeks we found out that every time after 1 dude had worked we missed a box of 4 donuts.

Do the manager invited him and me into his office, I thought I just had to sit there as a 'withness' and that the real manager would fire him then all of a sudden he said to the guy 'And therefor Dutch needs to tell you something'. I told him he was fired because he was stealing, he called me a dick, threw a few papers on the floor an walked out.
Was kinda shocked that I had to do it since he was my age and I was 'team manager' for like a month, so I don't think it was the most impressive firing ever. But firing somebody from a shitty job on the side must be a lot easier then firing somebody from his full time job.


But firing somebody from a shitty job on the side must be a lot easier then firing somebody from his full time job.

Yeah, I have inherited an "old" dept with my now not so new job so a few heads will probably roll at some point. No way these people will find work again after they're gone. Too old, not specialised enough. But, it needs to be done, what you gonna do?


Both of these quotes are terrible and they should be embarrassed for saying them

"And you're forced to move or slide," he continued. "I mentioned the word earlier: rhythm. The best way to be an accurate, excellent passer is to be in rhythm. And when you have to move off your spot, that takes the rhythm from your body."

Pretty sure I've seen real QBs move around in the pocket

"I like the fact that, from what we're doing right now, Schotty's main deal with me is get completions. Keep us ahead of the chains, keep us in good situations, find us a completion and move on down the road," Bradford said. "There are a lot of quick completions, getting the ball out of my hand. I don't think there's gonna be a lot of dropping back, sitting there in the pocket, patting it and waiting for guys to come open 20 yards down the field. It's gonna be about being efficient."

Oh noes a 20 yard pass!!


I'm glad I only have to manage drivers and do not actually have the job of firing people.
Thats for the terminal managers to decide.


Both of these quotes are terrible and they should be embarrassed for saying them

Where are they from?
Edit: Reading is hard.

I recently actually went through the process of "hiring" our successors for a for profit university project we started. We had like 25 applicants, and sitting on the other side of the table for once was an interesting experience. I think it actually improved the way I'll handle job interviews of my own, since I realized I'd have never hired myself. (Not that I ever had a problem getting a job, but that was mostly because my interviewers were more benevolent than I would be.)
I think I would suck at firing people when at a company for a long time. I get too attached to people (I don't want to, it just happens.).

I mean I care about you sad little bunch on the Internet, scrubs on the Patriots team and all that stuff.

I would probably still do it, but I won't like it.


Giants sign DT Oren Wilson and DT Carlton Powell.

Powell played 3 games for the Falcons last season. Wilson came in for a rookie tryout with the Giants in the summer. DT Martin Parker was waived/injured due to a herniated disc. The other spot was still open from releasing S Jenzen Jackson.
Who cares 'bout Giants, ask Skip.



Aren't you Germans supposed to be hard working and heartless?

We do work hard, but I guess every country would say that. Well, we are relatively productive, at least.

And no, we're not heartless, dammit. I mean, we were the first to have universal health care and stuff. We're the country that spawned Marx. Of course we hate our neighbours, but seemingly less so than most other countries.


Both of these quotes are terrible and they should be embarrassed for saying them

"I like the fact that, from what we're doing right now, Schotty's main deal with me is get completions. Keep us ahead of the chains, keep us in good situations, find us a completion and move on down the road," Bradford said. "There are a lot of quick completions, getting the ball out of my hand. I don't think there's gonna be a lot of dropping back, sitting there in the pocket, patting it and waiting for guys to come open 20 yards down the field. It's gonna be about being efficient."

Sounds like a lot of checkdowns...which is exactly what he did his rookie year, is it not? I don't see how this is ground-breaking philosophy for Bradford, it's how he's operated his entire "career" so far.
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