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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(

effzee said:
Thank you kindly. I wear that hate hat for Reid proudly.
You're good people for an Eagles fan, effzee. I do what I can.;)

If this was already posted, toss me in the cold tub:

Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter

No surprise: Dolphins HC Joe Philbin announced that first-round puck Ryan Tannehill will be Miami's starting QB.


The Taco Bus revolution: A taste of Tampa food culture

It's like we don't even have to try anymore thanks to some of these headlines!

I'm impressed by you. Your fast food obsession seems to be even worse than mine, whenever there's a fast food thread in the OT I don't even have to look at the poster anymore ;-)

I'd rather see FF posts than the 500 posts a week of something being racist, or posting "Racist" in response.

That has become a lot more rare, to be fair.

Good point brought up on the radio here: if there's only one ref on the field, what happens if a fight breaks out?

Now you've convinced me that I want to see those changes happen.


If there's an exception to the rule, as with the Pythagorean expectation, it's having a great quarterback. Peyton Manning was 64-33 in those games with the Colts, and it's not surprising when you consider how well he managed endgame scenarios. Tom Brady is 43-15 in those same games. On the other hand, Aaron Rodgers is 13-17 in one-touchdown games, and Drew Brees is 22-16 during his time in New Orleans (after going 14-14 as the Chargers starter). So some great quarterbacks seem to drastically outperform the expected regressions, but others don't.


w/o really seeing the SOS numbers, I'm going to guess a lot of this stat is based on just how awful the AFCS has been since Peyton entered the league. Besides the Titans, who always struggled to get even average QB play, the Colts were almost unchallenged. Same with Brady to a lesser extent. Brees plays in a tough division, and I'm not really sure on Rodgers. Could mean something or just be a weird stat. He definitely seems to play much better in blowouts, but then, duh


I'm impressed by you. Your fast food obsession seems to be even worse than mine, whenever there's a fast food thread in the OT I don't even have to look at the poster anymore ;-)

It's not fast food specifically, more food and restaurants as a whole that I follow in general.

But since most people on GAF wouldn't care too much about high-end fine dining, and the fact that the more amusing stories tend to be more in the snacks/junk food/fast food/cheaper family restaurants sectors, its what I will choose to post more of than anything else.



w/o really seeing the SOS numbers, I'm going to guess a lot of this stat is based on just how awful the AFCS has been since Peyton entered the league. Besides the Titans, who always struggled to get even average QB play, the Colts were almost unchallenged. Same with Brady to a lesser extent. Brees plays in a tough division, and I'm not really sure on Rodgers. Could mean something or just be a weird stat. He definitely seems to play much better in blowouts, but then, duh
That's because Rodgers is a stat-padder, not a winner like HoFlynn.
I'm liking what in seeing from most the rookie Qbs so far except for Weeden honestly, he hasn't been bad or anything just havent seen anything to make me believe he can be a top level Qb one day like Luck .......... The season will change my opinions but probably just for worse.....time will tell


I'm liking what in seeing from most the rookie Qbs so far except for Weeden honestly, he hasn't been bad or anything just havent seen anything to make me believe he can be a top level Qb one day like Luck .......... The season will change my opinions but probably just for worse.....time will tell
I call that The Browns Effect.
Cardinals are clear front-runners for worst record. Bad coach bad QB bad OL and smallish defense that will wear down since they will be on the field all the time

Nah, it will probably be the Cleveland Browns. That NFC West division is like the Special Ed class of the NFL.


Cardinals are clear front-runners for worst record. Bad coach bad QB bad OL and smallish defense that will wear down since they will be on the field all the time

Dunno, I'd still find it surprising. In that division, 3 wins are never impossible.

Also, could you guys help me out here:

"Recent studies have drawn focus on [something]"

1. Is that expression correct? If not, why?
2. Is there a better way to say it?


But cards-age told me they were the favorites to win the division.... That they had a top 1 defense and a great offense!

Their D might be good if they had a lead. They are small and fast and have a solid secondary. But they will be on the field all the time b/c of the bad offense. Teams will play conservatively so they don't lose on TOs and Peterson returns (see Raiders game)

NFCW might be bad, but SEA and SF are good enough to sweep them.
Milchjon said:
"Recent studies have drawn focus on [something]"

1. Is that expression correct? If not, why?
2. Is there a better way to say it?
It makes more sense to say "Recent studies have drawn focus to" instead of "on" but I'd need to know the rest of the sentence to say for sure?


Incredibly Naive
The Pats preseason schedule sucks this year. Won't get to see much of the first team tonight unfortunately. Hopefully the next game they play a full half and call it a day on the preseason.


It makes more sense to say "Recent studies have drawn focus to" instead of "on" but I'd need to know the rest of the sentence to say for sure?

Haha, ok, I actually had "to" in my doc before. Since no native speaker will read it anyway, it doesn't have to be perfect. I was just wondering if it made any sense at all. Thanks.

On Topic, I forgot to mention how hyped I am about Vollmer's return. We need more Germans in the league.


He filled in decently for (oft-injured) Sam Baker last season. A big blow. I'm sure we'll look to FA because Lamar Holmes is raw.
The Phyllis Diller thread? He wont be banned. Eric stop being a drama queen. You're going to need to save those tears for the regular season.
Can't wait to see the Packers this week now that our team is hopefully healing up a bit. Hopefully the D wakes up soon. All indications are that Benson looks like he'll contribute in a positive way. Excited to see that.


Considering my personal history (as a supplicant towards this forum), I'm in the position to be nothing be apologetic. My conduct from here on out should be saintly; after all, I am the recipient of charity.

edit: h8 memes. don't call me a drama queen or I'll beat your ass up and down the bronx and then I'll leave your teeth in an envelope for your mother, the cops won't be able to recognize

(this is a joke)

Gosh I never knew you were such a big deal!
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