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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(


Lately I have just stayed out of OT threads.
Sometimes I want to post something but its not worth it.
Its not fuckin worth it.
Anime and football are my comfort zones.
Venturing further out is dangerous.


I got banned twice. One for taking a cheap shot at Sony the secondn for posting the tata's of some chick from a mexican TV show.
squicken said:
Did you sign up for the max package? It's in upper corner. Broadcast/Condensed/Coaches. Hold on I'll get a screenshot
Aha. Excellent. Thank you, sir! I feel stupid and blind but I've got some stuff to look at over the weekend. What program are you using to create gifs?


Aha. Excellent. Thank you, sir! I feel stupid and blind but I've got some stuff to look at over the weekend. What program are you using to create gifs?

All free stuff

Bandicam to capture
Avidemux to export to jpeg
Jasc Animation Shop to edit and make GIFs


There's a tutorial. Don't bother with scripts stuff. Use bandicam. Insanely easy to use

I've re-watched that Giants-Rams game and it's absurd that the team that had to fake injuries to stop the Rams passing attack won a SB
All free stuff

Bandicam to capture
Avidemux to export to jpeg
Jasc Animation Shop to edit and make GIFs


There's a tutorial. Don't bother with scripts stuff. Use bandicam. Insanely easy to use

I've re-watched that Giants-Rams game and it's absurd that the team that had to fake injuries to stop the Rams passing attack won a SB

Its not absurd at all. The Giants play up to or down to the level of their competition. They are the best team in the league when playing other playoff teams and they lose at home to VY and the Sex Cannon.
I actually did a play by play analysis of that Rams game the night after on BBI. This is without the benefit of having all plays viewable with the All-22 option so I'd love to revisit it now having the sky view to see coverages. I'll post my analysis though of it you want to give it a read:

Analyzing the deep balls completed against us Monday Night
futurevoid : 9/21/2011 8:53 pm
So I decided to rewatch some parts of the Monday night game on NFL rewind and there's some key plays that allow you to view them via the coaches film option. One of the reasons I love NFL Rewind to be honest.

I don't know if any other Giants fans have it but I'll post a few thoughts for anyone who's interested and has access to view the videos. It sucks that I don't have the video to go along with this but....

1. The first is the interception by Mikell on the deep pass to Mario Manningham.

Eli gets a single safety look here with the zone pressure the Rams are bringing. Mario thoroughly beats the corner back though looking at the film the CB stops allowing Mario to run free and then starts moving again to close the gap (though he's so far behind...) so it's possible they were baiting him to make the throw. Either that or the CB was just totally lost on the route Mario was running. Regardless, the ball is under thrown and Eli underestimated Mikell's ability to move to that side of the field as quickly as he did. Mikell makes an excellent play here.

The worst part about is that Ballard runs a quick little out route towards the sidelines and is obviously the check down. He has NO ONE around him. Had Eli checked down. that would have been a 15-20 yd gain and put us 1st and goal inside the 20.

2. The second play is Bradford's deep pass to Alexander for 68 yards. (1st Qtr)

The good stuff:

Kenny Phillips is the FS playing deep center field and either Boley or Rolle are playing the slot. Boley/Rolle actually has pretty decent coverage and Phillips is providing proper support. No throw to be made in the center of the field.

On the other side of the field, Webster is pretty much stride for stride with his man. Totally covered and no where for Bradford to throw.

The bad stuff:

The coverage on the other side of the field is so fucking broken here I don't even know where to begin. Aaron Ross is supposed to press the receiver at the line and boy does he fail miserably. He literally gets half a hand on him before Alexander blows right by him. I mean he's literally 4 yards behind Ross before the ball is even thrown. That's not even the beginning of the problems with this play though. Grant is playing down close to the line and is late backing up so Ross has little to no support over the top. Both are in a trailing position before the ball ever comes out. Once the ball arrives Ross and Grant are both 2 yards behind the receiver and can make no play on it. The REALLY bad part is that they don't down the guy! Come on, man!

3. Bradford 26 yard completion to Lance Kendricks (2nd QTR).

Zone coverage here by Webster. Deon Grant is playing the other half of the field and there's just no way he can get over to offer any over the top help on this.

Webster is playing 5 yards off of his man and while Kendricks is running his route, Webster breaks to the outside and then runs straight back towards him. He's actually in a good position to make a play on the ball but he can't reach out far enough to get a hand on it. Coverage wasn't terrible but a bit better route recognition could have lead to an INT or at the very least a pass defense. Zone has never been Corey's forte and it shows here.

4. Bradford 33 yard completion to Simms Walker (2nd Qtr).

More Zone coverage. Simms-Walker literally runs right past the linebacker to the center of the field after a play action by Bradford. Phillips is playing deep and keeps backing up despite the fact that the linebacker already bit. Ross and Rolle are covering the one side of the field well enough while Boley hands off the other receiver to Webster.

Phillips could have and probably should have made this play a lesser gain but it seems like he expected the linebacker to cover here. There was still avoid in the zone coverage in the middle of the field though Kenny shouldn't have continued playing so deep if he recognized that. Not sure if that was communication problem or just broken coverage because the linebacker bit so hard on the PA.

5. Bradford 35 yard completion to Alexander (3rd qtr)

I could copy and paste what I said about the 68yd completion earlier. Ross playing press at the line. The guy totally whiffs by him as though he wasn't even there. He's in a trail position by the time the snap is off. Grant is playing the free safety here and his recognition is terrible. He's already on that side of the right side of the field and when Bradford releases the ball he takes a step in the wrong direction and then turns around and starts running towards the direction of the receiver. The angle isn't bad but he's so late getting there it doesn't make a lick of difference. Ball caught and Aaron Ross is on the ground 2 yards behind the receiver.

6. 19yd completion to Alexander for the TD (3rd QTR)

Ross is out, Coe is in. Same results. Alexander runs a sluggo route to the outside of the end zone. Coe is in good position to make a play on the ball and he literally just watches it go into his hands and then acts confused about what happened. No jump for the ball, no hands in the receivers chest/face to knock it loose. No safety help on this play since they were playing at or near the line for run support. A good play call by the Rams and poor coverage equals a TD.

So what do I take from this? Nothing new. Aaron Ross is terrible and the players behind him aren't any better. The left side of the field will be a gaping hole for us all season long until we get improvement out of the players we have or pick someone up. Also, the only safety that's worth a damn in pass support on the field is Kenny Phillips.

In reply to your remark, Yankee this game wasn't about playing down to competition. It was a defense with major injuries at the DE position and one trying to adjust to the loss of T2. Ross was absolutley HORRIBLE in this game. Compare his performance here to what he put on the field the week after in Philly. It' like two different CB's.
I understand injuries can change things a lot but that Rams team was horrible. I would think the Giants 2nd teams could have rolled them, especially at home and in a prime time game. For what ever reason they do seem to not play the same against shitty teams compared to how they look against good teams.

Man watching this Seahawks replay and Willson looks incredible. I can totally see why people want him to be the starter. I know it is only preseason but damn he looks like he could be really good at some point.


Jags fans, whats the word on Kassim Osgood? 3 Pro Bowls, but cut by the team back in March. Whats the deal. The Lions regular Special Teamers are now actually playing their respective positions (mainly safety) and none of the team's new additions added anything.


I actually did a play by play analysis of that Rams game the night after on BBI. This is without the benefit of having all plays viewable with the All-22 option so I'd love to revisit it now having the sky view to see coverages. I'll post my analysis though of it you want to give it a read:

There seems to be about 4 people total in this thread who care about this stuff, so it's cool that the Giants fans have a place like that. It's a bummer that coaches film doesn't go up until Wednesdays

I understand injuries can change things a lot but that Rams team was horrible. I would think the Giants 2nd teams could have rolled them, especially at home and in a prime time game. For what ever reason they do seem to not play the same against shitty teams compared to how they look against good teams.

FV mentions the CB play in his writeup. The Rams lost both starting CBs, their nickle CB, and their SS for the season by the end of week 1. In that Giants game, they were playing guys off the street and starting guys from the practice squad

On whether Roman had a chance to sit and talk football with Manning, Roman said this, via Eric Branch of the San Francisco Chronicle: “Yeah, we had a chance to talk football and talk about families. I mean, it really was an evaluation. When you look at free agency, on every player that’s a free agent, you need to write a report on them. So how do you write that report on Peyton Manning as a free agent? How do you write it? You don’t. It’s such a unique situation. You have to see where’s he’s at. You have to see where he’s at physically. Where his mind is at. What exactly does he represent at this point, et cetera. So, I just think the uniqueness of the situation, you can’t write a free-agent report on a player in that situation unless you actually get hands on and see how he’s doing. See where he’s at. So that’s pretty much what it was, really, just an evaluation

And then, some diabolical bastard in the room saw fit to harsh the mellow by saying, “Oh, we know. . . .”

“Do you?” Roman responded. “Do you know? Do you? Really? Because that’s really all it was. And I understand how things are going to get blown up. It was good to talk football with him, but it really was just an evaluation. Where is this guy at? Can he even play? Where he’s at, physically, mentally — all that good stuff. So that’s it.”

I realize that lying is part of the strategy of football. In this case, the 49ers desperately need quarterback Alex Smith to think that he wasn’t the second choice to Manning — even though Smith was left hanging while the team waited to complete an “evaluation” that didn’t end until Manning picked the Broncos and, as we’ve been told by multiple sources, personally called the 49ers and the Titans to tell them that he wouldn’t be accepting their offers of, you know, employment.

But in some cases it’s more than just not being honest. I’m starting to wonder that, in order to best sell their B.S., some of these guys actually convince themselves that it’s true.


lol small hands
The Giants offense was a disaster that game, too. Giants fan seemingly like to sweep it under the rug but Steve Smith was a massive loss for the offense. In week 2 the Giants were still looking for an answer at the slot receiver position. Old man Stokely was brought in because Hixon wasn't impressing there (more of an outside guy). Cruz didn't blow up until the week after. Up to that point, he was an unknown with one good preseason game under his belt.


I understand injuries can change things a lot but that Rams team was horrible. I would think the Giants 2nd teams could have rolled them, especially at home and in a prime time game. For what ever reason they do seem to not play the same against shitty teams compared to how they look against good teams.

Man watching this Seahawks replay and Willson looks incredible. I can totally see why people want him to be the starter. I know it is only preseason but damn he looks like he could be really good at some point.

I was hoping the Bills would make a run at him, had him in for a visit too. It's Fitz and then a pile of shit. Had holes to fill so I didn't expect them to make a play before the 4th anyway. Nice guy too.
yankeehater said:
I understand injuries can change things a lot but that Rams team was horrible. I would think the Giants 2nd teams could have rolled them, especially at home and in a prime time game. For what ever reason they do seem to not play the same against shitty teams compared to how they look against good teams.
Had it been a better team, the Giants would have lost that game. Some of the games later on like the Seahawks, Redskins, Dolphins and Cardinals was the team playing down to competition. They won the Phins and Cards games but there was no reason for them to be so close. The Cardinals ran all over the defense at will....
I really thought that the Bills would go after a QB kind of high in the draft after the way Fitz faded down the stretch. I remember a bunch of "experts" were saying they might cut Fitz. If they can just get a good year out of Fitz they should run away with 2nd in that division. Mario is a beast I think he is going to greatly improve that D.


Jauron killed the Bills, it's amazing how negative the fans are. Economy hasn't helped, but it takes a back seat to the Jauron era and subsequent coaching search. Took the life out of the fans.

Jauron era was merely the straw atop the pile on the camel's back. A decade plus drought, man.
I really thought that the Bills would go after a QB kind of high in the draft after the way Fitz faded down the stretch. I remember a bunch of "experts" were saying they might cut Fitz. If they can just get a good year out of Fitz they should run away with 2nd in that division. Mario is a beast I think he is going to greatly improve that D.
I still can't help to think that Vince Youngster starter days aren't over


After watching Hard Knocks, I want nothing more than to tie the Dolphin's HC to a goalpost with the elastic band from his tighty-whities.


I really thought that the Bills would go after a QB kind of high in the draft after the way Fitz faded down the stretch. I remember a bunch of "experts" were saying they might cut Fitz. If they can just get a good year out of Fitz they should run away with 2nd in that division. Mario is a beast I think he is going to greatly improve that D.

Not sure if it was all on Fitz though. Not making excuses, but all he had was Stevie and David Nelson by the end of the year. Everyone else was hurt, including Chandler, OL was mangled, Fred gone. Interceptions off receivers hands. They should have finished 500 to be honest, three of their losses could have gone the other, can say the same about a couple of their wins too.

Have to make a play for a young QB next year, think they will. I just think they were trying to amass talent, create depth and fill holes, before being able to go out and maybe trade picks to move up for a QB. I thought Dalton may have been in play last offseason but they went in a different direction.

Jauron era was merely the straw atop the pile on the camel's back. A decade plus drought, man.

Exactly. Whatever life was left he sucked it all out. Lets hope they put it together and give us something to cheer for.


The NFL Players Association did not approve rule changes involving the injured reserve list and the trade deadline, ESPN's John Clayton confirmed Wednesday.

The IR rule change, voted in by owners in May, would have provided an extra roster spot to temporarily replace a player who suffers a major injury but would be able to return for the second half of the season.

Under the current rules, if a player suffers a major injury before the regular-season opener and the team doesn't have the roster space to carry him until he's healthy, the player is put on IR and is lost for the season.

The other rule change in flux had to do with the trade deadline. Owners approved a two-week extension of the trade deadline in May. Instead of the deadline ending after the sixth week of the regular season, the new rule would have extended the deadline to the Tuesday of Week 8 at 4 p.m. ET.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello told FOXSports.com on Wednesday that, according to the rules of the CBA, the NFLPA had to approve both changes.

"There was no agreement on it with the union," Aiello said in an email to FOXSports.com. "The old rules apply."

The proposed rule changes were linked to changes to in-season practice rules, a source told FOXSports.com. Under that scenario, the NFLPA refused to accept.

"The changes would have meant one step forward and one step back," NFL executive George Atallah said in an email to FOXSports.com.


but Russell Wilson's hands.. so big and manly!

too bad his height is that of a below average teenage girl. there are literally rides at disney land that russell wilson can't ride :(

meanwhile alex is a delicious 6'4. what a beast!

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