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NFL Week 10 |OT| Wish You Were Here


I just found out Darius Butler is going to be a starting corner for the Colts. I can't fucking wait to see his ass torched this Sunday. It's going to be sweet.
if jay cutler is out any amount of weeks, we are losing all of those games. No surprise that we went 8-8 after a 7-3 start with absolutely winnable games left on the schedule last year.

Jay cutler get a lot of hate for pouting, but that is moot when he is a winning QB for the bears. The collective sighs when he went out last night was "here we go again" from bears fans.

If I were a Bears fan I'd feel a lot more confident with Campbell coming in rather than Chad Henne, like last year.
Obviously you'd still feel more comfortable with Cutler, but Campbell's got some moves.
You also have a fantastic defense, so there's that.


Kind of a coincidence, that as soon as the schedule gets tough. he gets to rest.

You guys might lose the rest of your games anyhow. Fuck what you talking about.

If I were a Bears fan I'd feel a lot more confident with Campbell coming in rather than Chad Henne, like last year.
Obviously you'd still feel more comfortable with Cutler, but Campbell's got some moves.
You also have a fantastic defense, so there's that.
Having cutler in against for the rest of the texans last night, future games like the niners, seahawks, packers, lions, and vikings make me feel infinity better about our chances. no fucking joke. Bears rely too much on the passing game just like Giants rely on Eli. The numbers won't show it, but cutler moves the offense along because of his big arm threat and leaving forte without too many defenders in the box.

I pray to god that he'll be okay for Wednesday practice. :((((


You guys are so fucking lazy. Let me just cut and paste the article about Shanahan.

Not surprising Shanahan is an ass clown. Man I hate that man. Mostly for owning the Pats in his career.

Doesn't Belichek do really well against rookie QBs? Or am I thinking of someone else?

He used to. Then all the good defensive players retired or were traded. He's left with Vince Wilfork and a secondary that consists of swiss cheese, a failed cornerback turned safety, and some other practice squad quality players.

In all seriousness, I have to think it's the coaching at this point, they have the talent to be a middle of the pack defense, and indeed they're allowing points in that range, but man are they frustrating to watch.


With Mendenhall, Dwyer and Redman in the game, against the Kansas City defense, and barring any injuries to our offensive line, I think we'll easily rush for north of 200 yards.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.


Also.. Go Broncos!


With Mendenhall, Dwyer and Redman in the game, against the Kansas City defense, and barring any injuries to our offensive line, I think we'll easily rush for north of 200 yards.

The Steelers will fall victim to this trap game. Big win last week, big game next week.

Avatar Bet BLarry?

Done. I'll sick you with a Ravens tag like I did Bionic last year. It'll look so much more classy.


The Steelers will fall victim to this trap game. Big win last week, big game next week.

I'd agree if we weren't A) Playing the Chiefs and B) Already lost to the Raiders and Titans this season. I think we're well aware of the fact that despite the Chiefs sucking, we can't overlook them. And never mind the fact that we're playing a home game on Monday night, a scenario that has resulted in us winning since 1991.


I said it when the Packers played the Texans, they really really need someone like Jones. AJ has no speed (seems like he might be getting it back slowly) Walter is basically Drew Bledsoe running routes and their tight ends are great but are still tight ends. They have no one who can spread the defense and force the safeties to play deep, this is what is killing Fosters ability to break off huge runs. The second and third levels are stacked up. If he beats the linebackers the secondary is sitting right on top to get him off the cut, he doesn't have any space. Jones may have been hot garbage but at least he was fast and you were forced to account for him. Right now, no one is afraid of the Texans going deep.

No surprise that Cutler is begging out of the difficult part of the season. Hopefully the defense won him enough games that he can come in and lose a playoff game.


Beat EviLore at pool.
But the Ravens ran up the score against the Raiders! They got their revenge.

Oh wait, they're fucking classless ass clowns like their coach.

Yeah it Raiders are such a amazing team that running up the score in the 4th was needed to show who is boss of the AFC.
Oh wait, they're fucking classless ass clowns like their coach.

I did think the fags FG was classless. We've faked two FGs this year; one when blowing out Cincy and one blowing out Oakland. They're wasting our fake plays!

I just can't stand Jacoby being brought up.

The Houston hate for Jacoby was my biggest take away from my visit to Houston. It's all out there now though, he was a Baltimore sleeper agent we activated last year in the playoffs.
Clearly? I must have read a different story on ESPN where he said he was stunned that he was not hired.

If I could have anyone I could get I would have wanted Adelman but he is locked up. What I really would have wanted was for them to have fired Brown BEFORE the season started so they were not scrambling for a coach at the last minute.

He said he wanted to coach, but not take road trips and still get the same money.

Also, of course he was shocked. The guy has forty hojillion rings and the Lakers are desperate.


I said it when the Packers played the Texans, they really really need someone like Jones. AJ has no speed (seems like he might be getting it back slowly) Walter is basically Drew Bledsoe running routes and their tight ends are great but are still tight ends. They have no one who can spread the defense and force the safeties to play deep, this is what is killing Fosters ability to break off huge runs. The second and third levels are stacked up. If he beats the linebackers the secondary is sitting right on top to get him off the cut, he doesn't have any space. Jones may have been hot garbage but at least he was fast and you were forced to account for him. Right now, no one is afraid of the Texans going deep.

No surprise that Cutler is begging out of the difficult part of the season. Hopefully the defense won him enough games that he can come in and lose a playoff game.

Actually LeStar Jean and Martin have good speed. Its just not Kubiaks M.O. to utilize rookies a bunch.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

I love you Rivers.


It's like Rivers honestly thought the guys in red were his teammates. I still can't believe that throw.

"Actually LeStar Jean and Martin have good speed. Its just not Kubiaks M.O. to utilize rookies a bunch. "

Yea it's pretty sad that he won't use them esp Jean who was doing great till he got hurt. He's healthy now I presume and hasn't played again lol
I think Rivers is concussed or suffering from delayed Carson Palmer syndrome from that time he played on one leg.

I think Rivers is just tired.

Think about it - He's the odd man out from a hall of fame QB draft class - he has little talent around him and when he gets it they bolt to another city - his coach is a moron who's almost assuredly gonna get fired, and the GM is a great grandpa who's too stubborn to admit fault and help the guy out.

Frankly, i'm shocked that Rivers hasn't demanded a trade yet.


Wilbon tears are the best tears:

Turns out the experts and Las Vegas oddsmakers were right about the Chicago Bears, at least for now. They can't handle an opponent of consequence. The defense can't count on scoring every single game and the offense still operates like something out of the 1950s...

But the Bears were a bigger dud. Where exactly should we begin the Bears critique, with the utterly incompetent offense or the bullied defense that for one critical series seemed to not want any part of Arian Foster?

It might appear unusually cruel to take to task the defense after allowing 215 net yards and one touchdown to perhaps the league's best running back, no less. But the fact is this is a team whose defense has to keep its ERA below 2 because it can't count on any consistent run production.

It's hard to believe the Bears spent the whole week insisting they could actually field a professionally styled offense and produced this stink. Cutler, whether you're using passer rating (16.7) or the old-fashioned eye test, played his worst game since the NFC Championship Game debacle nearly two years ago. And this entire body of work was turned in before he suffered a concussion late in the first half, most likely on that shot to the head by Tim Dobbins as he threw down the middle of the field to Devin Hester while crossing the line of scrimmage.

But the season is likely to be an enormous disappointment unless the offense can start to consistently score. And it's not asking all that much in today's NFL given how often the Bears' defense gives the offense a short field to work with. A great deal of this falls on Tice, who hasn't at all been an upgrade from Mike Martz. Hell, Tice hasn't been as good....

Through six straight victories this season, ever since a rather embarrassing loss at Green Bay on a Thursday night in September, skeptics have looked at the Bears schedule and pointed to back-to-back games with the Texans and 49ers as the tests that will give us some indication of how good the Bears are or aren't.

Well, the Texans, a franchise that's never really had games on a big stage, went on the road and gave a fairly good accounting of themselves while the Bears were pretty inadequate all the way around.

It's all Martz's fault!!! No, it's totally Tice's fault!!

Cutler is clearly not the problem.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
The Houston hate for Jacoby was my biggest take away from my visit to Houston. It's all out there now though, he was a Baltimore sleeper agent we activated last year in the playoffs.

lol so true



It's like Rivers honestly thought the guys in red were his teammates. I still can't believe that throw.

"Actually LeStar Jean and Martin have good speed. Its just not Kubiaks M.O. to utilize rookies a bunch. "

Yea it's pretty sad that he won't use them esp Jean who was doing great till he got hurt. He's healthy now I presume and hasn't played again lol

Jean was on the field last night but they werent exactly slinging and slanging either.


Truthfully, I think it's partially the lack of the usual schadenfreude Houston gives us and partly the weird notion that fans should "act like they've been there" even if they haven't. If a team is doing well, talk all the shit you want as that's the right of the victor but people will line up and wait for the fall. It's like how Dirtbag tainted the Saints here forever far more than any bounty scandal could! I'm indifferent to the current Texans situation myself aside from getting some laughs in.

Fuck Dirtbag in his frontrunning fucking dirtbag shit face.
Saints fans hate him more than you do.

Seattle can still easily win wild card.

It will most likely be ATL, Bears/Packers (one wild card), Seattle/SF (one wild card) and winner of NFC East.

Minny has an outside shot. They do have the tiebreaker over SF, but not Seattle. Plus they have both the Bears and Packers in their division so it's highly improbable for them to sneak in. Saints still have an outside shot, but eh I don't trust that D.

So yea I like our chances. GO SEAHAWKS! We only have the Bears on the road that's really a hard game. The rest are really winnable especially the three divisional game all being at HOME.

NO, they really don't. I'm actually pretty sure we would be at 6-3 right now if Joe Vitt had started the season instead of Kromer, but thats water under the bridge. The simple fact is the hole dug in the early season is too much to overcome.
However, we put serious doubt in the heads of the Falons and thats worth the whole season.

anyone else scared as shit to live in the south after the election? These rednecks are going fucking crazy down here! My roomate thinks Obama is a muslim that was sent here to destroy America from within... I am going to get murdered in my sleep :(

Nope. 30 years in the South and I sleep like a baby every night.
My brother comes in the door holding an AR15 and has handguns all around my parents house, and stuff like that. Its just normal stuff to me.
People say things but nobody really does anything about it. I voted Gary Johnson anyway. I dont give a fuck.

Wondering if anyone can help me out with something. Due to be in New Orleans in December, when there's a Saints game on(Panthers). Is there any level/section where the atmosphere is better, or any level to avoid as it's a bit dead? First live NFL game and want to make sure it's the best experience it can be, and no idea where to sit!

I've only experienced Saints games from a suite on the 50 yard line, so my take on this is pretty useless, but generally SAints fans are crazy everywhere in the dome. Everyone is drunk and carrying on from the floor to the ceiling.

It was not this bad in the 90s. They were moving in that direction, but they did not abandon science and embrace religion to this extent until probably after 9/11, which they used as a mandate to go full on crazytime.

I actually remember when I was a kid when a lot of the smarter commentators used to be Republicans. They wanted their tax breaks but they had good ideas on economic (not supply side nonsense) and foreign policies.

:lol My kids will never believe me.

I remember those days as well. Used to be proud to be Republican. Im still behind the basic idea of fiscal responsibility and the right wing economic model, but they have gone fucking insane and radical and I really cant vote that way anymore. I will not support Democrats either so that kind of leaves me out of the loop entirely.

Doesn't Belichek do really well against rookie QBs? Or am I thinking of someone else?

Youre thinking of the Steelers.
Speaking of which, tonights game is going to be boring and awful.
Still might watch it, but Im gonna go watch Skyfall first.
Is Cloud Atlas really good? Been hearing some very positive buzz about it but its SO LONG.


I said it when the Packers played the Texans, they really really need someone like Jones. AJ has no speed (seems like he might be getting it back slowly) Walter is basically Drew Bledsoe running routes and their tight ends are great but are still tight ends. They have no one who can spread the defense and force the safeties to play deep, this is what is killing Fosters ability to break off huge runs. The second and third levels are stacked up..

Been a huge complaint about Kubiak. You could argue that there has never been a less productive three year starter than Kevin Walter, but Kubiak favors blocking over receiving acumen. I don't care what they accomplish, he's not a good coach. If they win a SB the city needs to build Wade Phillips a statue

edit: Phillies have won a game more recently than the Eagles. Tough season for Eagles fans


Frankly, i'm shocked that Rivers hasn't demanded a trade yet.

He knows he ain't shit. Why leave a good paying situation to get exposed elsewhere? Here, he can pretend that he has no receivers (even though he does), no runningback (even though he does) and everyone else can take the blame just because he used to lob balls to Vincent Jackson.

Meanwhile, in the same division, Manning comes in and makes his offense look like they've always been a good passing offense. That's how I did it when I played football: made all the players around me better. Rivers can't do that, so he'll just kick back while everyone else takes the blame for his shittyness.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Jacoby Jones is thriving this year, Texans-GAF
Would you like a cookie? He needed a change of scenery, and there was no way they were gonna keep him after the Baltimore playoff game.

Good for him. If I were y'all I would be concerned every time he touched the ball on a punt or kickoff return.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Jean was on the field last night but they werent exactly slinging and slanging either.

lol I never notice him for some reason. Yea the weather had a lot to do with the passing, but the odds of him still being thrown to were slim even if the weather was perfect.


Bears signing josh mccown. Season is officially over. Go fuck yourself packers. Pieces of shit. Yaw too texans you lucky cock suckers.
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