Why did Khan hire Mularkey if he wanted to win?
I'm sure he defines winning as moving to LA.
EDIT: Here's the funny:

Why did Khan hire Mularkey if he wanted to win?
Just a quote "Banner said the quarterback decision is tied for No. 2 with general manager and behind head coach as the most important decisions a team must make."
But I actually like Weeden right now, and I'm fine with Sticking with him as long as he dosent just completely tank rest of year.
Why did Khan hire Mularkey if he wanted to win?
Khan only knows used auto-parts.
He thought used football parts would work just as well.
Matt Jones was better than Blackmon is.
Reggie Williams was better than Blackmon is.
Here comes the magic Henne!
Season saved.
Blabbert just lost his job.
Dude was in for an entire season and a half since he was drafted. I'm pretty sure he will eventually.Wait Stafford has never beat a team that finished the year over .500? How did they make the playoffs?
I don't think that's why.These teams look like college teams on tv due to uniforms.
not like this
not like this!
Wait Stafford has never beat a team that finished the year over .500? How did they make the playoffs?
lol Colts got this. I know everything there is to know about being a fan of loser franchises, and watching winning franchise just win. Colts ain't losing
Wait Stafford has never beat a team that finished the year over .500? How did they make the playoffs?
Just like how they had it in week 3!
Just like how they had it in week 3!
thats a clean fucking hit
thats a clean fucking hit
Not when the qb is sliding.
I ain't worried.
Will say that Arians love of 20 yard passes really makes it hard to kill clock. He needs to study up on some of the more innovative things people are doing with the run game around the league
Have you no shame?
Have you no shame?
I love how they're talking like the Colts just went through 10 years of losing.
You and Texans fans can have your pride as you miss the playoffs year after year as Luck dominates the division. I'm not doing that shit anymore. 20+ years was enough