Anywhere but Buffalo. Please. Not Buffalo.Who gonna take Tebow now? KC? ARI? CAR?
Anywhere but Buffalo. Please. Not Buffalo.Who gonna take Tebow now? KC? ARI? CAR?
Why is that thread 16 pages long...
So in this "game" you'd be watching lots of college football, measuring the inseams of college dudes, doing a fantasy draft, balancing the team's roster against the salary cap, and then the big payoff is watching the results from the sideline?
I would want the whole Football Manager enchilada (the other football), man. It might be a Euro thing, but it's pretty nice to run every aspect of an organisation. By that, I don't mean choosing play from pre-defined playbooks that are horribly simplified. I want to scout properly, I want to train and coach properly, and I want to manage the finances. Whoever makes a sim that comes close to it gets my money for sure.
Exactly. I think it would be relatively easy to make but would make a fair amounto cash. In fact I'm surprised Sports Interactive (The football Manager guys) haven't done it. Whilst a match engine would have to be created from scratch a lot of the basic foundations for following players is already there.
You know my primary "I hate America" gripe is the celebrity culture that is so pervasive. And it applies to football as well. Actually writing about football and what is going on is somehow nerd/geek/loser stuff, but puking out gossip on backup QBs and Brady's new haircut is somehow fine
Might explain Europeans enjoyment of their management sims relative to US gamers
I worked on a project with them a while ago (hockey) and was always wondering about it. Meant to ask them but it felt wrong to breach the subject so I never really said it. I think it wouldn't be easy. A good balanced database of players, scouts, coaches, trainers and what-have-you is the core of FM, to compile that for US football would be a copyright nightmare.
Actually, I thought they should do a test in some european leagues, say GFL I and II and try to sell the idea to a bigger studio that can afford the licenses for NFL and NCAA stuff. Only things is, it would end up being EA. Nothing against them per se, but I don't see them investing in that. They probably would make an NFL Coach 2013 out of it.
Can I join you in your circle or should I wait until tomorrow night when the Dolphins lose to the Bills?
Pretty sure we're not the only celebrity obsessed culture. Isn't the UK drowning in tabloids for instance?
You know my primary "I hate America" gripe is the celebrity culture that is so pervasive. And it applies to football as well. Actually writing about football and what is going on is somehow nerd/geek/loser stuff, but puking out gossip on backup QBs and Brady's new haircut is somehow fine
Might explain Europeans enjoyment of their management sims relative to US gamers
When does the GTA V trailer come out?
Would they not just have to strike up a deal with the NFL? If not Sports Interactive, how about EA - they already have NCAA and NFL rights and repeatedly try to break the strangelhold Football Manager has on the Soccer sim market.
You could do it two ways, have the NFL with licensed players and all the colleges are populated with random regen players. Or get the licenses for NFL and College currently and have the regen players only for high schools - that would add a layer of complexity on to it but would be rather easy to reproduce I would've thought. You're just making more organisations - it's extra rows in a database at the end of the day.
I know I've got room for improvement but when you consider the strong evidence of a 37-3 loss to the Titans, a loss to the Cards, and a loss to the Jets I think my qualifications are more than adequate.I'll review your application.
It's much better for the players if the coaches don't tell the league. Of course, that could lead to massive suspensions for those in the know. That is, if, you know, Goodell finds the evidence.So this is kind of weird. It's nowhere like official, but the rumors out of STL are that the coaches caught the suspended players smoking pot in their hotel room. They cut one guy and suspended the other two, but I wonder how that goes with league enforcement.
Jenkins has been a fuck up his whole life and has multiple arrests for pot, so I doubt he'll ever actually learn to change. Plus he doesn't seem very interested in becoming good at football
But Givens is supposed to be a nice guy who just sort of followed along. Still dumb, but I don't want to write him off, since he seems good at football
They'd rather back a loser than a winner. Is that a surprise? They probably all voted for Gary Johnson!http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.co...ys-tim-tebow-cant-start-because-hes-terrible/
This organization is a fucking joke.
Yeah the hero worship in this country is out of control.
Man that Aaron Rodgers is dreamy.
The jets was still in that game and the bills just stayed around. i watched both games man.23-17 versus the Jets? 21-9 versus the Bills? These are both games that the Texans just played very vanilla football against obviously inferior teams.
Again I'm not saying the Texans can't blow out the Jaguars, we all know they can. I'm just saying I'm wouldn't count on that being their goal and I wouldn't take that -15 1/2 betting line.
This organization is a fucking joke.
So does Rex survive this year or is he gone at the end of the year.
I think he's a goner after this season. Probably joins the Pats as D coordinator...I'm kidding.
Anywhere but Buffalo. Please. Not Buffalo.
GTA V looks awesome.
Tebow to Jax
Vick to Buffalo
KC drafts a QB
GTA V looks awesome.
GTA V looks awesome.
GTA V looks awesome.
All those parts where you aren't actually playing the game look amazing.
So true, but still looks decent.All those parts where you aren't actually playing the game look amazing.
So true, but still looks decent.
Neat. It's a cutscene.
I'm playing your animated GIF just as much as I'll be playing that part in GTA V.
I would want the whole Football Manager enchilada (the other football), man. It might be a Euro thing, but it's pretty nice to run every aspect of an organisation. By that, I don't mean choosing play from pre-defined playbooks that are horribly simplified. I want to scout properly, I want to train and coach properly, and I want to manage the finances. Whoever makes a sim that comes close to it gets my money for sure.
they also announced the Wii U version and the first screenshot - pretty impressive:
Snes sits behind his computer, hating you so much right now.