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NFL Week 11 |OT| Turn Your Head and Cough


I just find this whole tirade year after year tiresome. Ben has no credibility whatsoever when it comes to describing his injuries, and when combined with his hilarious over exaggerations, I just don't buy it until an official team report is issued stating exactly the same. I mean, look at this from PFT:

This is without question season ending. A fully dislocated (meaning repeated dislocations, as Ben states) would take minimum 3-4 weeks to heal (for even the freakish of athletes) simply to prevent further re-dislocations. This of course doesn't remotely approach how easily it would be to dislocate again while, oh I don't know, playing football.

This is normally no problem and many a QB could back on the field, but all the while it's this supposed injury that is super rare that doctors feel the dislocating rib could puncture the aorta at any time? Cool Ben, see you on the field for the next Ravens game to lauded headlines of your toughness.

If actual reports come out that support this serious extent of injury, or Ben doesn't play again this season, I'll happily eat crow on this post.
Ben no doubt exaggerates his injuries and is a douche, but you can't go and call him out as a faker. If he is not playing or leaves a game I think he gets the benefit of the doubt that it is a serious injury. The guy is borderline retarded off of the football field so lets not go by his medial terminology, I mean everytime he hurts something it is "broken", but remember he is not being cleared to play by the doctors and he has played hurt a crapload in his career. He played like shit last year on that bum ankle and was not the same. You must remember when he did came back after his nose exploded. He came back after many many many vicious blindside hits from the Ravens, the kind that normally knock a guy out of the game.

Btw if I remember correctly You also called him out on the ankle (which I am pretty sure your dirty ass team exacerbated the damage done by the dirty as fuck Browns) and I think by now you have to admit it was a serious injury that definitely fucked up our team last year. Or do you really think his need for attention is so great that he exaggerated how bad it was and played like shit just to get in the paper?


Christopher Nolan and his brother are fucking hacks. A Sliders episode did a dream within a dream first. Shameful.

most under appreciated Sci fi show ever


I see Fox is back. Does all this stuff with the Jets mean it wasn't Schotty's fault? slants slant slants slants and all that?


Well, I mean in the long term. Of course you can keep them locked up when they're young, but at least in my case that only lead to me spending a disproportionate part of my teen years in front of some sort of screen.

As for me being a Pats fan, over the course of all these days I spent outside, I learned to fully appreciate the beauty of what nature has to offer. So it's only logical that I'm drawn towards the team being lead by the most impressive creature God has allowed to be put on earth.
Got it. You were molested by your uncle.

I will keep in that mind to never leave my kids alone outside with them. Especially the ones with mustaches!

My 6 year old daughter loves to read, play pretend, go outside, and play video games. Come at me bionic! :p
That is a total Falcons strategy. She is going to be great in elementary school and middle school, but once she gets to high school the pressure is going to mount and she is going to end up just scoring a safety when it matters most. Er, I mean going to her safety school.


My folks never banned me from playing games or watching TV since I did good in School.
Unfortunately I was a total nerd and not into any sports. I hope my kids are more balanced.
That is a total Falcons strategy. She is going to be great in elementary school and middle school, but once she gets to high school the pressure is going to mount and she is going to end up just scoring a safety when it matters most. Er, I mean going to her safety school.

She also does gymnastics and cheerleading. She'll be fine, she wants to be a nurse/doctor like her mommy.


Got it. You were molested by your uncle.

I will keep in that mind to never leave my kids alone outside with them. Especially the ones with mustaches!

You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with rape fantasies.

But thanks for reciprocating my explanation of my QB preference with yours.


Btw if I remember correctly You also called him out on the ankle (which I am pretty sure your dirty ass team exacerbated the damage done by the dirty as fuck Browns) and I think by now you have to admit it was a serious injury that definitely fucked up our team last year. Or do you really think his need for attention is so great that he exaggerated how bad it was and played like shit just to get in the paper?
I was actually at that game and specifically bought M&M's to throw onto the field hoping he'd step on them and roll his ankle.

But I do not disagree with you about the severity of the ankle injury. What was a joke was that he continued to attempt to play despite sucking more than his usual suckage levels, spiting his entire team just to show how tough he was.
I don't think there is any inherent danger to video games, it's just that time being spent playing them can be used to do something (almost anything) more constructive.

My daughter is in dance, and her cousin is a lifeguard so we go swimming 3 times a week, plus I try to get outside with her for at least an hour each day. (I'm fucking exhausted by dusk though).
I can't wait until bionic's children go to college if he really plans to impose those restrictions. Hes creating big Ben's perfect target.



Holy shit...
Nuke the whole organization.

Is that current gen?

Doubt it. But It doesn't look that amazing if its next gen either.
What system is it supposed to come out for?

I was thinking I want to get my kid a NES and bring her up with that system, like I was. The game system is simple, and I know a 5 year old can play almost any game, because I did when I was 5. Plus, i think I can do a "launch" every 2 years with the subsequent system, and by the time she's like 12, she'll be up to current gen.

This is a great idea. Although a better idea would be limiting gaming altogether.
Get some board games, tinkertoys, legos. Instill some imagination in the kid before the world turns her into an apple fan.

god of war is one of the lamest games of all time

i dont know how someone can play that for longer than an hour and not get bored

I dont either. Much prefer Bayonetta. At least its not boring.

Also I dont understand why people like GTA so much. Saints row was more fun with all the crazy shit you could do in that game, but it still got old quickly.
I suppose its because I prefer structured games with a clear goal. Just preference.
I like to sense I'm progressing in a game, and sandbox games never give much that kind of feeling.


Meh, I support that fine. I didn't even think he was past the line anyways (bad IFP call), and the hit was blatant and unnecessary.


A few years ago Antonio Pierce got fined for a late hit on Mike Vick despite video replay showing that Vick was still in bounds when Pierce hit him.


Meh, I support that fine. I didn't even think he was past the line anyways (bad IFP call), and the hit was blatant and unnecessary.

Whether he was an established runner or not, he is a QB (kind of) so he should just be stoppedl ike a QB and not speared in the face like a runner. Just to avoid stuff like this.


I can't wait until bionic's children go to college if he really plans to impose those restrictions. Hes creating big Ben's perfect target.
What a great thing to wish upon little kids.

Stay classy Green Bay fans!

I was actually at that game and specifically bought M&M's to throw onto the field hoping he'd step on them and roll his ankle.

But I do not disagree with you about the severity of the ankle injury. What was a joke was that he continued to attempt to play despite sucking more than his usual suckage levels, spiting his entire team just to show how tough he was.
We had no better option dude. And it was too late in the season to rest it and hope it got any better.

Sometimes the injuries are why you lose. Its part of the game.

I don't think there is any inherent danger to video games, it's just that time being spent playing them can be used to do something (almost anything) more constructive.

My daughter is in dance, and her cousin is a lifeguard so we go swimming 3 times a week, plus I try to get outside with her for at least an hour each day. (I'm fucking exhausted by dusk though).
I agree with this.
I agree with this.

You Steeler fans all stick together, no matter what. This is the plan for all children, unless you're just throwing in the towel and saying "Fuck it, let the TV raise 'em". My kids watch little TV, but as much sports as they want (which is not a lot). Both already hate the Steelers and the Niners. It's adorable.


You know what, bionic? Your parenting philosophies sound a lot like my parents', overall.

Take that as you will.
I am getting worried....

Honestly though I really do think tv and games are not great for kids. Some kids can handle it but almost everyone is better served by using their time more constructively. A little fucking around is probably good for you too, but I don't think little kids or babies can handle that kind of freedom (with maybe some rare exceptions).

I mean my daughter knew the whole alphabet at age 18 months, can recognize every letter, and knows at least one word that corresponds to each letter as well, and I think one of the reasons she is learning that stuff so quickly is because she is being exposed to a lot of books and educational toys. It is definitely easier to have my kids veg out in front of the tv while I post non-stop on GAF about how Pat fans are demented, Packer fans are heartless, and the Jets organization should be blown up, but for now I believe that is not good for them.
We had no better option dude. And it was too late in the season to rest it and hope it got any better.

Sometimes the injuries are why you lose. Its part of the game.

Whether Ben played or not wasn't on him, that was on Tomlin. You'd be hard pressed to find many players that would say, "No, I don't want to play this week" in that situation. Tomlin should have sat him for that Niner game last year. He didn't and the results were the results.

I don't pretend to know the severity of Ben's injury or injuries. I know the Steelers are never really on the up and up with injuries in the first place and Ben likes to talk a lot of shit. I do know he's out this week and I would bet he skips the Browns game too. Like I said, I do think he'll be back for the Raven rematch though.

Luckily, the AFC blows and Steelers have a two game lead for the wildcard, so the season is not a total wash yet. But if guys like Brown and Mendenhall continue to be sideline jockeys and Harrison and Woodley continue to be invisible on D, then the playoffs are out of the question.


You Steeler fans all stick together, no matter what. This is the plan for all children, unless you're just throwing in the towel and saying "Fuck it, let the TV raise 'em". My kids watch little TV, but as much sports as they want (which is not a lot). Both already hate the Steelers and the Niners. It's adorable.
I never throw in the towel. I am not Flacco (though I am a huge fan of his work, we really need him this Sunday to come up huge for us!).


Four days until a new console comes out. I don't remember other console launches sneaking up like that.
One thing I plan to do as I get older is to stay in touch with current tech as much as possible. Im sure some trends will still surprise the hell out of me though. nothing can replace being in school and seeing all the new stuff being talked about openly although the internet makes it easier.
My only real odd parenting restriction is toys that make noise. No toys that make noise were allowed until my kid turned 3, and when I had my second.

New parents, no toys that make noise is a great rule for the first 2 years when they will find that button on the toy that makes the most annoying sound and press it, and press it, and press it, and press it....

I never throw in the towel. I am not Flacco (though I am a huge fan of his work, we really need him this Sunday to come up huge for us!).

I choose to raise my kid in the Ray Lewis school of "You gotta be pissed of for greatness"


Aside from football I don't even watch TV anymore.
This is my life too except if I am at the office I will squeeze in some Netflix sometimes at lunch.

I could probably watch tv after the kids go to sleep, but I am usually so tired at that point that I just want to go to bed, and if not that then I want to workout a little a bit and then go to bed.

I am fucking old.


My only real odd parenting restriction is toys that make noise. No toys that make noise were allowed until my kid turned 3, and when I had my second.

New parents, no toys that make noise is a great rule for the first 2 years when they will find that button on the toy that makes the most annoying sound and press it, and press it, and press it, and press it....

You are wise.
Well, when you arent posting pics of curiously shaped shit on an internet forum.
That's not so wise.


I mean my daughter knew the whole alphabet at age 18 months, can recognize every letter, and knows at least one word that corresponds to each letter as well, and I think one of the reasons she is learning that stuff so quickly is because she is being exposed to a lot of books and educational toys. It is definitely easier to have my kids veg out in front of the tv while I post non-stop on GAF about how Pat fans are demented, Packer fans are heartless, and the Jets organization should be blown up, but for now I believe that is not good for them.

Odd thought, but I wonder what it's like having twins where one shows signs of having an easier time learning. Wonder what it'll be like once they start school.


Whether Ben played or not wasn't on him, that was on Tomlin. You'd be hard pressed to find many players that would say, "No, I don't want to play this week" in that situation. Tomlin should have sat him for that Niner game last year. He didn't and the results were the results.

I don't pretend to know the severity of Ben's injury or injuries. I know the Steelers are never really on the up and up with injuries in the first place and Ben likes to talk a lot of shit. I do know he's out this week and I would bet he skips the Browns game too. Like I said, I do think he'll be back for the Raven rematch though.

Luckily, the AFC blows and Steelers have a two game lead for the wildcard, so the season is not a total wash yet. But if guys like Brown and Mendenhall continue to be sideline jockeys and Harrison and Woodley continue to be invisible on D, then the playoffs are out of the question.
It is on Tomlin and the doctors. You need to have good doctors that keep players out when they can't go in. There don't seem to be a lot of those though, because most will let you go back after the player begs them to (in fear of losing their job, which is pretty legit in the NFL).

And yeah we suck ass, but honestly recent history shows that doesn't matter. All we need to do is get in with everyone healthy, be lucky as fuck, and have our defense and qb catch fire at exactly the right time.
Whether Ben played or not wasn't on him, that was on Tomlin. You'd be hard pressed to find many players that would say, "No, I don't want to play this week" in that situation. Tomlin should have sat him for that Niner game last year. He didn't and the results were the results.

I don't pretend to know the severity of Ben's injury or injuries. I know the Steelers are never really on the up and up with injuries in the first place and Ben likes to talk a lot of shit. I do know he's out this week and I would bet he skips the Browns game too. Like I said, I do think he'll be back for the Raven rematch though.

Luckily, the AFC blows and Steelers have a two game lead for the wildcard, so the season is not a total wash yet. But if guys like Brown and Mendenhall continue to be sideline jockeys and Harrison and Woodley continue to be invisible on D, then the playoffs are out of the question.

Yeah, don't know why the Steelers bother with that evasiveness with injuries shit. Leave that garbage to the Pats and Browns.

As for the season, i'm not terribly confident the Steelers will make the playoffs but i'm sure they'll make noise if they do.

I know i've been saying it since before the season started but i'm still disappointed that Harrison seems about done as a playmaker. He's still solid on the edge and teams fear running towards him but other than that the party's over.


Odd thought, but I wonder what it's like having twins where one shows signs of having an easier time learning. Wonder what it'll be like once they start school.
Probably frustrating. But thats life. You are never going to be the best or even good at everything. All you can do is try your best, be a good person, and hate the Patriots. If your kid does all three of those things then you did your job as a parent.
My only real odd parenting restriction is toys that make noise. No toys that make noise were allowed until my kid turned 3, and when I had my second.

New parents, no toys that make noise is a great rule for the first 2 years when they will find that button on the toy that makes the most annoying sound and press it, and press it, and press it, and press it....

Funny, that stuff never bothered me. Probably because I was that kid; my mom would always complain that i'd watch the same G.I. Joe and Transformers episodes on tape over and over and over and over and over and over and...
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