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NFL Week 12 |OT| What Are You Thankful For?


WTF why do they always have to talk about coacing in Philly as if its tougher than other places?

Reid coached here for 14. That is more stability than most places. Sick and tired of the national media acting like no one other than Reid can coach here.

Fuck off.

WOW what a throw by Cam.


threading the needle to TE with no one within 10 yards of him

holy crap in 3Q bobcats down 76-25 to Thunder. panthers need this for Charlotte


Get off the subway to see we have up a 67 yd TD run.

Figures the one game the offense plays well the defense shits the bed.

ST has sucked for years


come in my shame circle
Sounds like Pat Shurmer.


"Not enough slants"


I don't know why the Panthers even try to run a traditional offense.

They look really efficient when they do option misdirection plays.

HOLY CRAP just noticed that the Eagles still have time outs left.

First time in years within 2 min they have any left to actually work with.

Now its time for Foles pick 6.


so when is cam going learn to use his legs when throwing, dude keeps falling off/away. reminds me of of fitzpatrick.
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