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NFL Week 14 |OT| Christmas Time is Here


Far Cry 3 took all night to download so I didn't get a chance to play it tonight but I have been fighting a massive boner all day long in anticipation. The people at the meeting I was just in must have been very uncomfortable.
You met with a bunch of black people?
Between this, Blops 2, and Halo 4 fuck console games.
Haven't played Blops 2 (done with Call of Duty as a series personally) but I enjoyed Halo 4 quite a bit. It doesn't reinvent the wheel but the formula still works for me on many levels. The visuals 343 pulled out of the 360 were impressive as hell. I'm hoping they do take some more risks on the gameplay side in the next game but I've a soft spot for the Halo universe and the core gameplay.

My issues with AC3:



eznark has never seen a black person in public
If that is the case, then here is a pro-trip for uncultured bumpkins when they first meet a black person.

Just because they are black does not necessarily mean they are a rapper or professional athlete so don't start your conversation with a question about whether they are an athlete or rapper.
Far Cry 3 took all night to download so I didn't get a chance to play it tonight but I have been fighting a massive boner all day long in anticipation. The people at the meeting I was just in must have been very uncomfortable.

I played a few hours last night. My god it is so good. On PC with all the settings maxed it looks incredible. It is so bright and colorful, so glad they changed that from FC2.

I cant believe I just read someone complaining about Halo 4. Games is fucking amazing and completely exceeded my expectations. It is the best Halo mp by a fucking mile. Bungie is dead to me now as a developer after seeing how much better 343 did Halo.


If that is the case, then here is a pro-trip for uncultured bumpkins when they first meet a black person.

Just because they are black does not necessarily mean they are a rapper or professional athlete so don't start your conversation with a question about whether they are an athlete or rapper.

I like to start by asking if I can touch their hair. Good ice breaker.


I just don't see a way the Texans can win vs NE unless it is a shootout. NE can slow down Watt w/ double teams and chip blocks, and the rest of that DL is meh. LBs aren't that good and the DBs are mostly injured. Schoob is going to have to shoot it out, and for NE's defense, it will depend on Talib being able to cover AJ






I'd play Watt in the interior and let him use his preternatural swatting ability to defend the only passes Brady can still make accurately.
I just don't see a way the Texans can win vs NE unless it is a shootout. NE can slow down Watt w/ double teams and chip blocks, and the rest of that DL is meh. LBs aren't that good and the DBs are mostly injured. Schoob is going to have to shoot it out, and for NE's defense, it will depend on Talib being able to cover AJ

Texans defense has to show up big. Pats are going to employ their death by papercuts 5 yards at a time offense to keep Foster off the field.


I just don't see a way the Texans can win vs NE unless it is a shootout. NE can slow down Watt w/ double teams and chip blocks, and the rest of that DL is meh. LBs aren't that good and the DBs are mostly injured. Schoob is going to have to shoot it out, and for NE's defense, it will depend on Talib being able to cover AJ

So basically you are saying we are a shoe in for a win?


I'd play Watt in the interior and let him use his preternatural swatting ability to defend the only passes Brady can still make accurately.

Brady is going to have the ball out so fast I'm not sure how much Watt will impact the game. I think Welker and Hernandez are going to wear that defense out. Brady isn't Rodgers now, but we've seen what a good QB can do to that defense. HOU is going to have to get there with 4, and besides Watt, they really haven't done that

Houston is going to need to put up 30+ to win that game. Brees, Rodgers and now Brady will carve the defense up


Brady is going to have the ball out so fast I'm not sure how much Watt will impact the game. I think Welker and Hernandez are going to wear that defense out. Brady isn't Rodgers now, but we've seen what a good QB can do to that defense. HOU is going to have to get there with 4, and besides Watt, they really haven't done that

Houston is going to need to put up 30+ to win that game. Brees, Rodgers and now Brady will carve the defense up



He helped tear up DET and they still scored 30. I've been pretty surprised by the poor play of the rest of that defense. Kareem is marginally less awful than usual, but other than that, it seems like every other player got worse. All is not lost. NE's D isn't good either and Brady has off days occasionally. Maybe the DBs should pitch in on some Addy and up their games
Brady is going to have the ball out so fast I'm not sure how much Watt will impact the game. I think Welker and Hernandez are going to wear that defense out. Brady isn't Rodgers now, but we've seen what a good QB can do to that defense. HOU is going to have to get there with 4, and besides Watt, they really haven't done that

Houston is going to need to put up 30+ to win that game. Brees, Rodgers and now Brady will carve the defense up

You're REALLY overrating Brady.
bionic has brain washed you guys. That offense is top 2 or 3 every year. He's one of the 5 best QBs I've seen play. The Pats will score 30 points. HOU will have to win with offense

I dont think it is Bionic, I watched the game last week against the Fin and he couldnt make any deep throws. If you can take away the short to intermediate stuff he really doe struggle.


I dont think it is Bionic, I watched the game last week against the Fin and he couldnt make any deep throws. If you can take away the short to intermediate stuff he really doe struggle.

It's tough to take away though. Add in Ridley running well, and it gets even more difficult to take away.


Unpopular Cam got the Business in the Pro Bowl

The intensity immediately caught my eye. Pro Bowls aren't known for rushing the passer or trying to get the quarterback down -- especially not the 2012 version -- but there was no denying that the AFC players went hard after Carolina quarterback Cam Newton late in last year's game.

The only sack of the game came against Newton, as did most of the pressure. All the other quarterbacks sat back, no intensity with the pass rush, and completed pass after pass. Players did the tap-and-stand moves on the line with the other five quarterbacks in the game.

Newton was rushed. Why?

Was there a reason for this? Was this like Michael Jordan's first NBA All-Star Game when guys like Isaiah Thomas froze him out? Newton, after all, was a big-time rookie fresh off a record-breaking season.

I mentioned that theory to Newton this summer.

"It is what it is," he said, barely looking up from the stool in front of his locker.

Curiosity got the best of me. And now I know why Newton had to deal with that type of heat -- including being slung down in the third quarter by Antonio Smith of the Texans after one pass and being sacked on a hard spin rush by Denver's Von Miller.

The reason: Newton dissed some of his brethren at the Pro Bowl.

According to several players in the game, some from both teams, Newton's standoffish, diva ways made him enemy No. 1 in the eyes of some of the players.

"He was a total ----hole," one AFC player said. "Who did he think he was? He acted like the big shit. Here he was at his first game and he acted like he was the star. Guys didn't like that."

The Pro Bowl is a laid-back game, one for relaxing, spending time with your peers and unwinding after a tough season. The resort where players are housed is for them and their families only to prevent fan interference.

So when Newton turned down one player's request for an autograph and a picture for his kids at a function, it angered the player.

"Who the hell did he think they were?" said one player. "The only people around are families. He knew that. Yet he big-timed the guy by saying 'now's not the time.'"

That player said Newton did the unthinkable and even dissed Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis.

"That's the godfather there," one player said. "Can you believe he did that?"

Said another player: "It didn't matter who it was, he didn't care about anybody but himself."

Lewis denied that he was dissed when asked through Ravens PR man Kevin Byrne, but other players confirmed that it happened. A handful of other league sources confirmed that Newton was aloof and isolated much of the week in Hawaii.

That's fine, but the perception of some of his peers is that he crossed the line between being shy and being a prima donna. That led to some of the defensive players on the AFC team going a lot harder when Newton came into the game.

The tape showed that. Not only did Smith throw him down and Miller sack him but others seemed to amp their intensity up when Newton was taking the snaps. Miller also threw him for a loss on a designed run for Newton. It appeared Richard Seymour and Geno Atkins also played harder and faster when he was in the game.

It wasn't a rookie thing either. When Cincinnati's Andy Dalton played the second half for the AFC, there was no elevation of the intensity for the NFC defensive line.

Some league personnel who have watched the tape noticed the same things I saw as it related to Newton.

Through a team spokesman, Newton declined to comment for this story.

"Look, it was his first Pro Bowl, so he should have come and acted humble," one AFC player said. "But he didn't. He acted like he was better than us."

"Cam's in his own world,"
one NFC player said. "He's a young guy and learning, but he better change. They started rushing him. We were like, 'what are they doing? This is the Pro Bowl.' They didn't attempt that with the other guys. They went after him. He better learn soon. You don't want to go out there and get hurt at the Pro Bowl."

bionic has brain washed you guys. That offense is top 2 or 3 every year. He's one of the 5 best QBs I've seen play. The Pats will score 30 points. HOU will have to win with offense

Brady beats the shit out of poor, undisciplined defenses. He tends to struggle against the better D's in the league, moreso with each passing year. This isn't 2007 where the Pats were slaughtering every defense they faced.


Houstons offense will be heavily focused on Arian with the run game and screen pass. He had less than 20 carries last week and I just have this gut feeling he will break out this game.


SAS: "Where she at?" "Why she getting a pass?"

Wow. Can ESPN finally fire this asshole?

Wasn't he fired once before? How or why did they bring him back?

Anyway that was one of the most fascinating and awkward things I have ever seen.

Chad refused to answer pretty much any and all questions but did come clean and admitted his cheating on his wife of 5 weeks led to the fight. He also owned up to saying that while he has no regrets for all the different revenue streams he created for himself through self promotion, he does realize that it did hurt his on the field production.

But when asked over and over why it didn't work with Brady and the Patriots he kept saying "I don't know...don't know". Then when implied he didn't pick up the offense or it was too difficult, he got defensive saying most teams run the same stuff with minor differences. So then pressed again on why it didn't work if the system wasn't the problem he again said "don't know".

Then he became bitchy and was like Brandon Lloyd playing well playing the same role for them must mean he is better than Chad.

If that wasn't bad enough the next segment SAS goes off on how women don't have to explain themselves. I'd agreed with some of what he said but I have no idea how he got to the point he got to from the Chad convo.


The Texans are 2nd in the league in points scored, just behind the Pats (by 6 points per game--inflated by their 40+ games, which they had well in hand... Bellicheat is about the only coach in the league that likes to run up the score). I think we can hang with them scoring wise if needed. I worry about our injuries in the secondary though.


JJ still hurt? Injuries to the Texans D are taking their toll. Going to need a better effort against The Lady.


JJ still hurt? Injuries to the Texans D are taking their toll. Going to need a better effort against The Lady.

Joseph could have played against the Titans but they held him out. Only player I see not playing is Reed for obvious reasons. From all indications everyone else will be back in some capacity.
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