fuck bill bellicheck you home wrecking fucking cheater you aint no bill walsh and you aint no genius bitch your defense has been fucking trash for years go retire you fat cutoff sweater wearin biiiiiiiiiitch you haven't won anything meaningful in your entire career without cheating, fuck you tammy you fucking whiny ass bitch you aint no joe montana joe montana never sucked a dick and wasn't a woman you always get close to winning big games and then you fucking lose because you're a fucking loser since the NFL took away your competitive advantage go enjoy strap on night with your dumb ass bitch wife, fuck off josh mcdaniels you fucking loser you dont have tebow to bail you out of these close games and your offense sucks fucking dick as always, fuck off hernandez you stupid fucking druggie bitch keep doing your money celebration you pussy got fucking lit up by goldson and then you were terrified after i wish that STD gronkowski was playing so we could fuck his sorry ass up too, fuck off danny woodhead you dumb ass bitch go back to working at footlocker your comeback didn't mean shit, fuck new england, fuck boston, fuck MA fucking sorry ass racist state enjoy eating that bowl of kaepernicks hot man chowder in your throat you fucking losers, and finally ENJOY YOUR BAG OF DICKS PATS GAF! I TOLD YOU WHAT WE WERE GOING TO DO TO YOUR SORRY ASSES AND WE DID IT! SUCK OUR DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKS!
oh my god :lol
I feel dirty
Could be worse!