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NFL WEEK 15 |OT| Everybody Stinks

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Craziest stat of the game last night:

The Patriots fumbled 2 times and lost both of them. The 49ers fumbled 6 (!) times and lost only 1 of them.

I know something like 4 of those were mishandled snaps but still, the Niners were very fortunate not to lose 1 or 2 more of those.

Also, Brady passed 65 times. LOL.


Disappointed in the loss, but we've been snakebitten for this season.

Defense got up to a slow start, receivers grow fumbling problems, Ben gets injured during a critical stretch of the season, our most durable player gets injured, fucking up the entire secondary for 2 games (and possibly more).

Also, I thought it was really classless of the Cowboys to have Brent on the sidelines laughing and joking with his teammates 2 weeks removed from killing one of them.

Giants and Steelers are pretty similar this year, lots of injuries, bad execution, some roster weaknesses but nothing that can't be addressed in the off-season.

After 31-3, the defense played pretty well and was getting stops until that last TD where Arrington missed the tackle with no safety help over the top

Niners stopped playing, run, run, run, punt.


After 31-3, the defense played pretty well and was getting stops until that last TD where Arrington missed the tackle with no safety help over the top

Yup, the team was just blasting it on both ends for about 10-15 minutes, and then once it got tied up, they went back to their usual worthless coverage again.

Dont care what the score says - that shit was an embarrassment. 49ers could have easily been like 28-0 quite early on. First half performance would have shamed the Jaguars.
Yup, the team was just blasting it on both ends for about 10-15 minutes, and then once it got tied up, they went back to their usual worthless coverage again.

Dont care what the score says - that shit was an embarrassment. 49ers could have easily been like 28-0 quite early on. First half performance would have shamed the Jaguars.
The Patriots were 2 for 15 on 3rd down which, combined with the first half turnovers, really killed them for the most part.




fuck bill bellicheck you home wrecking fucking cheater you aint no bill walsh and you aint no genius bitch your defense has been fucking trash for years go retire you fat cutoff sweater wearin biiiiiiiiiitch you haven't won anything meaningful in your entire career without cheating, fuck you tammy you fucking whiny ass bitch you aint no joe montana joe montana never sucked a dick and wasn't a woman you always get close to winning big games and then you fucking lose because you're a fucking loser since the NFL took away your competitive advantage go enjoy strap on night with your dumb ass bitch wife, fuck off josh mcdaniels you fucking loser you dont have tebow to bail you out of these close games and your offense sucks fucking dick as always, fuck off hernandez you stupid fucking druggie bitch keep doing your money celebration you pussy got fucking lit up by goldson and then you were terrified after i wish that STD gronkowski was playing so we could fuck his sorry ass up too, fuck off danny woodhead you dumb ass bitch go back to working at footlocker your comeback didn't mean shit, fuck new england, fuck boston, fuck MA fucking sorry ass racist state enjoy eating that bowl of kaepernicks hot man chowder in your throat you fucking losers, and finally ENJOY YOUR BAG OF DICKS PATS GAF! I TOLD YOU WHAT WE WERE GOING TO DO TO YOUR SORRY ASSES AND WE DID IT! SUCK OUR DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKS!

This is brilliant. Joe Montana Never Sucked a Dick should be the thread title for next week.

lol, thread got humorous. I don't know why you guys are bitching at FMT, it's pretty clear he condones man love, he asked numerous posters in here to perform fellatio on him, and I am pretty sure most of Pats GAF is male.


After 31-3, the defense played pretty well and was getting stops until that last TD where Arrington missed the tackle with no safety help over the top

Pats can't do anything about the inferior talent they have now. I saw that Arrington play, and he did what he always does panic. Did Talib have a good game, or was Collinsworth just trying to say something positive about the Pats defense. It seems like Jones hit the rookie wall. I think once he improves his pass rush moves he will be a beast. Before this game I didn't feel like the Patriots had a shot as a number 3-4 seed, but from what the offense showed I think they have a chance if they catch some breaks like last year. Get a favorable matchup in the first round, and they can beat HOU or DEN. They are going to have to play much better the second time around though. I don't think either team will make the same mistakes they made the first time around. Especially HOU.
Giants and Steelers are pretty similar this year, lots of injuries, bad execution, some roster weaknesses but nothing that can't be addressed in the off-season.

Niners stopped playing, run, run, run, punt.

See this is fucking retarded by SF. It's exactly why I don't mind the way the Pats play offense when it looks like it could be a blow out. You can't stop playing and give the other team a chance. LJ how was Hightower in this game? I hope he can improve his coverage abilities,but I think he may not be fast enough.


The Patriots were 2 for 15 on 3rd down which, combined with the first half turnovers, really killed them for the most part.

Everything killed them. They played like shit in every way its possible to play shitty. Fumbles, interceptions, dropped passes, penalties, lousy pass protection, bad punts, bad throws, CB's getting beat almost every play, safeties reading things terribly wrong, nonexistent pass rush, no running game, etc.

They lit things up when SF got conservative with a 31-3 lead, but once SF tightened up again, they went right back to shutting us down.
Everything killed them. They played like shit in every way its possible to play shitty. Fumbles, interceptions, dropped passes, penalties, lousy pass protection, bad punts, bad throws, CB's getting beat almost every play, safeties reading things terribly wrong, nonexistent pass rush, no running game, etc.

They lit things up when SF got conservative with a 31-3 lead, but once SF tightened up again, they went right back to shutting us down.
It's true, they looked very sloppy overall for most of the game. I don't expect them to play another game like that the rest of this season though. Honestly I still think they're the favorite from the AFC and I wouldn't be surprised to see them win it all.


They played terribly and honestly, it never seemed like that much of a game. As soon as Harbaugh woke up from his coma and realized that oh shit we better put points on the board they went vertical and put points on the board. The Patriots safeties are flat clueless. That first touchdown pass is one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen. Two guys wide open sprinting down the hash and somehow the safety can't get within PI distance? The fuck was he going? Are they that terrified of Crabtree's lack of speed that they feel the need to quadruple team him or are those clowns so incredibly blind and slow that given 35 yards they couldn't close any distance?

That was the most consistently awful safety play I've seen this year. Plenty of guys get burned, but the Patriots were just never in the picture. It wasn't coverage break downs, it was flat lack of talent.


They played terribly and honestly, it never seemed like that much of a game. As soon as Harbaugh woke up from his coma and realized that oh shit we better put points on the board they went vertical and put points on the board. The Patriots safeties are flat clueless. That first touchdown pass is one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen. Two guys wide open sprinting down the hash and somehow the safety can't get within PI distance? The fuck was he going? Are they that terrified of Crabtree's lack of speed that they feel the need to quadruple team him or are those clowns so incredibly blind and slow that given 35 yards they couldn't close any distance?

That was the most consistently awful safety play I've seen this year. Plenty of guys get burned, but the Patriots were just never in the picture. It wasn't coverage break downs, it was flat lack of talent.
Niners exposed every weakness of the Pats. For some reason I thought the Texans D could do the same things, but whether it is injuries or frauditis they clearly can't stop shit. And it is hilarious that everyone on this thread can see that Brady and the Pats offense can't go downfield more than 10 yards and any team with competent corners and a decent pass rush is going to shut that shit down quick. I will give the Pats coaches on offense credit, but they seemingly have endless plays and formations and are able to execute almost all of them (as long as they don't involve a pass traveling more than 15 yards downfield), but there is a reason the Pats always shit the bed in the playoffs. They are a flawed team and their qb is well past her prime.

Speaking of FMT. Can someone from Jets age or a brony age explain what anime that GIF is from and what was going on?


Pats can't do anything about the inferior talent they have now. I saw that Arrington play, and he did what he always does panic. Did Talib have a good game, or was Collinsworth just trying to say something positive about the Pats defense. It seems like Jones hit the rookie wall. I think once he improves his pass rush moves he will be a beast. Before this game I didn't feel like the Patriots had a shot as a number 3-4 seed, but from what the offense showed I think they have a chance if they catch some breaks like last year. Get a favorable matchup in the first round, and they can beat HOU or DEN. They are going to have to play much better the second time around though. I don't think either team will make the same mistakes they made the first time around. Especially HOU.

See this is fucking retarded by SF. It's exactly why I don't mind the way the Pats play offense when it looks like it could be a blow out. You can't stop playing and give the other team a chance. LJ how was Hightower in this game? I hope he can improve his coverage abilities,but I think he may not be fast enough.

WTF are you still doing here?


Also known as the kubiak system

I hate to blame injuries, but the Texans depend so much on their injured linebackers. They are fucked against a team like New England without Cushing. Their secondary isn't great and while I do think the guys who have stepped in are playing fine, they aren't as intelligent or athletic as guys like Cushing and Reed. Having Cushing to at least threaten a check off into a zone/flat is pretty powerful against quick hitters like Brady.

That's really the one thing I like about Hawk and Urlacher. Physically they don't have the physical talents of Mayo, but they make up for it with intelligent play. I think (football) smart linebackers are the most underrated commodity by NFL fans.


Very superstitiooooous... The writing's on the waaaaall

After we kept winning and winning I decided to stay away. Nearly came back after the Packers game, but continued. Figured I had to come back sometime.

So you choose right before the playoffs?!?

we are doomed


Didn't watch much of the game, but Stevie Johson wore out Sherman it looks like. That's a potential nice landing spot for a rookie QB. Definitely held back by the QB


I hate to blame injuries, but the Texans depend so much on their injured linebackers. They are fucked against a team like New England without Cushing. Their secondary isn't great and while I do think the guys who have stepped in are playing fine, they aren't as intelligent or athletic as guys like Cushing and Reed. Having Cushing to at least threaten a check off into a zone/flat is pretty powerful against quick hitters like Brady.

That's really the one thing I like about Hawk and Urlacher. Physically they don't have the physical talents of Mayo, but they make up for it with intelligent play. I think (football) smart linebackers are the most underrated commodity by NFL fans.

For the most part I think they have adapted as well as they could for losing a player of Cushing's caliber. Merclius, imo, is a better player than Brooks Reed so the fact that he is getting some run while Reed is out isn't a bad thing. The secondary though has absolutely been hurt by injuries. At one point they were close to having to put in WR Posey in as emergency CB. Combine that with wade being a stubborn fuck and the result is what happened at Foxboro. The green bay game was bad too, but that was the first game without Cush, and was against a out of conference team who's season would've been in jeopardy with a loss. That Pats loss tho was an eye opener on so many levels... Kubiak, schaub, secondary etc.


Now show the one of Lolamalu leaping like a moron to try and take a guys head off!
Troy has been a disaster this year. Dude has no burst, is a liability in coverage, and can't even tackle the way he used to.

I hate seeing great football players get old. :(


Posted this last night, but once again for the AM crowd. Christian Ponder had a 96.9 QBR, which a top 10 QB game this year. 1 TD run and 130 yards passing


For the most part I think they have adapted as well as they could for losing a player of Cushing's caliber. Merclius, imo, is a better player than Brooks Reed so the fact that he is getting some run while Reed is out isn't a bad thing. The secondary though has absolutely been hurt by injuries. At one point they were close to having to put in WR Posey in as emergency CB. Combine that with wade being a stubborn fuck and the result is what happened at Foxboro. The green bay game was bad too, but that was the first game without Cush, and was against a out of conference team who's season would've been in jeopardy with a loss. That Pats loss tho was an eye opener on so many levels... Kubiak, schaub, secondary etc.

I noticed right before Reed got hurt that they were sliding him into the ILB spot. I wonder if during his time off he has been working on this. He is more mobile and athletic than what we have there now. Mercilous has been showing more and more the past few weeks so I would be good with a move like this. I can not agree that the DB's just arent good as EZ said. This is basically the same secondary as we had last year until McCain went down and J Joe playing with a bad groin. The bye week can be a huge godsend to get Joseph 100% and also McCain will be back for the playoffs.


I noticed right before Reed got hurt that they were sliding him into the ILB spot. I wonder if during his time off he has been working on this. He is more mobile and athletic than what we have there now. Mercilous has been showing more and more the past few weeks so I would be good with a move like this. I can not agree that the DB's just arent good as EZ said. This is basically the same secondary as we had last year until McCain went down and J Joe playing with a bad groin. The bye week can be a huge godsend to get Joseph 100% and also McCain will be back for the playoffs.

The pass rush was better last year which helped a ton. Right now it's pretty much just watt getting any kind of pressure on the QB. Against the high powered teams we've played this year (and Henne smh), that has been a major reason why they've gotten carved up. And wade refuses to play zone.


Setting up the "you guys never would have won if you didn't have home field, then play the Super Bowl in your backyard"

We will endure. Take it. You'll hate us for it, but that's the point of the Texans. They can be the outcast. They can play the game that no one else can play. The right game.

They are the team we need not the one we deserve.

The pass rush was better last year which helped a ton. Right now it's pretty much just watt getting any kind of pressure on the QB. Against the high powered teams we've played this year (and Henne smh), that has been a major reason why they've gotten carved up. And wade refuses to play zone.

Live by the press man coverage, die by the press man coverage. I just think Mercilous is bringing better pressure than Barwin and Reed and will get better as the season plays on like Reed did last year when the playoffs started.
Zach didn't suck until he was a Cowboy.
Well yeah, but he was well past his prime by that point. I bought a Zach Thomas jersey right before he went to the Cowboys. It was heartbreaking so I've tried to wipe that memory from my mind.

The pass rush was better last year which helped a ton. Right now it's pretty much just watt getting any kind of pressure on the QB. Against the high powered teams we've played this year (and Henne smh), that has been a major reason why they've gotten carved up. And wade refuses to play zone.
That Texans/Jags game still confuses me. I have no idea what possessed Checkdown Chad in that game but yesterday he was exactly the same guy that Miami let go of in the off-season.

One of my friends was over (huge Packers fan) and he just burst into laughter when we saw that on TV.


They are the team we need not the one we deserve.

Live by the press man coverage, die by the press man coverage. I just think Mercilous is bringing better pressure than Barwin and Reed and will get better as the season plays on like Reed did last year when the playoffs started.

We've been murdered twice by it and stepped on by plenty others :l

Also: ap is going to run for 250-270 on Sunday calling it now
Listening to Atlanta radio this morning, you'd think the Falcons just stamped a ticket to the Super Bowl. It was a good win. Hell, it was a great win, but Cloud Nine is not the best place to be right now. I'd like to see some more steeled resolve and slightly more sober expectations, given history.


One of my friends was over (huge Packers fan) and he just burst into laughter when we saw that on TV.

I still can't stop laughing about it. Maybe the guy will learn to keep his mouth shut. How a guy who has played on perennially shitty teams thinks it's smart to mouth off to your betters before a game is beyond me.

What's BDP? Google doesn't help.


We've been murdered twice by it and stepped on by plenty others :l

Also: ap is going to run for 250-270 on Sunday calling it now

AP will be held to under 130 and Arian will feel threatened and rush for 180.


We have TWO banners now!! WOOHOO!!
I still can't stop laughing about it. Maybe the guy will learn to keep his mouth shut. How a guy who has played on perennially shitty teams thinks it's smart to mouth off to your betters before a game is beyond me.

What's BDP? Google doesn't help.

Woops, BPD. Borderline personality disorder.


Craziest stat of the game last night:

The Patriots fumbled 2 times and lost both of them. The 49ers fumbled 6 (!) times and lost only 1 of them.

I know something like 4 of those were mishandled snaps but still, the Niners were very fortunate not to lose 1 or 2 more of those.

Also, Brady passed 65 times. LOL.

Kap should be practicing all week under centre. They literally have 1 run out of shotgun.

Sky Chief

So who is MVP?

My guess is right now the rankings are:

Peyton Manning
Adrian Peterson
Tom Brady
Andrew Luck

RG3 should be the MVP. He leads the NFL in YPA and YPR, is second in QB rating (was first until this week), fifth in completion percentage, and has thrown the least interceptions of any QB in the league. Therefore, not only is he the most explosive player in the NFL but also the most efficient. However, I seriously doubt that he will win just because he is a rookie.

Two more interesting questions:

Who will be comeback player of the year? Peyton or Peterson

In my opinion it has to be Peterson, he is having one of the best RB seasons ever and it still has not been a year since his injury.

Who will be rookie of the year? RG3 or Luck


It's just a long winded way to say exactly what I said Drizzler.

Peterson clear MVP. Manning clear comeback player. Russell Wilson clear RoY.

Like you said, Peterson played all last year so there was really no comeback since he didn't miss shit.
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