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NFL WEEK 15 |OT| Everybody Stinks

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Notice I never said winning a SB is what defines a QB as elite. I'm only talking about how important that particular piece of the puzzle is in the context of a team winning the SB. The Colts wouldn't have won that SB without Peyton.
The Steelers wouldn't have won either Super Bowl without Roethlisberger, so what now?

Therein lies the problem with being "Elite". There's no proper definition. Some people align it to stats, some to wins, some to both, some to neither.
Clearly the 9ers were not content to just be a good team that makes the playoffs or they would have just kept small hands at QB.
So what do you think it would take for the 49ers to actively go out and try to get a better QB?

The Steelers wouldn't have won either Super Bowl without Roethlisberger, so what now?

Therein lies the problem with being "Elite". There's no proper definition. Some people align it to stats, some to wins, some to both, some to neither.
I feel like the original point I asked about is getting bogged down in semantics now. Forget the word "elite" for awhile, what I'm really wondering is summed up from this part of my original post:

The problem is, because their team is still good and the QB is doing well enough they are less inclined to make a change at that position, so I wonder if they are basically creating a ceiling for themselves that will keep them from ever winning a SB.

So, mid to long-term, would you rather be someone like the Colts or Redskins, or someone like the 49ers or Texans? Which type of team is more likely to win a SB in the next 5 or 10 years?


The Steelers wouldn't have won either Super Bowl without Roethlisberger, so what now?

Therein lies the problem with being "Elite". There's no proper definition. Some people align it to stats, some to wins, some to both, some to neither.

A lot of things have to click for a team. It helps having a Manning behind center though. It helps when your D starts a turnover streak a la Packers in their Superbowl year and Bobby Sanders for once healthy during Indy's SB run. Or did he dislocate his head that year, too? Don't quite remember, just that they were on fire at the right moment.
So has a team with a top five offense and bottom 5 defense ever won a super bowl?
Packers did last year. All they needed was a Quarterback after all.

I feel like the original point I asked about is getting bogged down in semantics now. Forget the word "elite" for awhile, what I'm really wondering is summed up from this part of my original post:

Redskins/Colts. A good QB is the hardest piece to acquire. Every team has had a stretch in which they didn't have one.


So has a team with a top five offense and bottom 5 defense ever won a super bowl?

The Texans can win in the playoffs if Schaub doesn't crap the bed and they get healthy in the defensive backfield. They may not hold anyone under 24, but if they can just stop letting the good teams bomb them out of the building in the first quarter, they have a chance. Get the number one seed, avoid Manning or Brady in round 2, and get lucky in the conference championship game. Then hope Rodgers doesn't make the SB

All teams need luck to win a SB. That's HOU's path


Need a better sifter

I think he is at that level now. Pretty tough to throw for 450 and 4 tds against constant safety clouds so he focuses on winning games. The only really poor game he has had this year was Seattle.

Shit, wait.

Fuck it who cares? Fucking clown is a cog. Harrell will come in and do it better.
I have not watched every Packers game this year, but from what I have seen his accuracy is not what it was during the periods I was talking about. He is also not getting the ball out as quick. Now granted, it is a team game and maybe it is his receivers and lines play that has dropped, making him look a little worse than he was at that time.

Or perhaps he stopped hadokuning cancer patients and that was really the underlying source of his power.

We may never know.

What about the Steelers? I mean I rather have Big Ben than Schaub but is he ELITE?
I think Steelers D helped tremendously.
Almost every team that wins a SB has a great defense, or at least great against the teams they are matched up against. But to win 3 or 4 games in the postseason you are going to have to have a qb that can manufacture points when behind or when things are not going well. The only team that got away with garbage qb play for 4 games and won it all was the 2001 Pats, and we all know that was heavily aided by black magic, devilry, and handycams.

Also, I can't believe we are still having the is Ben elite conversation in 2012. :lol
You know, what's happening with the Texans was a common criticism of the Steelers in the Cowher era. Beat the shit out of mediocre to poor teams, couldn't deal with the cream of the crop. Then he got Ben. Take that as you will.
You know, what's happening with the Texans was a common criticism of the Steelers in the Cowher era. Beat the shit out of mediocre to poor teams, couldn't deal with the cream of the crop. Then he got Ben. Take that as you will.
What do you think it would take for the Texans to actively go out and pursue an upgrade at QB? Or the 49ers for that matter?
DeaconKnowledge said:
Therein lies the problem with being "Elite". There's no proper definition. Some people align it to stats, some to wins, some to both, some to neither.
Indeed and its why I ignore the term entirely and its gets thrown about far too often. I couldn't give a shit if the media or people feel that Eli is or isn't elite. He and his team are winning Super Bowls. As a fan, that's all that matters to me.


You know, what's happening with the Texans was a common criticism of the Steelers in the Cowher era. Beat the shit out of mediocre to poor teams, couldn't deal with the cream of the crop. Then he got Ben. Take that as you will.

Every single coaching rumor for established coaches is that they want to go somewhere with a QB in place. They all know that getting the franchise guy is 99% luck, and want that already there. Even if Payton leaves NO, it's still a good job b/c of Brees. Depending on your view of Scam, same with CAR


What do you think it would take for the Texans to actively go out and pursue an upgrade at QB? Or the 49ers for that matter?
They really can't. The have to do the best they can with what they have and as soon as the team starts to get older you try and draft a superstar qb and hope for the best while you rebuild.

Winning a SB takes a shit load of luck because you have to get a team peaking and the right qb at his peak at the same time. Maybe Kap is the answer for the Niners but the team is peaking before he is. As for the Texans, they have to just coach the fuck out of that team, ride Foster until the wheels fall off, and hope that Schaub is enough.


A poor regular season that's mainly on Schaub and the offense or a Super Bowl bedshitting a la Neil O'Donnell.

Kubiak will not replace Schaub. He wants a QB to go out there and do what he is told, and Schaub does that. Kubes and Schaub just got extensions. They will be there for at least 2 more years

Evidence shows this is what he does tho and that's my point

He's panicking in these regular season games

Yeah it's a giant problem. And they can't run it like last year. Don't know if it's the OL or Foster. People were calling in wanting Yates. That's not an answer either
Evidence shows this is what he does tho and that's my point

He's panicking in these regular season games

The Texans offense is built to hide his flaws though. Maybe things were different before, but the Texans are a run-run-run play action team. Whenever i've watched them i've never seen Schaub take over a drive like Ben, Brady, or Rodgers.
They can't. Great abs dont become FAs outside of manning last year.
Well there's always the draft although I realize a huge part of that is luck.

They really can't. The have to do the best they can with what they have and as soon as the team starts to get older you try and draft a superstar qb and hope for the best while you rebuild.

Winning a SB takes a shit load of luck because you have to get a team peaking and the right qb at his peak at the same time. Maybe Kap is the answer for the Niners but the team is peaking before he is. As for the Texans, they have to just coach the fuck out of that team, ride Foster until the wheels fall off, and hope that Schaub is enough.
Yeah, I agree with this. It's kind of a sucky situation for the Texans unless Schaub learns how to play better in big games (quickly).


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The Texans offense is built to hide his flaws though. Maybe things were different before, but the Texans are a run-run-run play action team. Whenever i've watched them i've never seen Schaub take over a drive like Ben, Brady, or Rodgers.

Problem is: Arian is not running with any kind of authority. Look at the games last year when Schaub went down he was carrying this team at many points during the season and playoffs. I dont know if its the vegan thing, his new contract or the busted right side of the o line. Im thinking the latter.
I can't get away from hope for the Ravens. If things go the way they're going, I fully expect the Ravens to back into the playoffs, probably losing out, but getting the division and the 4th seed. So most likely, we'd get Indy at home, then go to Houston (or maybe Denver). I think that's a better route than getting Pittsburgh and NE. Plus, there is a small, small chance that Cam Cameron really was the problem with our offense, and not Flacco. I do not believe this to be true, but it doesn't mean it isn't possible. Hope is alive.
Heh, Jacobs rant was apparently his way of trying to get cut so he could make his way back to the Giants according to friends and sources:


Brandon Jacobs realized very early this season that "he never should've left the Giants," according to one of his friends. And he was hoping, the source said, that after his Instagram rant about "rotting away" and hating his boss, that he'd get cut so he could call Giants GM Jerry Reese as soon as he cleared waivers and set up his triumphant return.


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Problem is: Arian is not running with any kind of authority. Look at the games last year when Schaub went down he was carrying this team at many points during the season and playoffs. I dont know if its the vegan thing, his new contract or the busted right side of the o line. Im thinking the latter.
Its the vegan thing.
DeaconKnowledge said:
That makes his suspension so much more delicious.
It was a smart move by Harbs. No way he was going to let him go back to the Giants which was a likely assumption.

EDIT: Giants placed Stevie Brown on the Pro-Bowl ballot today. Well deserved. He's been a ball hawk since he took over for Phillips.

Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter

With Giants S Stevie Brown having started nine straight games while contributing key plays, the team placed him on Pro-Bowl ballot today.


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Problem is: Arian is not running with any kind of authority. Look at the games last year when Schaub went down he was carrying this team at many points during the season and playoffs. I dont know if its the vegan thing, his new contract or the busted right side of the o line. Im thinking the latter.
How is Briesel enjoying Oakland.


How is Briesel enjoying Oakland.

Does it matter? He is enjoying all the money! I loved the guy and would love to have him here but they overpaid. Even though Winston was not very good in pass protection he was a devastating run blocker. Thats the decision Im really starting to question.

In that same regard you have to remember Newton has been out what..2/3 games now? Should hopefully return this week.
JCizzle said:
Giants didn't want his sorry ass last year and sure wont once everyone is healthy this offseason.
He was a nitwit for supposedly haggling over 500k with the Giants. The team was ready to move on (as evidenced by the David Wilson pick in the draft) but would have kept him for a bargain price. I loved the big man and will always consider him a Giant but I have a hard time feeling sorry for him here. An aging RB who was past his prime and decided to go for money over function. Good luck with that.

Sounds a lot like Steve Smith. His career is going swimmingly these days...(can't get on the field with the Rams who have barely anyone at the WR position). I hope going to the Eagles was worth it, Steve.


Yes, but Flacco has sucked long before Caldwell got here. I'm being optimistic here, and I can do that until Sunday, when shit gets real.

It will be interesting. What I am hearing is Flacco wants more control over the offense, and Caldwell is going to give it to him. I'm not sure how this works out for Rice. I'm interested to see how everything pans out this week.


Yes, but Flacco has sucked long before Caldwell got here. I'm being optimistic here, and I can do that until Sunday, when shit gets real.

If I had to guess, the Ravens will utilize more of the no-huddle and more Ray Rice. From the outside looking in, it seems as if they lack balance. It's either all run, or all pass. There's no reason why Smith should have left last week's game with 1 catch. And there's no reason why Ray Rice shouldn't be a factor in the 4th quarter of a close game.

It'll be interesting.


If I had to guess, the Ravens will utilize more of the no-huddle and more Ray Rice. From the outside looking in, it seems as if they lack balance. It's either all run, or all pass. There's no reason why Smith should have left last week's game with 1 catch. And there's no reason why Ray Rice shouldn't be a factor in the 4th quarter of a close game.

It'll be interesting.

They've used the no-huddle at home fairly often from what I understand. It's the road games that are the killer.


Does it matter? He is enjoying all the money! I loved the guy and would love to have him here but they overpaid. Even though Winston was not very good in pass protection he was a devastating run blocker. Thats the decision Im really starting to question.

In that same regard you have to remember Newton has been out what..2/3 games now? Should hopefully return this week.

Both of them can be 'questioned', IMO, because they happened in the same offseason. One but not both would have been acceptable at least. Those losses and injuries have torn the oline to shit. Sure, Foster could use a steak but that's the main reason the Texans have struggled offensively.

Apparently the Texans never went to Winston to try and work out the money according to local media. Don't know if that's true (or if it would have been possible) but I kind of feel like Winston would have done a lot to stay. Briesel probably a different matter.
Nice to see Hixon off the injury report.

Usual suspects Bradshaw, Nicks, Phillips are on it. Prince, Sash, and JPP too.

I've already seen a few tweets from the beat writers speculating no Bradshaw Sunday. Torain or Lumpkin touches?


Both of them can be 'questioned', IMO, because they happened in the same offseason. One but not both would have been acceptable at least. Those losses and injuries have torn the oline to shit. Sure, Foster could use a steak but that's the main reason the Texans have struggled offensively.

Apparently the Texans never went to Winston to try and work out the money according to local media. Don't know if that's true (or if it would have been possible) but I kind of feel like Winston would have done a lot to stay. Briesel probably a different matter.

Winston himself said they didnt approach him and that he would have helped out to stay. He was just as surprised like everyone else at his release.

At this point it is what it is. IMO here is what needs to happen now:
1) Decide on the right side! Stop the rotating of players. If it is Newton and Jones then leave them in there to play
2) Kubiak needs to get over whatever the hate he has for Tate. Tate is the perfect compliment to Foster. He runs aggressively with force while Arian glides and is deceptive.
3) Put Casey at TE! You traded for FB Clutts yet I have only seem him on the field for a handful of plays. Casey when given the chance has shown great flashes of what he can become. Big, strong and great hands.
4) Play and throw to your rookie WR receivers more. You drafted Martin and Posey give them a chance. Jean is also in this mix
5) This one is a dream but: Why not utlize Tate and Foster at the same time? Line one up at fullback and give the defense fits trying to figure out what the hell you're doing.

On Defense there is one glaring issue: we have no pass rush outside of Watt. Wade has always been a gambler playing tons of man coverage. For that to work you MUST have a good rush at all times. Barwin and Reed have vanished on the edge after great seasons/playoffs last year. Barwins vanshing is even more surprising than Reed cause he is in a contract year. The secondary is the ame as last year when they had a great pass defense but they had a very productive pass rush.


Both of them can be 'questioned', IMO, because they happened in the same offseason. One but not both would have been acceptable at least. Those losses and injuries have torn the oline to shit. Sure, Foster could use a steak but that's the main reason the Texans have struggled offensively.

Apparently the Texans never went to Winston to try and work out the money according to local media. Don't know if that's true (or if it would have been possible) but I kind of feel like Winston would have done a lot to stay. Briesel probably a different matter.

Man we sure had an Exodus this off season, and we really only wanted one of them gone.

D. Ryan, Briesel, Winston, Mario on crap teams...

Dressen, Jacoby.. doing not so bad.

Not sure how much Lawrence Vickers, Neil Rackers matter.
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