Seahawks rocking the 1:1 aspect ratio.God damn even the Chiefs monitor is awful
Any of you doing new years resolutions/goals?
Sadly not, but Miami sounds pretty nice right about now. I've only been there once actually, but I did see the Dolphins play the Bengals while I was down there. It was the year they went 1-15 so tickets near the 50 were about $25...
Seahawks rocking the 1:1 aspect ratio.
By the way, you still enjoying your WiiU? I just got one yesterday and the minute I played a level of Mario in bed I was in love.
My goal for 2013 is, as it is every single year, to read Gravity's Rainbow. It's never going to happen.Any of you doing new years resolutions/goals?
Gotcha. Mine was supposed to be a Christmas gift... It's pretty cool, honestly a lot better first impression than I expected. The interface is as slow as advertised, though.It's a Christmas gift so I haven't even gotten it yet. I'm not going home til New Years so it'll still be another week. (I had totally forgotten about it though, as has the rest of the world it seems)
Once you get past ZombiU and NSMBU, it's hard to blame folks. The rest of the launch is full of ports of already existing games so not much that's enticing at the moment. Still, no regrets. ZombiU was worth the price of the launch to me and Rayman will be here soon enough.eznark said:. (I had totally forgotten about it though, as has the rest of the world it seems)
My wife said she wanted to buy me two more games since Target was doing buy two get one free but the only ones she could find were Mario and ZombiU... So yeah, not the best launch lineup but I knew what to expect. I'm in it for the long haul.Once you get past ZombiU and NSMBU, it's hard to blame folks. The rest of the launch is full of ports of already existing games so not much that's enticing at the moment. Still, no regrets. ZombiU was worth the price of the launch to me and Rayman will be here soon enough.
Yeah, there is honestly a lot on the horizon that I am looking forward to and the hardware seems rad. Just seems like not a lot of people give a fuck.
I can't wait for that Lego City game!
Nope. It was more a stability update more than anything. Iwata just recently announced they are working on another update to help speed up app load times and general OS functionality though I didn't see a time frame on it. It's sorely needed. It's really the only fundamental complaint I have with the system (along with the battery life issues on the gamepad itself. The thing desperately needs a better battery).eznark said:How is the new update? Did it speed up load times and the like? That's my one huge concern.
I'm a huge survival horror fan and there's such a distinct LACK of those types of games anymore (all of the old franchises have moved towards Call of Duty action rides) that I couldn't say no. If you dig that type of resource management/high tension atmosphere - it will click with you.eznark said:I think I am actually sold on ZombiU. I hate horror games but it sounds like it does enough cool stuff with the hardware that I'll need to check it out.
How is the new update? Did it speed up load times and the like? That's my one huge concern. It sounds like they nailed multitasking even better than on the Vita but that it reacts super slow. That patch was supposed to fix it.
Nope. It was more a stability updater more than anything. Iwata just recently announced they are working on another update to help speed up app load times and general OS functionality though I didn't see a time frame on it. It's sorely needed. It's really the only fundamental complaint I have with the system (along with the battery life issues on the gamepad itself. The thing desperately needs a better battery).
I thought a patch came out this week?
Yeah, I'm already considering picking up an extra charger for the gamepad to keep in the bedroom since I don't want to keep taking the other one out of the dock. I had a hard freeze yesterday as well, I clicked on the Daily Log and it just sat there for about 5 or 10 minutes before I gave up and turned it off. I actually had to unplug the thing to get it to power off...Nope. It was more a stability updater more than anything. Iwata just recently announced they are working on another update to help speed up app load times and general OS functionality though I didn't see a time frame on it. It's sorely needed. It's really the only fundamental complaint I have with the system (along with the battery life issues on the gamepad itself. The thing desperately needs a better battery).
It really kills my buzz with the Miiverse to be frank. I LOVE the Miiverse setup and the interactivity there but when it takes damn near 30 second to load it up in the middle of a game to post something - it just isn't worth the time. If they can shave that down to something more reasonable they really are onto something with it.The_Darkest_Red said:But yes, other than that stuff my only complaint so far is the slow OS. It's really kind of a downer when you're used to a fast phone and computer.
Indeed. Everyone complains about how slow and sluggish PSN and XBL are nowadays but they are greased lightning compared to some of the stuff I've seen with the Wii U. I really like the OS itself it's just too slow.It really kills my buzz with the Miiverse to be frank. I LOVE the Miiverse setup and the interactivity there but when it takes damn near 30 second to load it up in the middle of a game to post something - it just isn't worth the time. If they can shave that down to something more reasonable they really are onto something with it.
Same goes for the friends list. It should not take damn near 30 seconds of loading to view which of your friends is online.![]()
Mike Florio was on the local radio today. He said Sean Payton is the Eagles top choice at coach next year but he thinks the Saints are going to fuck him over by making him wait until the day his contract actually expires to be a free agent. Florio said he thinks that would be in March, and by then all the teams will have hired new coaches already. He thinks the Eagles are going to wind up with Chip Kelley, which seems to be the overwhelming consensus. He also thinks the Browns will hire McD.
It's weird b/c Jason Cole had Saban to Browns as a real rumor. I have no doubt the Saints would make Payton wait, but then I have no doubt that Jerry will wait. Saints will file a tampering charge and some deal will be worked out where NO gets some lost picks back from Dallas
For what it's worth Trent Richardson was asked about the Saban and rumours and doesn't believe any of it.
Our future is Josh McDaniels. And on that day Dutch will spit on me and hate me forever.![]()
It's weird b/c Jason Cole had Saban to Browns as a real rumor. I have no doubt the Saints would make Payton wait, but then I have no doubt that Jerry will wait. Saints will file a tampering charge and some deal will be worked out where NO gets some lost picks back from Dallas
Both of those options just seem so horrible to me.For what it's worth Trent Richardson was asked about the Saban and rumours and doesn't believe any of it.
Our future is Josh McDaniels. And on that day Dutch will spit on me and hate me forever.![]()
Everyone in Denver hates him. Everyone in STL hates him. The only place he has succeed is with Brady and Belichick. How is he a candidate?
For what it's worth Trent Richardson was asked about the Saban and rumours and doesn't believe any of it.
Our future is Josh McDaniels. And on that day Dutch will spit on me and hate me forever.![]()
Short response:
It sucks missing out on launches.
I have now missed out on the Vita, 3DS and WiiU launch.
Speaking of the WiiU, how much do you guys use the feature where you can play games on the controller and watching something else on the tv? I can see that being my favorite part of the console.
I guess Jerry could just keep Garret round and then dump him if Payton does become available. The NFL draft is on april 25th this year so he would have like a month to prepare, I have no idea how long a coach would need to get ready for something like that. I wish I could remember who it was yesterday on cbsradio that said Saban was 100% staying in Alabama but I agree that he will stay. To much risk in going to the pros. If he leaves the top job in college and then fails in the pros again he would get stuck with a lesser college job.
I still can't believe all it takes is for McDaniels to come back to NE for a year, and all is forgiven. How he gets another shot at a HC gig is amazing. He seems like one of those good coordinators bad head coach.
I still can't believe all it takes is for McDaniels to come back to NE for a year, and all is forgiven. How he gets another shot at a HC gig is amazing. He seems like one of those good coordinators bad head coach.
I still can't believe all it takes is for McDaniels to come back to NE for a year, and all is forgiven. How he gets another shot at a HC gig is amazing. He seems like one of those good coordinators bad head coach.
I still can't believe all it takes is for McDaniels to come back to NE for a year, and all is forgiven. How he gets another shot at a HC gig is amazing. He seems like one of those good coordinators bad head coach.
Dude, the Vita is a must buy, especially for a guy like you who I am sure spends time with portables.
Also, hat tip. Now that my son is a couple months old and ole enough to cause a ruckus, I can see why two kids is exponentially harder than one. I actually have to do stuff now! Bullshit.
Are we sure he's a good coordinator? Did New England's offense fall apart w/o him?
You keep saying shit like this and your team of nannies are going to unionize.
I've only owned it for a day so obviously I've still got plenty to see but the feature of playing on the gamepad is what I like the most about it so far. I was sitting upstairs in bed with the Wii U downstairs turned off and I turned on the gamepad right there to play some Mario right after going onto the store to download a demo in the background. It's the full console experience which just seems incredibly cool to me since I'm a big fan of handhelds anyway and I play them around the house a lot.Speaking of the WiiU, how much do you guys use the feature where you can play games on the controller and watching something else on the tv? I can see that being my favorite part of the console.
Not bad I suppose but I'd like to see that TD number come down.Rank, player, team TA REC TD
1. Sean Smith, Miami 106 58 6
Often but mainly for my 6 year old. She loves NSMBU so she will play that on the gamepad while I'm watching something on TV. I don't use it much personally.bionic77 said:Speaking of the WiiU, how much do you guys use the feature where you can play games on the controller and watching something else on the tv?
If they did that wouldn't they also be waiting to hire their next coach until after all the top candidates have been swooped up?
Or are the going to have two coaches on the payroll for a bit. Fucking cajun shitbags. :jnc
Cortland Finnegan is abysmal
Guy is 36 years old. You really thought he'd never have another shot? And he was talked about last year too while he was OC in St. Louis.
Are we sure he's a good coordinator? Did New England's offense fall apart w/o him?
Yea I'm not sure he is a great OC yet. Pats are great on offense this year. Better than last season at least, but I think that has more to do with Brady/Belichick than McDaniels right now.