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NFL Week 16 |OT| The Comeback is Bigger than the Win


niners #1 scoring D in the league, #2 in yards
steelers #8 scoring D in league, #1 in yards

wussles career vs. 49ers: 9/23, 122 yards, 1 int, 17 2nd half passing yards

i don't know what andy daltons stats are vs. the steelers but they have to be better than that trash
I am just looking at "overall defense" in NFL Team Stats section.

I do not believe that Steelers Def are better than Seahawks or 49ers at all.


niners have used the pistol a lot with kap. i'm not sure how it's a "gimmick". its more than the wildcat with a RB because there is a very real possibility of a talented QB throwing the ball. so then at that point its not horrible different from teams like the packers or pats playing from the gun and running PA passes or draws. its not exactly the same but i swear the way some people describe it these QB's are actual QB's and are using some bullshit trickery to get their yards. its no different than any other offensive system in that you are trying to take advantage of your matchups where you can. the read option/pistol won't be "figured out" because there is nothing to figure out. discipline and a good play will stop it, just like most other formations/offensive strategies

Plenty of opposing teams fans who don't know much about football have been calling our offense a gimmick. If questioned they wouldn't know what the hell was gimmicky about it or how it even worked, they hate it because it came from college and probably relate it too the wildcat which is horrible or just parroting others opinions. All they say is just wait, all the while more offenses are incorporating the read option and having success.


Sherman's still having nightmares about Steve Johnson, should have had over a buck on that dude, toasted repeatedly.
Back up QBs are loving this trend!

Having a good QB and a proper offense is obviously the way to go. But I've been thinking about this: if you don't have a plan at QB, why not run more read option and treat your crappy QB as the disposable player he is? I kinda thought this was the Jets' plan, but it turns out they're just clueless.

Now, I'm not sure why the Redskins are executing the plan with the #2 pick as the cannon fodder, but that's a separate issue.


Fear of a GAF Planet

Having a good QB and a proper offense is obviously the way to go. But I've been thinking about this: if you don't have a plan at QB, why not run more read option and treat your crappy QB as the disposable player he is?

Now, I'm not sure why the Redskins are executing this plan with the #2 pick, but that's a separate issue.

One team should trade for all of the young mobile qb's. Tim Tebow, Terrelle Pryor and Dennis Dixon together. Unstoppable.

I do believe that if you're running your qb, you should back him up with someone with the same skill set. That way, you don't have to completely change the offense when the starter goes down.
One team should trade for all of the young mobile qb's. Tim Tebow, Terrelle Pryor and Dennis Dixon together. Unstoppable.

I do believe that if you're running your qb, you should back him up with someone with the same skill set. That way, you don't have to completely change the offense when the starter goes down.
Yeah. To build on it, I'd go with the following depth chart:

1) running QB (cannon fodder #1)
2) running QB (cannon fodder #2)
3) young QB with legit potential (replace every two years if he doesn't show something)

If the young guy starts to develop, you can run a real offense again. Otherwise, Tebow-ball. It's a formula for both short term and long term success!



Having a good QB and a proper offense is obviously the way to go. But I've been thinking about this: if you don't have a plan at QB, why not run more read option and treat your crappy QB as the disposable player he is? I kinda thought this was the Jets' plan, but it turns out they're just clueless.

Now, I'm not sure why the Redskins are executing the plan with the #2 pick as the cannon fodder, but that's a separate issue.

We didn't really use Kirk in the read option, Shanny went back to the ZBS WC offense. Kirk isn't much of threat to run so it wouldn't serve any purpose but hurt him.



Having a good QB and a proper offense is obviously the way to go. But I've been thinking about this: if you don't have a plan at QB, why not run more read option and treat your crappy QB as the disposable player he is? I kinda thought this was the Jets' plan, but it turns out they're just clueless.

Now, I'm not sure why the Redskins are executing the plan with the #2 pick as the cannon fodder, but that's a separate issue.

A few of us said this last year with the Tebow craze, it got started at the college level for this very reason. Teams with inferior talent needed some kind of competitive advantage. Basically put their good athletes in space and put an athlete at QB to try and gain a numbers advantage because they couldn't win one on one

You only want a one on one in football when you have the superior athlete(s).

Teams haven't utilized complex option plays either, it's simple stuff, but teams are poorly coach and players lack discipline. No one is running a read with an unblocked DT, because your QB will likely be killed when he doesn't read the play fast enough.
We didn't really use Kirk in the read option, Shanny went back to the ZBS WC offense. Kirk isn't much of threat to run so it wouldn't serve any purpose but hurt him.
Right, I was referencing RGIII as the guy they're trying to get killed.

A few of us said this last year with the Tebow craze, it got started at the college level for this very reason. Teams with inferior talent needed some kind of competitive advantage. Basically put their good athletes in space and put an athlete at QB to try and gain a numbers advantage because they couldn't win one on one

You only want a one on one in football when you have the superior athlete(s).

Teams haven't utilized complex option plays either, it's simple stuff, but teams are poorly coach and players lack discipline. No one is running a read with an unblocked DT, because your QB will likely be killed when he doesn't read the play fast enough.
I'm with you. Though the college game also has some extra factors -- all the roster turnover, and the huge talent disparity between the haves and have nots... the underlying principle ("my QB sucks, what do I do???") seems to be the same.


A few of us said this last year with the Tebow craze, it got started at the college level for this very reason. Teams with inferior talent needed some kind of competitive advantage. Basically put their good athletes in space and put an athlete at QB to try and gain a numbers advantage because they couldn't win one on one

You only want a one on one in football when you have the superior athlete(s).

Exactly why it works with RG3 and wouldn't work with Kirk or others. You build to your teams strength which Kyle has done a marvelous job with. This offense wouldn't work with an a one dimensional player like Tebow, or an immobile QB. Rg3 just happens to be a dual threat, like Kap and Wilson.


Honestly feel like the pro guys aren't ready to implement a lot of this stuff because they can't coach it as well as the college guys. With new blood you'll get better stuff incorporated into the pro game. Or it might die when one of these franchise QBs snaps their leg and ends his career on a designed run.


Sherman's still having nightmares about Steve Johnson, should have had over a buck on that dude, toasted repeatedly.

Sherman said after the game that Stevie can run any route he chooses and that's why he's impossible to cover. It was either PFF or FO that did some writeup and agreed with that


Honestly feel like the pro guys aren't ready to implement a lot of this stuff because they can't coach it as well as the college guys. With new blood you'll get better stuff incorporated into the pro game. Or it might die when one of these franchise QBs snaps their leg on a play like this.

It'll be a part of the NFL, it is a copy cat league and a few teams are already having success running it. We got "packaged" plays which a teams like the Packers now use and it works similar to the read option from my understanding, it just doesn't put the QB in as much danger.


It'll be a part of the NFL, it is a copy cat league and a few teams are already having success running it. We got "packaged" plays which a teams like the Packers now use and it works similar to the read option from my understanding, it just doesn't put the QB in as much danger.

I'm noticing lots of PA from the shotgun where the back crosses in front of the QB, the QB pulls the ball out and quickly throws to a TE up the seam. Not that the QB can run, but it presents an option of handoff or throw, even if the decision was made pre-snap

edit: Heads up on the newest pink hats thing, Seahawks fans are calling themselves "12s". I think there was some annoying thing for the baseball Giants but don't follow that sport much


Sherman said after the game that Stevie can run any route he chooses and that's why he's impossible to cover. It was either PFF or FO that did some writeup and agreed with that

It's a leverage game. If he's playing inside, go outside, if outside go inside then Steve puts on an extra move that most receivers don't do and the DB is playing catchup the entire game. Sherman couldn't jam him though, and Steve got him on a double move as well. Had him twisted, that PoCo route he ran looked like some Madden exploit.

Some mongoloid, Pats fan, was in here last week laughing about a team sending 4 guys vertical. If you have smart receivers, and a QB who is in tune and can deliver the ball into proper locations there's no harder play to defend in football than 4 verticals. You take the leverage given and place the ball in the proper location, easy to say, harder to execute but we've seen the Saints and Leach Texas Tech destroy teams running 4 verts over and over and over.

It'll be a part of the NFL, it is a copy cat league and a few teams are already having success running it. We got "packaged" plays which a teams like the Packers now use and it works similar to the read option from my understanding, it just doesn't put the QB in as much danger.

Package plays are a better way to play series football, to keep a D guessing. If you're going to run, why not incorporate pass routes/options so the DB/D can't get a beat on run/pass. If everything looks the same, it's harder to stop. How many times have we seen a WR not really do anything when it's a called run play? Safety can read it and fill if the WR isn't even trying to run a route.

Edit: Remember Romo and his slant/draw move that he ran into the ground? Guess you can call that a packaged play in a way. Get that LB to hesitate just enough to get what you want.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
He only gets hurt when he runs. Fucker needs to slide!

I've seen so many 3rd down runs from him where he had to get the first though :( Wish that wasn't the case so often so he could slide more. Without question on first and second down the dude needs to slide though.

Edit: I'm pretty sure LJ11 is actually John Madden or he got his PhD in football.


I've seen so many 3rd down runs from him where he had to get the first though :( Wish that wasn't the case so often so he could slide more. Without question on first and second down the dude needs to slide though.

Edit: I'm pretty sure LJ11 is actually John Madden or he got his PhD in football.

I'm a novice , honestly, there's so much out there you don't even know where to begin. Hopefully writers who cover the game do a better job at educating the general public going forward. I just love watching football, and probably watch more than the average fan. My attention span has been quite bad this year however, I used to watch any football, good or bad, now I just change the channel.

Watched a movie recently with a coach of a HS team, he was watching film with his kids. They were between 9-12 years of old, these kids were breaking down the plays and the father was just trying to keep them quiet. They knew a lot, sounded like it anyway. Take their football more seriously in the south.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I'm a novice , honestly, there's so much out there you don't even know where to begin. Hopefully writers who cover the game do a better job at educating the general public going forward. I just love watching football, and probably watch more than the average fan. My attention span has been quite bad this year however, I used to watch any football, good or bad, now I just change the channel.

Watched a movie recently with a coach of a HS team, he was watching film with his kids. They were between 9-12 years of old, these kids were breaking down the plays and the father was just trying to keep them quiet. They knew a lot, sounded like it anyway. Take their football more seriously in the south.

I must have had horrible coaches because they rarely explained a lot of the "bigger picture" to all of us. Spent 99% of our time with the position coaches and that's all we really learned. I was a defensive lineman so the only variety I was exposed to was where to line up. Occasionally they'd put me on the o-line as a tackle but again, not a lot of variety there either.

And I played ball in the south!

I'm so bored I'm watching Coming to America. Vacation sucks.

Great movie!

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Should watch Trading Places while you're at it.
Another good one, not as great as coming to America but still good!

Apparently they're making another Beverly Hills cop also. Also can't feel bad for the guy when he's sitting on a pile of Shrek money!


Loved the cameo of the two rich guys in CtA.

Lol yeah
"We're back Mortimer!"

Another good one, not as great as coming to America but still good!

Apparently they're making another Beverly Hills cop also. Also can't feel bad for the guy when he's sitting on a pile of Shrek money!

Wait, there is another Beverly Hills Cop movie coming out? Shit.
I loved those movies. Murphy at his most entertaining. I have a feeling they are gonna totally fuck it up.

Nori Chan

Actually I'm rooting for the falcons.

That way the let down when the falcons only score 3 points in the playoffs will be even sweeter.
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