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NFL Week 9 |OT| Gronkenstorm


Wreck It Ralph was a really fun movie.
Also recorded the Dallas/Atlanta game expecting comedy but it went rather normally. Disappointing.


I have failed I'm not getting it at midnight :/ who is Tom chicken? Is that bobs alter ego?

Old school video game reviewer that has controversal opinions, and is expert on 4x/strategy Genre. Elemental (which he gave a some what passing review) goddamit, I wanted you to be so good, Galactic Civ was such a great game, biggest dissapointment of the last 5 years gaming wise for me.


Man if the Colts had a D they could really scare someone in the playoffs. I havent heard Luck mentioned for MVP but he has to be in the running if they make the playoffs right? That team was terrible last year, and dumped a bunch of guys in the off season.

He has gotten very lucky the past couple of weeks with dropped INTs. Tennessee dropped a sure TAINT and MIA missed an easy INT. both plays would have radically changed the game

Their improvement this year is almost entirely on dumping Caldwell and upgrading QB. But by the end of the year he's going to be just on the outside of the elite tier of QBs. Right now, he still makes lots of rookie mistakes, but probably my favorite part of his game outside the pocket presence is that it never bothers him. He just gets slanging.

It's the singular benefit of having Arians. Bad coaches, usually from defensive backgrounds, screw up their young QBs by making them afraid of throwing INTs. So they scramble and checkdown instead of throwing downfield. But if you want big plays in the passing game you have to live with INTs as the QB develops


Old school video game reviewer that has controverisal opnions, and is expert on 4x/strategy Genre. Elemental (which he gave a some what passing review) goddamit, I wanted you to be so good, Galactic Civ was such a great game, biggest dissapointment of the last 5 years gaming wise for me.

Fallen Enchantress is amazing dude.

Chick gave Halo 4 a 1/5. It's made the Halo 4 Review thread awesome!
He has gotten very lucky the past couple of weeks with dropped INTs. Tennessee dropped a sure TAINT and MIA missed an easy INT. both plays would have radically changed the game
Dansby also dropped what would have likely been a pick-six but I try not to focus on that stuff too much since it seems to happen at least a few times every game. Sean Smith has got to be beating himself up over all of the missed opportunities he had yesterday, though. He looked completely dejected on the sidelines at times (as he should be, quite frankly).

I think you're right about Luck overall, though. He is a top 10 QB in this league already in my opinion and he's probably in the top 5 when it comes to pocket awareness and mobility. Combine that with his accuracy and you can see why the league was so excited about him.

Fallen Enchantress is amazing dude.

Chick gave Halo 4 a 1/5. It's made the Halo 4 Review thread awesome!
I just stopped by there after not checking in for a few days and it's utter madness, haha. The EGM stuff is the best.


No less ridiculous than Michael Wilbon saying RG3 is the best player in the NFL.

Yeah it was so stupid on Wilbon's part. If you actually like an athlete or team, you never say something that will draw out criticism

"x is the best y" = please troll x


Granted, Dolphins secondary, but Luck did not look like a rookie yesterday. Six third down conversions of 10+ yards plus completion after completion while either under pressure or on the run is something most veteran QBs wish they could pull off.

I'm not saying the Colts will go to the SB this year but I don't see Luck being the piece of the puzzle that prevents them from having a shot.
He is a really good player, but he will go against a defense in the playoffs that will confuse him. It happens to every young player.

It takes 2-3 years where you get to that point where you are not taken out of game by a DC who gets 1-2 weeks to prepare for you.

Andrew Luck is the best player in the NFL. Come at me bros
That is absurd but I will say he reminds me of Big Ben 2.0, less mobile but even bigger.
I was furious at work yesterday. The Phins game was on TV, and I was cursing and yelling in front of customers, lol.

Some shady ass officiating going on in that game. Plus, Sean Smith sucking major ass.

Oh, and that Bush TD was AMAZING. Dude straight up buckled about 6 defenders.
I was furious at work yesterday. The Phins game was on TV, and I was cursing and yelling in front of customers, lol.

Some shady ass officiating going on in that game. Plus, Sean Smith sucking major ass.

Oh, and that Bush TD was AMAZING. Dude straight up buckled about 6 defenders.
Every time I find myself wanting to rant about how terrible that holding call was on the last punt return in the game (and it was an absolutely awful call) I remember how many passing yards Luck had. If they don't put themselves in that position at the end of the game then the refs wouldn't have to be a factor.

I really hope Sean Smith rebounds, though. He seems like the kind of guy who could just fall apart after a game as awful as that one.
He has gotten very lucky the past couple of weeks with dropped INTs. Tennessee dropped a sure TAINT and MIA missed an easy INT. both plays would have radically changed the game

Their improvement this year is almost entirely on dumping Caldwell and upgrading QB. But by the end of the year he's going to be just on the outside of the elite tier of QBs. Right now, he still makes lots of rookie mistakes, but probably my favorite part of his game outside the pocket presence is that it never bothers him. He just gets slanging.

It's the singular benefit of having Arians. Bad coaches, usually from defensive backgrounds, screw up their young QBs by making them afraid of throwing INTs. So they scramble and checkdown instead of throwing downfield. But if you want big plays in the passing game you have to live with INTs as the QB develops

I really hope Reid lets Vick air it out tonight. They have him so afraid to throw a pick he wont let go of the ball unless his target is wide open. He hasnt throw a pass into coverage since the Lions games. Some times you gotta trust your WR to go up and get a ball in coverage. If the Eagles were ever going to get back on track tonight is the night.
Random question but I was watching a game at a bar yesterday (Either the giants game or the tampa bay game). There was a particular car commercial I saw...it looked like a luxury car but I wasnt really focused on that. I was focused on the guy's hair. Do any of you know which brand of car that was?


I really hope Reid lets Vick air it out tonight. They have him so afraid to throw a pick he wont let go of the ball unless his target is wide open. He hasnt throw a pass into coverage since the Lions games. Some times you gotta trust your WR to go up and get a ball in coverage. If the Eagles were ever going to get back on track tonight is the night.
Maybe I am oversimplying things but if I was Reid I would simplify the playbook to pretty much runs and play actions and bootlegs. That is what fits Vick best, that is what fits the current players they have, and it will work against the Saints who have the worst defense in NFL history (it will work because everything works against them).

If Vick's confidence is lacking then this is the perfect game to correct that.


Not at all worried about Vick and the offense (he's been getting way too much undue attention this week), they'll be their regular inconsistent selves as usual this season. Gonna have some decent drives, and a lot of terrible ones. Often times the Eagles O does more to beat themselves (turnovers in key situations/red zone, spotty execution, stupid penalties, missing plays that are on the field) than anything the opposing defense does.

It's the defense that has to show up, and hopefully force some turnovers, if we want to win tonight.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Random question but I was watching a game at a bar yesterday (Either the giants game or the tampa bay game). There was a particular car commercial I saw...it looked like a luxury car but I wasnt really focused on that. I was focused on the guy's hair. Do any of you know which brand of car that was?

This one?
This makes me a sad panda.

He had time against the Steelers, he was just inaccurate. The only plays he made against our D were to throw it deep and hope for a PI (and he got two one of which was legit, the other was bullshit).

He is in a funk because he was on fire earlier in the year.

I don't know who calls the plays, but almost every time your team went with the short slants or dinks the receivers were athletic enough to turn it into a bigger gain. That is what the Steelers did all game against your pass rush (which we could not handle) when we were not running the ball. I thought the Giants did not run it enough against us either. But I don't know how much of that is Eli glory hunting for the big play or bad playcalling.

Two games in a row now where accurate quarterbacks turned inaccurate.
Not at all worried about Vick and the offense (he's been getting way too much undue attention this week), they'll be their regular inconsistent selves as usual this season. Gonna have some decent drives, and a lot of terrible ones. Often times the Eagles O does more to beat themselves (turnovers in key situations/red zone, spotty execution, stupid penalties, missing plays that are on the field) than anything the opposing defense does.

It's the defense that has to show up, and hopefully force some turnovers, if we want to win tonight.

The defense is going to get absolutely torched tonight. The Saints are a terrible matchup for them. A QB that has a quick release, a big athletic TE, and WRs that can stretch the field. I think the Saints will get 30 for sure, just hope Vick and the offense can find away to keep pace. This is the worst D the Eagles will play this year for sure. The Saints cant cover and get no pressure. Eagles need to take advantage of the fact that Vick might actually have time to make multiple reads this week.



Not to be outdone, Buccaneers running back Doug Martin rushed for 251 yards and four touchdowns in Oakland, setting the Bucs' franchise record. He's the first player in NFL history with rushing touchdowns of at least 70, 65 and 45 yards in a single game. His total of 486 yards from scrimmage in a two-game stretch is the 5th most in any two-game stretch since 1960. The only guys with more yards in a two-game stretch: Walter Payton (twice), Jim Brown and O.J. Simpson. That list says it all.

Doug Martin is the next OJ!


I really hope Reid lets Vick air it out tonight. They have him so afraid to throw a pick he wont let go of the ball unless his target is wide open. He hasnt throw a pass into coverage since the Lions games. Some times you gotta trust your WR to go up and get a ball in coverage. If the Eagles were ever going to get back on track tonight is the night.

Yeah its going to be a total shootout.
Your offense will easily find its rhythm tonight.
Yeah its going to be a total shootout.
Your offense will easily find its rhythm tonight.

I hope so. It wouldnt surprise me to much if Vick does struggle at first and the Eagles get down by a few scores to see Foles come in. Reid seems really desperate to try and save his job and desperate coaches make bad decisions.


Let's get this crappy Monday Night game over with so we can move the talking point to how the Bears are going to pound the Texans Sunday Night!


I hope so. It wouldnt surprise me to much if Vick does struggle at first and the Eagles get down by a few scores to see Foles come in. Reid seems really desperate to try and save his job and desperate coaches make bad decisions.
Yeah, we'll see, I really doubt we'd be able to keep up in a shoot-out, even against that Saints D. We've scored a high of 24 points this year. It's pretty pathetic.

And the D is only going downhill, giving up 26 to the Lions and 30 to the Falcons. Considering we're facing the Saints O in the dome? It's not gonna look pretty.
I didn't know Peter King was such a Niners fan...

Let's not forget the game Alex Smith played in Arizona
It's always easy to dump on Alex Smith. Is there a young quarterback in NFL history who, in the first 16 games he played as a pro, lost by 39, 35, 38, 41 and 31 points; a quarterback who'd been given up for dead time after time in his star-crossed career; a player who -- after leading his team to the conference title game -- watched his team flirt with another quarterback to take his place, and, in response, took a forlorn free agent trip to the last place he ever wanted to be?
Smith didn't play Sunday; the 49ers had their bye this weekend. But I didn't want the week to get away from us without extolling his virtues after his performance last Monday. His numbers were alarmingly good: 18 of 19 for 232 yards, with three touchdowns and no interceptions -- and the one incompletion was a clear drop by Delanie Walker.
There was something else notable about his game: Not one of his 19 throws (20, actually, if you count one that was negated by penalty) was off-target. His accuracy, in a word, was stunning. I watched the game again on NFL Game Rewind, focusing on each of the 20 throws, and watching each one several times, running it back and forth. Though he threw short much of the night, he did have completions that traveled 10, 11, 15, 20 and 22 yards past the line of scrimmage. Here's how I graded the 20 throws:

A (perfectly accurate, hitting his receiver in stride): 15 throws
B (accurate, but receiver reached slightly away from body): 3
C (passable, catchable throw; if missed, would have been a drop): 2
D (poor throw that would have been a great catch): 0
F (significantly off target): 0

Smith's two Cs came on his eighth and ninth passes of the game, early in the second quarter. The first was a sliding-on-his-knees catch by wideout Kyle Williams on a low throw that led him well. The second: a crossing route dropped by Walker -- slightly behind him, but Walker erred because he tried to run with it before concentrating on securing it. The final 11 passes (10 As and a B) were all thrown the way quarterbacks are taught: leading the receiver, throwing so the receiver can make significant yards after the catch.
"It's good you noticed that,'' Smith told me. "Putting the ball in the right spot, in the right time, when he's expecting it, is a crucial part of the passing game, I think. So many guys talk about yards after the catch, and I've always believed the quarterback has a huge responsibility there -- it's not just the receiver. A quarterback has to put it on the receiver and give his guys the opportunity to make plays downfield. Joe Montana was great at that. I have a lot of respect for Tom Brady with that now. Watch how he gets the ball to [Wes] Welker in stride, so he can run after the catch.''
It stands to reason, then, that Smith would have a good yards per attempt average. Just how good, I didn't know until I looked. I interrupt this note to bring you ...

Stat of the Week
Comparing the quarterbacks
Player Yds/Att. Comp
P. Manning, Denver 8.23 69.5
Freeman, Tampa Bay 8.09 55.7
Newton, Carolina 8.09 57.0
Ryan, Atlanta 7.96 68.9
Smith, San Francisco 7.94 69.4
Schaub, Houston 7.70 63.9
E. Manning, NY Giants 7.63 61.0
Griffin, Washington 7.61 65.6
Brady, New England 7.53 65.3
Romo, Dallas 7.53 66.4
Dalton, Cincinnati 7.47 63.9
Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh 7.39 67.1
Brees, New Orleans 7.33 59.7
Rodgers, Green Bay 7.29 67.0
Flacco, Baltimore 7.21 59.8

Rating the best quarterbacks in football in yards per attempt and accuracy through nine weeks (not including Eagles-Saints tonight) shows Smith, at the NFL's midpoint, is second in completion percentage and fifth in yards per attempt, two key indicators for quarterback play. Guess who's first in each category? Peyton Manning.

Two other points to make from watching the 49ers passing game:
Randy Moss is a significant presence in the offense, despite have 13 catches in eight games. Perfect example: Late in the first half, Moss took two defenders deep on a corner route -- a coverage error by the Cards -- and left Mario Manningham alone to catch an easy seven-yard out route in stride. Smith threw a nine-yard TD pass to Michael Crabtree on the next snap.

I counted three times in the game that Moss almost magnetically took coverage away from sideline throws and gave 49ers receivers big openings. "You definitely have a point there,'' Smith said. "On that play to Mario, I'm reading from the top down there -- Randy on the corner route, where he draws coverage, and then down to Mario, who's open. Since the beginning of the season, we've seen DBs [defensive backs] give Randy respect, and he gets safety help. The last few weeks, he and Vernon Davis, as well, have forced teams to concentrate on taking the big play away. So the money to be made in our offense is underneath."

Hard to pass judgment on this just from watching every play in the passing game one week, but I didn't see receivers show any sign of ego or anger for not getting the ball when open. You know how you see, on iso-camera replays, receivers sometimes waving for the ball, or jumping up and down when they don't get it, or showing some emotion when they think the ball should have come to them? None of that here. Again, don't draw any conclusions based on one rout of the Cardinals.
"I'm telling you, we have a lot of selfless guys, and a great example is Randy,'' said Smith. "Everyone knows he's a first-ballot Hall of Famer, but he has a role here. He blocks in the run game. He does what he's told to do. He's set the tone for our receivers.''
I asked Smith how often Moss has come back to the huddle saying he had an edge on a corner, or how often in an offensive meeting he talked about how some route would be perfect for him against a certain coverage. "Not a single time,'' said Smith. "Never once. Never says, 'I saw this out there -- get it to me.' Nothing like that. The honest truth is he's taken so much pride in things that no one would notice, like the run game, that the other guys have no choice but to follow his lead."

There's a lot to like about the Niners. They've allowed six points or fewer in four of their last five games. The offense knows what it is -- a move-the-chains deal with a smart quarterback who, most importantly, knows who he is. Smith had a crummy game against the Giants and contributed to San Francisco's downfall in a major way that afternoon. But I really like what I've seen out of him this year, mostly.He's as accurate an intermediate passer as I've seen this season. I think he's going to be asset, not a question mark, as the 49ers make a Super Bowl push.


All this talk about how bad the Saint's defense is makes me believe Eagles only score 10 points. Eagles defense will take it as a personal shot that they aren't considered the worst defense and give up 40 at least.

Foles come in by 4rth quarter.


I don't normally avatar, but I will make an exception for the Niners game. I can make an exception too for the Texans, but being an AFC opponent there isn't as much vitriol towards them. Especially since they are my second team if/when the Bears tank this season away. I can do a one week bet Smokey!

I was rooting for the Bears until I remembered you were a fan of them. Go Texans!!

Hmmm, good point. Maybe there needs to be a return. Soon.


I don't normally avatar but, but I will make an exception for the Niners game. I can make an exception too for the Texans, but being an AFC opponent there isn't as much vitriol towards them. Especially since they are my second team if/when the Bears tank this season away. I can do a one week bet Smokey!

I don't normally avatar but, but I will make an exception for the Niners game. I can make an exception too for the Texans, but being an AFC opponent there isn't as much vitriol towards them. Especially since they are my second team if/when the Bears tank this season away. I can do a one week bet Smokey!

Hmmm, good point. Maybe there needs to be a return. Soon.

Ill be your huckleberry


I hope so. It wouldnt surprise me to much if Vick does struggle at first and the Eagles get down by a few scores to see Foles come in. Reid seems really desperate to try and save his job and desperate coaches make bad decisions.

Doubt he will struggle, but dont you kind of want the Eagles to lose and get Andy fired?
I dont remember if you like him or not. It seems most Philly fans dont like him.
Bah...stupid Sandy causing shipping delays (first world problems, I know) so no Halo 4 from Amazon until Thursday. Oh well, more time with Okami HD.
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