Time for either Indy to put this away or for Flacco to win his way into a lifetime starting QB job for Baltimore.

Time for either Indy to put this away or for Flacco to win his way into a lifetime starting QB job for Baltimore.
Lordy lordy lord. Somehow stumbled on Kim K's playboy photos....OKay! Back to football.google image search "kat dennings titties"
I love the spygate bullshit. Shows how clueless some people are. When the Pats were filming and winning SBs, all teams were allowed to do it, and admittedly were doing it. The Pats did it better. Much like they played football better than everyone else. The salt is delicious. Dont discourage it.
yea. i put chedder in the middle as well. I spread the meat out and put all my spices, jalapeños, and cheese inside the patties. Then i put spices on both sides and when they are done put chedder on top.
Also use your damn hands, if your using a pre sized patty maker you're doing it wrong.
No one under throws better than Flacco!
total fuckball. how do they let that get caught?
Bullshit. A good patty maker can make a ton of difference. I got a good all metal one from Bed Bath and Beyond that lets you change the weight of the burger and makes godlike patties.
You framed it as his argument was invalid due to not posting. Like he just turned on his TV, and decided to post in the NFL Gaf for the first time. That's all I had issue with.