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NHL 11 EASHL Team (360)


TheVisualizer said:
get ur damn facts right buddy, noz didnt do anything but pass you the puck, i went up to the corner to support him, poked the puck free twice from 1 guy, and then poked it towards the corner where noz happened to be and u guys finished perfectly. My intention here is not to take credit for anything, just to set the record straight.

BTW there isnt any use in practicing as you guys dont say a word during the games. The 2 months where we played great and finished in the Elite Division were primarily because we had most of the team actively communicating and I showed you how to level the playing field by choosing our opponents more wisely (dont play people who advertise QC and dont play outnumbered). If we get back to talking again we will elevate our play past being mediocre.
Noz had to beat one guy to the puck and make a pass around another guy to get the puck to me.

Also, if you're going to bitch at me not to set screens because that's "your job", don't start drifting out to the wings. It doesn't help when we're bunched up on the boards. I started playing down low because nobody else was doing it for awhile.

I would have had my mic on the last couple nights but I've had a sore throat and really couldn't talk that well. My voice still isn't 100% but I'll have my mic on from now on.

Nozdeuce said:
Me and Marvie haven't played well together since we started playing a more structured offense. We don't even seem to be playing with that structure anymore, just regimented enough so everyone without the puck waits around for a cross crease pass that never makes it to them. For better or worse it seems like I'm the only one making risky passes. Marvie used to say frequently how whatever pass to him I made had no right getting to him, now as we all race to setup on the opposite post he's saying it a lot less often.
Some of your miracle passes would somehow slip through 3 or 4 guys, by all logic, had no right getting to me. :lol

We have gotten pretty predictable on offense though. Our WHATTHEFUCKINSHITISGOINGONOUTHERE offense was working well.

I'm gonna play around with my build a little when I get home. I have a couple things I want to try.
Marvie_3 said:
Also, if you're going to bitch at me not to set screens because that's "your job", don't start drifting out to the wings. It doesn't help when we're bunched up on the boards. I started playing down low because nobody else was doing it for awhile.

You can do whatever the hell you want and you probably will. I was "bitching" because everytime I won offensive draws the winger on the board side would go to set a screen and left the d-men hanging with no options. I looked up early in the game and both you and noz were standing right next to me and we were all bunched up in the middle. I said something and that was that. Then it happened again twice so I said something again. I'm not trying to install an offensive system or anything, just be smart that's all.

As far as drifting out to the wings, I try to bounce back and forth between either right in front of the goalie or back behind the boards to give the wingers options. If a winger seems to be in trouble up in the corner I try to go over there and support to keep the puck in the zone. Last night I "drifted" more than usual because I was tired of you forcing passes into the middle that were intercepted every single time. I can't just park there all game long as a screen does no good from a sharp angle.

The main problem with our offense is we don't use the entire ice. I don't know if "predictable" describes, but it's really easy to defend. I may be wrong but it seems like unless I'm playing defenseman the puck is NEVER EVER passed back to the defenseman once we gain the zone at all, it's like you look them off everytime no matter who. Wingers need to add this into their repertoire. Go up the boards so there is some space, give it up and look to get it back. We also NEVER EVER skate or pass behind the net, it's like we are scared to go behind there. You can open up all kinds of scoring chances by taking the puck behind there or passing behind to someone on the other side.

I know you and Noz and whoever want to play your own style or whatever so this will be my last "tips" post for the year, I'll just do my best to win faceoffs and stay out of your way, and if it doesn't work I'll just leave and let you guys have your fun.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
TheVisualizer said:
The main problem with our offense is we don't use the entire ice. I don't know if "predictable" describes, but it's really easy to defend. I may be wrong but it seems like unless I'm playing defenseman the puck is NEVER EVER passed back to the defenseman once we gain the zone at all, it's like you look them off everytime no matter who. Wingers need to add this into their repertoire. Go up the boards so there is some space, give it up and look to get it back. We also NEVER EVER skate or pass behind the net, it's like we are scared to go behind there. You can open up all kinds of scoring chances by taking the puck behind there or passing behind to someone on the other side.

I know you and Noz and whoever want to play your own style or whatever so this will be my last "tips" post for the year, I'll just do my best to win faceoffs and stay out of your way, and if it doesn't work I'll just leave and let you guys have your fun.
The above are not mutually exclusive, you want everyone to move the puck around more, I'd like to see that too. I also support and urge anyone who think they can to go around behind the net, it wouldn't be my first move, I can barely make a pass to anyone two feet away from me.

Marvie can be annoying, and I'm extremely petty but even I think the who did what on the one whopping goal is lame. Feel free to be frustrated but no one raped you with an aids soaked tampon, we're all just trying to play and have fun. Sorry it didn't work out last night.

I'd rather see more tips than fewer.
gg's tonight even I lost all but 2 of them, glad to hear you guys on the mics

I will also be declaring a temporary truce from my side in me and Marvie's "Blood Feud" at this time... I will cease fire immediately


TheVisualizer said:
gg's tonight even I lost all but 2 of them, glad to hear you guys on the mics

I will also be declaring a temporary truce from my side in me and Marvie's "Blood Feud" at this time... I will cease fire immediately
Eh, a locker room tussle every now and then is good for us. We played damn good tonight. Positioning is starting to look better all around too.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
And I got to say aids soaked tampon, so there's that

I mean, we played pretty good all night, even when we lost.
TheVisualizer said:
gg's tonight even I lost all but 2 of them, glad to hear you guys on the mics

I will also be declaring a temporary truce from my side in me and Marvie's "Blood Feud" at this time... I will cease fire immediately

Ya, it was still fun though. It sucked though since the ones I played that we lost we totally should have had. We played so much better than them they just got garbage goals. And sorry for not coming back after sitting out the one. I had group project using SQL to write code and the parts my teammates did promised they checked to make sure they were right and luckily I checked for the hell of it before submitting and they were all wrong so I had to rewrite them all. :(


I played two games with you guys last night and everyone was awesome. I think I played two pretty decent games but.... The problem is I completely screwed up the very end of the second game. I should have been mashing A or RB or something to prevent that cross crease goal.
Montresor said:
I played two games with you guys last night and everyone was awesome. I think I played two pretty decent games but.... The problem is I completely screwed up the very end of the second game. I should have been mashing A or RB or something to prevent that cross crease goal.

Pass block with LB seems to work the best but you have to have the timing or it's pretty much an automatic goal.


Montresor said:
I played two games with you guys last night and everyone was awesome. I think I played two pretty decent games but.... The problem is I completely screwed up the very end of the second game. I should have been mashing A or RB or something to prevent that cross crease goal.
Make sure your defensive awareness is as high as you can get it. It'll help you intercept passes better.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Montresor said:
I played two games with you guys last night and everyone was awesome. I think I played two pretty decent games but.... The problem is I completely screwed up the very end of the second game. I should have been mashing A or RB or something to prevent that cross crease goal.
I thought you played great. You just seemed to be so amazingly solid back on D, it was fantastic. I wouldn't worry too much about that cross crease goal, you stopped plenty of cross passes and made some truly great defensive plays. I liked the couple times you jumped up in the offensive end too, you didn't go overboard with it but when you did jump up it was really smart and made for a great scoring chance.
Montresor said:
I played two games with you guys last night and everyone was awesome. I think I played two pretty decent games but.... The problem is I completely screwed up the very end of the second game. I should have been mashing A or RB or something to prevent that cross crease goal.

you did fine, I looked at the replay and you actually poke checked at the perfect time, for whatever reason the puck "glued" to your stick (which I wouldn't have expected), and when you poke checked a 2nd time (which I would have done) you made a hard saucer pass to your right that was somehow gathered in perfectly and shot by the player you were guarding.

It was NHL11's spotty control system and ridiculous physics. You should have saw how fast your accidental saucer pass was, it should have made it's way all the way out to the right boards at that speed, but somehow the guy stopped it dead and took a shot all in one motion. Total BS


TheVisualizer said:
you did fine, I looked at the replay and you actually poke checked at the perfect time, for whatever reason the puck "glued" to your stick (which I wouldn't have expected), and when you poke checked a 2nd time (which I would have done) you made a hard saucer pass to your right that was somehow gathered in perfectly and shot by the player you were guarding.

It was NHL11's spotty control system and ridiculous physics. You should have saw how fast your accidental saucer pass was, it should have made it's way all the way out to the right boards at that speed, but somehow the guy stopped it dead and took a shot all in one motion. Total BS
Sums up this game perfectly. Only 4 1/2 months til NHL 12!!!

and more spectacular disappointment!


Thanks all.

Defensive awareness up all the way, will remember that. When I hit my veteran card I'll post my stats here before I spend my exp and ask for advice on what to upgrade.
Marvie_3 said:
Sums up this game perfectly. Only 4 1/2 months til NHL 12!!!

and more spectacular disappointment!

maybe they will even bring the curve shot back! We do such a good job denying all the normal exploit goals now, I think it's only fair to throw the cheesers a bone and give them another tool as they make up 75% of EA's target audience...
Montresor said:
Thanks all.

Defensive awareness up all the way, will remember that. When I hit my veteran card I'll post my stats here before I spend my exp and ask for advice on what to upgrade.

I wouldn't go all the way up with DEF AWR while you are still at a low card. Points are at a premium, and you should also have points in body and/or stick checking depending on your playing style. I feel those 2 along with defensive awareness are most important defensive attributes.


TheVisualizer said:
maybe they will even bring the curve shot back! We do such a good job denying all the normal exploit goals now, I think it's only fair to throw the cheesers a bone and give them another tool as they make up 75% of EA's target audience...
Only 75%? Did half of them quit?

TheVisualizer said:
I wouldn't go all the way up with DEF AWR while you are still at a low card. Points are at a premium, and you should also have points in body and/or stick checking depending on your playing style. I feel those 2 along with defensive awareness are most important defensive attributes.
Yeah, I didn't mean put everything in DEF AWR like my post was worded. Just don't leave it at minimum.

Just from watching the way Montresor plays, I'd probably go stick checking for him. He's seems to be more of a tactical defender as opposed to the bashyourfacein styles of house and swim.
Marvie_3 said:
Only 75%? Did half of them quit?

Yeah, I didn't mean put everything in DEF AWR like my post was worded. Just don't leave it at minimum.

Just from watching the way Montresor plays, I'd probably go stick checking for him. He's seems to be more of a tactical defender as opposed to the bashyourfacein styles of house and swim.

Ya, which is nice because when you have one of each defender it seems to work out really well.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Ya, which is nice because when you have one of each defender it seems to work out really well.
Worked out fine when we had both swim and house playing D. All comes down to teamwork.

Since you guys have such a boner for black jerseys, I've got a few ideas I'm going to whip up after work.
Marvie_3 said:
Worked out fine when we had both swim and house playing D. All comes down to teamwork.

Since you guys have such a boner for black jerseys, I've got a few ideas I'm going to whip up after work.
No I know, not saying it doesn't work when they play together just seems to go really smooth when you always know they're the D to step up and the other falls back to cover. Neither has been bad, our D has actually been really good lately. I think I need to change stats on my forward though, we couldn't seem to buy a goal for a while in the beginning games we played. I can't seem to ever shoot low either, even when I press back unless you have to do it well in advance.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
No I know, not saying it doesn't work when they play together just seems to go really smooth when you always know they're the D to step up and the other falls back to cover. Neither has been bad, our D has actually been really good lately. I think I need to change stats on my forward though, we couldn't seem to buy a goal for a while in the beginning games we played. I can't seem to ever shoot low either, even when I press back unless you have to do it well in advance.
Change your stick blade.
Marvie_3 said:
Just from watching the way Montresor plays, I'd probably go stick checking for him. He's seems to be more of a tactical defender as opposed to the bashyourfacein styles of house and swim.
I like how he gets called a "tactical defender" and terms like "woman" and "pussy" have been used to describe what I do :)

On a related note, I played a few 1v1 games the other day, won them all of course. The great part was how I got hate msgs after every single game and all of them read the same. "You play like a pussy/bitch and don't even hit" or "nice poke check spam bitch". Even funnier was that 2 out of the 3 quit before the game was over. I didn't bother responding to any of them...

Marvie_3 said:
Since you guys have such a boner for black jerseys, I've got a few ideas I'm going to whip up after work.
but, but, but we already have "black" jerseys...


TheVisualizer said:
I like how he gets called a "tactical defender" and terms like "woman" and "pussy" have been used to describe what I do :)
Those seemed like the most accurate descriptions of your play style though. ;)

TheVisualizer said:
but, but, but we already have "black" jerseys...
I meant less-ugly ones.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Can you still hit bottom? I'm using the middle one which I thought was what everyone is using.
To shoot low you just move your left stick to the bottom left or right when you shoot. If thats not working then IDK
Odd, I press back on the left stick but still seem to pretty much always go high unless it's a wide angle. I can't shoot five hole is what's bothering me, I guess I can hit low enough to hit pads for rebounds at times but no five hole pretty much it seems.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Odd, I press back on the left stick but still seem to pretty much always go high unless it's a wide angle. I can't shoot five hole is what's bothering me, I guess I can hit low enough to hit pads for rebounds at times but no five hole pretty much it seems.
Nobody can shoot five-hole.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Seems like others score on us five hole... O well, if no one can that I guess I'm fine with that...
The only time the puck goes five-hole is on a deflection or when the goalie shits the bed and lets it slide through. There is no way to score five-hole on purpose.
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