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NHL '12 Playoffs |OT| "The Cup is our destiny this year."


guys lets not turn this into a hawks vs canucks thing. If fixed wants to make comments like that about a guy who as far as we know still hasn't opened his eyes yet since being put on a stretcher that's his prerogative.


Backstrom's wasn't even that bad....a suspension for that is ridiculous.

On the record I'm going to say I'm a diehard canucks fan and I hate the blackhawks with the utmost passion. Having said that, Torres on Hossa was a brutally dirty hit and don't expect to see Torres back for the rest of the playoffs. That was nothing more than a cheap headshot. Stuff like that needs to be removed from the game and offenders be punished severely.

More importantly, I wish Hossa a speedy recovery.


shanahans logic = LOL

he contradicts himself so much throughout the video

At least Neal got a game, I was worried he would just get a fine.

Just saw the Hossa hit. Should be 10 games or more for such an obvious and successful attempt to injure.


Backstrom's wasn't even that bad....a suspension for that is ridiculous.

On the record I'm going to say I'm a diehard canucks fan and I hate the blackhawks with the utmost passion. Having said that, Torres on Hossa was a brutally dirty hit and don't expect to see Torres back for the rest of the playoffs. That was nothing more than a cheap headshot. Stuff like that needs to be removed from the game and offenders be punished severely.

More importantly, I wish Hossa a speedy recovery.



guys lets not turn this into a hawks vs canucks thing. If fixed wants to make comments like that about a guy who as far as we know still hasn't opened his yet since being put on a stretcher that's his prerogative.

It was in bad taste and I probably should have held back. Like I said I do hope he's OK in the end...enjoy the game I'll leave you to it. I seriously did just get home and haven't seen the hit yet...I know Torres is involved which is never a good sign.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
What's with the sudden influx of Lidstrom hate just because he had a mediocre game tonight?

He's still our best D.

Missing Helm and Eaves has hurt us a lot this series. They have a ton of energy and speed and can score the kind of gritty goals we've been lacking. And Datsyuk is clearly not 100%. Compared to last playoffs it's night and day. If he was on that level this year he'd have won one or two games in this series by himself.

For next game I want Babcock to take some chances. This series is not over. We almost turned 3-0 around last year. Gotta take a shot at it atleast. Sit Holmstrom. Bring in Mursak or Conner. Bench Stuart, play Brendan Smith. Top 6 badly needs to be rearranged. Slap Franzen around, threaten to trade him if he doesn't wake up. Where is the guy that broke Gordie Howe'd old records?

Worst part is we've still been good enough to win in all 4 games.

Lol at Babcock making changes like that. He's too stubborn.

And I don't hate Lidstrom at all--I think he's clearly been on the downslope this year, though.


It was called a match penalty on the ice, so it's not like they can go back on that.

Sure but isn't a automatic 1 game with the league able to review it? Regardless, as a B's fan, sorry Caps. Backstrom is a beast.

Jesus I just saw the Hossa hit, hope the guy is alright in the long run, nice to hear hes speaking. Torres is trash.


Unconfirmed Member
Sure but isn't a automatic 1 game with the league able to review it? Regardless, as a B's fan, sorry Caps. Backstrom is a beast.

There's been a few dirty high cross checks that haven't been called from both teams so I'm indifferent about it. Maybe Backstrom was just furious Lucic and Thomas are allowed to take liberties with him and target his head. The officiating was bad last night. Laich goes to the box for getting knocked down by Lucic. Semin and Marchand both get a penalty for flopping.
Shanahan says in that video he believed neals story that he jumped to brace for impact...

Jumped...INTO a player without the puck...to brace for impact

Believed a player with a past history of warnings and suspensions, THEN suspended him 1 game for jumping again and hitting giroux in the head 40 SECONDS LATER.


Neal has a history?


Unconfirmed Member
Hes been only here to bitch about it, leaves comes back and bitches about it the next day.

And I agree with the star power thing, at the end of the day it was dirty hit and the player is concussed so yeah Hagelin deserves a raise or something.

I've been here talking about plenty of other things, and my only point with Hagelin, and at this point MANY other decisions, is that there's absolutely no consistency whatsoever. Which is hardly a unique or original argument. And that last post wasn't even talking about Hagelin's suspension at all, it was exasperation at Neal's suspension, which again is not at all consistent with other suspensions, including, yes, Hagelin's.

I've already said, several times now, that in a vacuum with no other context 3 games is understandable and deserved for what Hagelin did. It's only in the context of all the other decisions that his suspension becomes a question mark, just like Asham's, just like Neal's, just like Shaw's, just like Carkner's, just like Backstrom's is going to be, just like I'm sure Torres' is going to be, and so on. It's not about Hagelin in the slightest bit at this point. Hell, in retrospect, his suspension is starting to look like one of the more logical ones by comparison.

Haha, well that was fast, Chicago.

...WTF is going on in this period? :D
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