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NHL '12 Playoffs |OT2| NHL ratings up 50%; GAF ratings down 90%


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Hartford whalers move and a McDonald's closes? Bahahahahaha of all the fucking things to worry about

Let's give some small time millionaire $400 million for a $100 million team just so a McDonald's doesnt close.


Hartford whalers move and a McDonald's closes? Bahahahahaha of all the fucking things to worry about

Let's give some small time millionaire $400 million for a $100 million team just so a McDonald's doesnt close.

You forgot the 750
part time
jobs that would be gone as well.

What a fucking idiot. "They can buy the arena in 5 years and there will be no management fees or bond debt!"



Not bitter, just unsweetened
You forgot the 750
part time
jobs that would be gone as well.

What a fucking idiot. "They can buy the arena in 5 years and there will be no management fees or bond debt!"


Because everyone needs to buy into the lease agreement! It's called... Project snakeoil


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Wait, everyone spoke out against the deal and then the vote to delay failed 4-2?!? Jokers.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I can't comprehend how stupid these people are. Every time I think they've reached the pinnacle of stupid they turn on the afterburners and take it up a level.

Democracy at its finest!

But Strip Malls help the development of hospitals!!,!,!,
Wait, everyone spoke out against the deal and then the vote to delay failed 4-2?!? Jokers.

Was that all of the councillors though? Sounds like two spoke out and the rest were just people sitting in for whatever tactical reason to apply pressure to the four who were going to push the deal forward no matter what.


This guy is a piece of work. "Claiming the city is bankrupt is a scare tactic" How the fuck are you not bankrupt when you're a billion dollars in debt and have to cut firemen, policemen, and other services because you can't afford them???


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So is Goldwater going to get this thing thrown out?


So is Goldwater going to get this thing thrown out?

LOL "Someone is still going to be paying rent" Yeah, with the money you're paying them you fucking idiot.

Hoooooly SHIT. This guy is actually calling out other people against the deal because of incorrect numbers??? The balls on this guy. Unreal.


----- ------
10 minute break



Statement on the Glendale/Coyotes Situation

A statement from Goldwater Institute President Darcy Olsen:

This morning, Judge Cooper denied the Goldwater Institute’s motion for a temporary restraining order on the grounds that she felt the court lacked the authority to block the vote. Simultaneously, she issued a strong warning to the City of Glendale about the implications of moving forward today, affirming the Goldwater Institute’s contention that the city has committed “clear violations” both of court orders and open meeting laws.

She emphasized the court would be receptive to considering holding the city in contempt if the council moves forward with the vote, stating that sanctions would be in order. We hope the council will heed the judge’s warning, comply with the law, and give the public sufficient time to review the council’s proposed action.

Goldwater Institute: Glendale missing significant portions of Coyotes deal

"They just voted on a contract they don't have the financial justification to explain," said Starlee Rhoades, Executive Vice President at the Goldwater Institute on News/Talk 92.3 KTAR's Mac & Gaydos Show.

According to Rhoades, Glendale approved a deal that is missing two critical parts in the written contract.

"We know how much the city of Glendale is going to pay to the guy the team -- Jamison -- and his company that's going to run the arena," she said.

Rhoades said the contract that the Goldwater Institute received on Monday refers to several exhibits in the contract, but some of those exhibits were included with the contract. Those exhibits have not been shown to Glendale City Council members either.

One missing exhibit missing is a written budget for Jobing.com Arena. The other missing exhibit details the performance standards the arena management company is supposed to meet, including how many events the company will bring in, the plan for repairs and maintenance and other requirements. The other missing exhibit missing is a written budget for Jobing.com Arena.

According to Rhoades, the lack of these documents is a breach of the open meeting law and public records law in Arizona, something a judge agreed with.

"The judge said, 'I don't have the legal authority to block them from voting today, but I agree with you, Goldwater Institute, that they are violating open meetings law,'" said Rhoades. "'They are violating public records law and they are in violation of court orders to provide documents to the public and if you come back to me, after they've passed this deal, I will strike it down.'"

Shit's gonna go down. :lol


Quoting my summary of the last 3 hours of the Glendale meeting from the last page:

Damn, first citizen speaker already laying into the council. :lol :lol :lol

2nd guy is a state rep who is ripping into the deal too. "Largest subsidy in state history"

3rd speaker is a council member in another suburb that lives in Glendale. Fakes enthusiasm for the Coyotes. Calls Jamison handsome. Ripping into the council as well.

4th guy is crushing the deal.

5 for 5 on speakers against the deal. Calling out Jamison and asking for financial statements and investor names. :lol

6 for 6. Calling out Glendale for cutting services and rushing the vote. "It's going to take a whole lot of hot dogs to cover the arena costs." :lol :lol :lol
Now she's talking about manure. :lol :lol

7 for 7. Guy is complaining about all the private executive sessions by the council. Calling them unethical.

#8 is Carrie Ann Sitren from the Goldwater Institute! Calling them out for not handing over all the documents. Goldwater threatening legal action in person and stating that the judge WILL strike it down when they do go to court.

#9 is a Coyotes season ticket holder. In favor of the Coyotes deal because a lot of Canadians come down to watch games and stay in Glendale hotels. Says to look at Sharks fans and their "fervor" and wishes Glendale had the same.

#10 is an old man who can barely breathe and might die at the podium. Against the deal because the city is way in debt and has no money. Says Jamison doesn't have any brains and won't get the money because the tax increase won't survive referendum. States that a new council could declare bankruptcy and that Glendale could get taken to court for Jamison to get his money. "Maybe the judge would give him enough money for a bus ticket back to San Jose" :lol :lol :lol

#11 is a Coyotes season ticket holder and is in favor of the deal. Says Jamison can do for Phoenix what he did in San Jose. Calls a no vote a big mistake.

#12 is another elected official against the deal. Ripping the council for closed door sessions and rushing the deal. Also, crushing them for raising taxes and prioritizing a hockey team instead of families and services. Yelling about he tax dollars going to a hockey team and declares she won't pay anymore taxes. Blasting their "numbers" that the deal is based on. This lady sounds like she was doing coke before the meeting with Jeff Carter.

#13 congratulating the city for "bringing life" to the west side of Glendale. Declares that "there is sunshine" because there are people who are forward thinking enough to vote for the deal. Doesn't like all the negativity about the deal. Getting emotional because he's proud of the Coyotes being divisional champions.

#14 is a Glendale school board member. Calls the deal a "gamble". Mentions the majority of people are against the deal.

Lieberman calling out Hocking for claiming the arena would never lose money. Makes a motion to delay vote for 2 weeks because Jamison is not ready. Mayor seconds the motion because the vote would be overturned if taken today. States that the documents outlining the arena management budget and performance standards are immaterial.

City attorney is saying the city was compliant with open meeting laws, etc. Claims Goldwater's facts were inaccurate.

Motion to delay vote fails 4-2.

Entire ordinance is read. Takes 16 hours.

Councilwoman Clark mentions all the intangible benefits despite not realizing that intangible benefits can not be used in court to support a subsidy. Now using Hartford as an example of what can happen when a city loses an NHL team. Uses a nearby Hartford McDonalds closing as evidence. Now using a study produced during the Hulsizer negotiations:)lol) as further evidence to justify voting yes. Struggling to maintain coherency due to what seems like years of alcohol abuse. Now calling out the mayor for supporting previous deals and throwing her words in her face. States the city is on the verge of recovery(obviously forgetting that the city is $1 billion in debt). Clark rambles on forfuckingever and gets dumber with each passing sentence. Supports the deal.

Councilman Alvarez speak about the negative effects of the Coyotes leaving. Supports the deal.

Councilwoman Knaack up next. Says they've spent adequate time on the details of the deal. Bringing up all the numbers about the money the Coyotes would bring in. Added up they're WELL short of the money being spent by Glendale. In favor of the deal.

Councilman Frate speaking. Comparing the AMF like a cap hit, "go by averages". Seems pissy that people are speaking out against the deal. In favor of the deal.

Councilman Lieberman speaking. Claiming the numbers are incorrect. Brings up the fact that the city has no money. Talks about how they had to take money away from other services to pay NHL. Brings up the fact that the arena debt service will be $500M. Points out that Coyotes will come nowhere near paying for it. Mentions that the city is still paying off baseball stadiums. Slams his fist down with old man rage while calling out other council members. Rambles for days about taxes. Points out that property taxes will increase 34% over two years and sales taxes will also increase. Speaks fondly of his friend Rick Burton. Also mentions Danny with the car wash. Declares his opposition to the deal. Continues to tell his life story.

Mayor Scruggs is next. Calls out Clark for talking shit about her and Phil. Mentions the numerous failed attempts to buy the Coyotes. Points out the lowered credit rating of the city and mentions future credit decreases. Does not have faith in the numbers in the projected agreements. Uses the word "gobbledeygoop". Argues against the tax increases needed to pay for Coyotes deal. Struggles with simple math. Is interrupted several times by Phil who has done the math. Says the city can not afford the deal. Points out that sales tax increase will be struck down by referendum.

Phil calls for a break.

Vote to approve the subsidies for the Coyotes passes 4-2.

More comments from the public.

First up is wheezy old man(#10). Mentions that the city is also giving up $100M worth of parking benefits.

Speaker #12 is back and she is not happy. Blasting the city about not representing the city. "You don't represent us, you seem to think you rule us. Governance at its worst". Bringing up the gift clause in AZ state law. Tearing into Bettman now. Tells the council they have their priorities wrong by now delaying the vote.

Speaker #3 is back. Resumes passive flirting with Jamison. Crushes Beasley while congratulating him on his retirement.

New speaker steps up. Thanks the council for voting in favor. Obviously reading off a script that she didn't write.

Another new speaker, dressed in his free Coyotes shirt and hat. Calls for a referendum on the subsidies. Wants the actual numbers released. Says he would vote to keep the Coyotes but he's not a citizen of Glendale. Still wishes the agreement would go to a vote.

Clark brings up more unnecessary facts in an attempt to back up her nonsense.

Cameraman dozes off and the camera goes out of focus, thankfully sparing me from having to look at Clark's leather skinned face.

Resolution is read, wasting several more hours.

Council members ramble on for awhile. Knaack points out that it was a long day but they needed to do their job. Apparently their job is driving their city right off a cliff into a canyon of financial ruin.

City attorney plots how to get around contempt of court charges for the city.

Meeting adjourned.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Marvie, I'm a dumb dumb. Can you explain to me what exactly is happening in the easiest way possible?

What does Goldwater want? Who's for them staying? Who's for them leaving?


'"The judge said, 'I don't have the legal authority to block them from voting today, but I agree with you, Goldwater Institute, that they are violating open meetings law,'" said Rhoades. "'They are violating public records law and they are in violation of court orders to provide documents to the public and if you come back to me, after they've passed this deal, I will strike it down.'"'


Marvie, I'm a dumb dumb. Can you explain to me what exactly is happening in the easiest way possible?
Basically the city of Glendale(suburb of Phoenix where the Coyotes play) passed a resolution to play bloated arena management fees to Greg Jamison(potential Coyotes owner) so that the team will stay. Subsidies like this are illegal under Arizona law so thats why theyre trying to describe it as an arena management fee. The city is also a billion dollars in debt and have been cutting services. They are gong to pass a property tax increase to pay for the Coyotes subsidy which is also illegal.

What does Goldwater want?
Goldwater is a non-profit group that files legal action against municipalities in Arizona who violate these types of laws or attempt to cover up illegal transactions like this.

Who's for them staying?
4 of the council members and all 758 Coyotes fans.

Who's for them leaving?
Almost all of the city of Glendale.


It's probably the one business that will lose more jobs than the coyotes employ
That whole "750 lost jobs" thing is bullshit anyway. If the arena has less than 50 events per year, then a lot of these jobs are ones where the person works an average of 4-5 hours less than one day a week. If you want to piss $15 million away to save 750 jobs, divide up that money and give each of them $20,000 each year. Then they can spend that money in Glendale and let the multiplier effect take hold.

As far as the Westgate area around the arena, if your shopping center has to require the miniscule amounts of traffic the Coyotes bring in to survive, then your shopping center was probably a bad idea from the start.
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