yeah i am tho
floorball looks like field hockey which isnt hockey
It's ball hockey with different sticks. So you're basically right, yeah. Also, no goalie gloves.
yeah i am tho
floorball looks like field hockey which isnt hockey
are you fucking stupid
It's ball hockey with different sticks. So you're basically right, yeah.
I'm not sure what you're implying? I chose a less invasive medical treatment that has worked well for me for 10+ years..but yeah I must be stupid. I have a custom fitted brace for high contact stuff but its annoying and doesn't have a ton of mobility, as such I don't participate in a lot of contact sports anymore. A simple neoprene brace works well for bball though, I do use my brace for skiing, thats about it.
Mumble plz?
read my edit
I'm not sure what you're implying? I chose a less invasive medical treatment that has worked well for me for 10+ years..but yeah I must be stupid. I have a custom fitted brace for high contact stuff but its annoying and doesn't have a ton of mobility, as such I don't participate in a lot of contact sports anymore. A simple neoprene brace works well for bball though, I do use my brace for skiing, thats about it.
Wait that's my nameim alex though
Saw it, yeah. It's much more technical, much less physical than hockey. (soft europeans yadayada). Ton of fun. It's what Scandinavian hockey players play when there's no ice. (at least a lot of them)
Wait that's my name
Re:nikes, its really hard to find the good ones. You usually have to know exactly what you want and find them online. This is partially why I suggested basketball shoes, they are really easy to find in a ton of colorways.
Chicago circle jerk in action
but why let yourself go through that twice a year? You don't really feel much during surgery
No Marvie to complete it, though.
What chapter are you on?
Sweet. Am totally gonna look into that business. Props!
Man thats harsh. Thought my bunged ankle/foot was bad.
Those are the pumas I was talking about. Theyre called el ray's. They come in plaid, canvas, a weird poly fiber rubber, all sorts of shit. But there are a TON of colors/styles and theyre fairly cheap. I think 40-65 depending on materials.
Pumas are great, they're the only shoe I've worn for the last 4 years before I got my Nikes.
I can almost guarantee I'll be banned when the Canucks eventually win that SC.
I have a full word document ready to paste that'll stretch over a couple of posts.
Nice. I'll be the token canadian there. Will show up in full helmet, gloves. Drop the shoulder into some suckas.
Yeah no
Nice. I'll be the token canadian there. Will show up in full helmet, gloves. Drop the shoulder into some suckas.
Yeah no
Gloves are for pussies.
.There's not too much contact allowed, it's kinda like basketball. You can check and push a bit, but you can't run someone over. It'll give you mad hand-eye coordination though.
Bought Tomb Raider on launch am just now playing it. NO MATTER WHAT I DO SHE GETS HURT HOW CAN I PROTECT HER LIKE THIS
I just shot a deer in the fucking face so that she could eat...
I'm kinda cakebossed right now and everyone is leaving vent.
because I'm white
I'm kinda cakebossed right now and everyone is leaving vent.
because I'm white
so r u not coming
I'm in my bed already. Wrapped up like a cinnimon bun.
do u nt own a laptop
so r u not coming
do u nt own a laptop
wahn i fiind ot hw to sprook ingres i wiil doo it too u
where the heck did you go?
where the heck did you go?
He went to go take a picture of himself in front of the art gallery.
Shut up vanilla extract
Sleep is for losers, I just got on vent, too.
wsox, you don't have to shield your feelings behind anger anymore. CCF is here. I know you've been hurt.
I immediately regret that post.
wsox, you don't have to shield your feelings behind anger anymore. CCF is here. I know you've been hurt.
I immediately regret that post.
I would too if I let some weird homoerotic fantasy spill out into my posts.